General MILF/GILF thread

General MILF/GILF thread

Also, anyone knows who is the GILF in this video?:



moar of op's girl?




Why would anyone have sex with a hole that a baby has come out of?

I'm saying this as a 38 year old man. Even at my age, there is no shortage of women that aren't moms.




Cute puppers in background.




I would actually pay a ton of money to fuck Brandi. Hottest porn milf IMO

For the same reason any dumb cunt would fuck you.




Ib4 40-yo mother of 3 dressed as a "schoolgirl" in tartan skirt and white knee socks appears.

Because she always does.

women older then 50 have takin to many shits to be worth dealing with. Vag most of the time is ruined you can't wash away all them years of countless shits and farting. WHen them women fart sitting down it flows into the vagina and makes a whistle.

All that whsitling over the years makes it loose and absorbent to odors


That has to be the single most retarded post I've ever read. And I'm on Sup Forums

Just threw up


ya man


I don't come to Sup Forums often but when I do, it's posts like these that remind me why I don't come here.

What in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?

More like this? gilfs of course

for U

Thats a shitty tablet for sure

lol i know just got her a better one


I bet that sounded really smart in your head


Because loose pussies are fun as fuck to fist?


Merkel I'd Like to FIRE!




need moar?












he gets it




Fucking stop it with this hideous wildebeest.





another fan want to fuck her badddd




This is some of the greatest analytical documentation ive ever seen


love this bitch where you from ? me Ohio

Damn any moar or sauce?


Leave it to /b (and the useless fucks from ohio) to lust after some dust-laden, cobweb-ridden, gangrenous pussy on what appears to be a female lich.

post some


that bich is sex personified for me I would give a months pay to dring her bath water, been fapping to her a lot don't ruin my fap fucko



My favorite fap pic


If I did, it would be for the first picture. Certainly not the Crypt Keeper's mother. I mean, to each their own, but put that shit on a thread for grandmothers or undead or something.

Man her offspring reckt her. I'd still fuck it tho, just make her keep a skirt on.

>thread for grandmothers
GILF dipshit

all her

See This



GILF != MILF (hence the "grand" portion of the word). Semantics, yes, but an appropriate one.











