Whats the cleanest way to remove this rfid chip from this card

Whats the cleanest way to remove this rfid chip from this card

Front on the right, back on the left

First, you post the long string of numbers on the front, as well as the card holder's name, the expiry date and the 3 digit code on the back

Only if someone rolls trips


Rolling for all info on card


Hit it with a hammer. Most discreet way or cut the antenna, microwave for 5 seconds, poke with a knife.

Omw boss

Put it under the light, and find the little string that joins the chip to the antenna, then make a hole to cut the string.


blast it with piss

Said that already. Not the cleanest either. It's against the law to tamper. Hit it with hammer

Rolling for info

>microwave for 5 seconds
Wouldn't that melt the plastic and fuck with the magnetic strip


Why would it be against the law 2 manipulate my own property

Passports chips are illegal to tamper.

Good thing this isn't a passport

It's 5 seconds. I've seen cats in there for longer

Why do you want to remove it?

It's a radio frequency tracking chip

Also pretty much anyone with a phone and special software could walk by your credit card debit card and take all your information without even touching your wallet

Yup. Good thing

Can be picked up by unwanted people for the wrong reasons

You need to be really close, I'm also pretty sure the info is encrypted. I'm not saying its great security but i don't think you fully understand the concept OP.

Just go on YouTube even ABC admits it's unsecured. They are actually Auntie radio frequencies phone and card holders that people can wear lined with copper for this exact reason.

Oh yeah and it is a GPS tracker so I don't want people to have my exact location 24 7

If you don't like it too bad

>ABC lel

I definitely could see a specialized device to amplify the signal, but 24/7 tracking, do you know how much power that needs. I just wanna hear how you think it works.

Up to 65 feet is really close?

you do realize that we have technology and electronics that runs off of electromagnetic signals that's around us constantly 24/7 right

It doesn't have to track you 24/7 and Beyond it but it only has to be activated anytime if they want to know where you are if you day or night 24/7

This guy understands

ambient signals, I understand the concept. How ever the things in our CC are more like NFC. I think its silly to worry about that when our phones are a much bigger enemy along with the huge array of CCTV systems. Though thanks for something to read about, it's not that I don't believe, just skeptical.
On another note, does this render a CC useless or does the mag strip still work?

It doesn't matter what you think user I only drove a hole through my the chip so in the nicest way possible fuck off. And you want to know what I'm not getting tracked and my bank information is safe

End of discussion

>ask for info on topic
>told to fuck off

Alright, enjoy getting tracked.
My shit will be good in crypto.

You're not supplying any info user you're just spouting bullshit

Y'all need to get that tin foil off your heads. Those little passive RFID chips are good for all of a few millimeters. Not even some insanely high gain antenna could pick that up from a reasonable distance.