>You didnt browse Sup Forums during LOST
I will regret this until the end of my life
>You didnt browse Sup Forums during LOST
I will regret this until the end of my life
>tfw you did
I browsed Sup Forums during lost , but didn't watch Lost or contribute to threads. I always so threads popping up about numbers and such. I didn't watch lost until like 2011.
One could say OP's in search of L O S T time.
I thing 48151 62342 are coordenades. Prove me wrong faggets
>you didn't browse Sup Forums during Person of Interest and you will regret it for the rest of your life.
>also with breaking bad although I heard Sup Forums hated it.
Person of Interest is fucking terrible and I wish this small group of Sup Forums autists would stop pretending otherwise.
>he watched two episodes of season 1 then went back to watching the dark knight rises for the 756th time.
how did he use the pen underwater?
you're wrong m8
Yeah, I did, and the let-down was unforgivable!
It's like you think Jonathan Nolan is the only screenwriter in the world or something. Where the fuck did you pull me liking TDKR out of?
newfag prat fuck off
>Sup Forums - LOST will never be a thing again
why does Sup Forums not host streaming nights were we can all watch shows from the beginning and shitpost in chatboxes
Typical Sup Forums shitposter enjoys the dark knight rises.
No, they enjoy Baneposting. That's not the same thing.
I guess not everyone can like every show, doesn't mean it's shit and you should say that everyone that dislikes it is an autist. I said that you probably liked that because typical Sup Forums dumbasses have kneejerk reactions to anything that they don't like.
It's shit though. Maybe the plot eventually goes somewhere interesting but that doesn't stop it from having a tacky daytime TV feel and shitty dialogue. It's like watching fucking Scorpion, or something of that ilk.
Ive never seen a single episode of LOST?
Is good?
I'm sure the threads would have been fun but I enjoyed binge watching the show.
Yes but people will tell you it was terrible because they didn't like the ending
You have discovered: opinion!
Sure, it follows a procedural villain of the week format for a while (because CBS demanded that they do that) so they did. Past Season 2 they tried to get away from it more and more (which they did) but they still had to fulfill that demand. Doesn't mean it's a bad show.