>18 episodes
Literally creaming my pnts
>18 episodes
Hmm, saying goodbye to Sup Forums for 16-18 weeks then depending on how they break it up.
>coming soon summer 2021!
>18 episodes of Lynch directed Twin Peaks
Going to be the greatest event in Sup Forums history.
but it's 26 years later not 25
It takes place in 2014. Twin Peaks took place in 1989.
it doesn't have to take place at the exact time it's aired you dip
That poster is pretty cool.
>tfw it'll be nothing like people expect
>lots of people will be pissed off just like with Fire Walk With Me
anyway, I really hope Reznor did some soundtrack work for this
roger ebert didn't live long enough to watch this...
Yeah well...
mind blown
I can't wait for this
oops forgot my pic
Happy TP everyone! Only thing that will suck about this is redditors' pottery anecdotes leaking on this board...
>this fucking cast
"I'll see you again in 25 years"
Shelly aged better than all of the other Peakfus.
>Naomi Watts
Ooooh yeah
Will it be as comfy if it's all crispy and sharp super HD instead of fuzzy goodness?
Literally cannot wait, Lynch has directed all of them too.
Laura best girl
I thought Lynch ditched the project
when you say Has do you know if they are all in post production and literally filmed everything?
i doubt it, that golden soap opera thing the old show had worked wonders. i HOPE it's not just regular television lighting, it needs to be special.
>Michael Cera
but why?
He left the project because he wanted more budget and more episodes.
Then Showtime gave in and he returned.
He ditched it because Showtime were refusing to give him what he wanted, then they caved in and he came back. He didn't want to do it unless he could make the series he wanted to.
did you hear that hillary clinton misused her private email server???
I wonder if Bernie might win some key first battleground states
Common theory is he's Lucy and Andy's kid, which makes way too much sense.
Strange and difficult
Quads confirm that I must do this as well
holy shit
Is that true event?
That's...actually not so bad when I think about it
>Mathew Lillard
I can't wait to see what his role is
Realer than real life.
>that dude getting a high five for pooping in the background...
Jane Levy?
this will be worse than the X-Files
X-Files was always shit though
>there will never be another lynch film because he's working on a meme tv series instead
feels bad man
Close enough.
The final episode of Twin Peaks was top tier Lynch and he's drafted in most of the people he's worked with. I'd love to see another film but eighteen hours of Lynch with this cast sounds like perfection.
Didn't that brit impregnate Lucy?
No, I meant is it true event?
could somebody fill a relatively young pleb in?
What makes twin peaks so great? I tried to watch the old series on netflix awhile back, but it was during a tough time for my classes and I was tired often and fell asleep during them.
I watched atleast 4 episodes, and though I admit it has top tier QTs, I did not understand the appeal.
I'm known amongst my friends as being very tolerant of older media, and I have a great deal of patience for shows to ramp up. And I love cult mystery (The show is not spoiled for me, but thats my guess as to how it was developing).
Is this show more a slice of life thing with mild mystery elements? Does it get spooky? Is that poster representative of the old series?
>Is this show more a slice of life thing with mild mystery elements? Does it get spooky? Is that poster representative of the old series?
That's pretty much exactly what it is. As the series progresses, it becomes less focused on Laura's murder and explores the lore of the town and the lives of the people in it. After Laura's killer is (prematurely) revealed, the entire series is pretty much just filler until the last few episodes.
As far as it getting spooky, there are moments. The final episode is fucking great though and goes full Lynch mode.
they already wrapped filming in April if i recall correctly
>tell me if i should force myself to like this to fit in and become a patrician
Compared to other of Lynch's works it's pretty lightweight.
The show had a cult following because of the great characters,quirky atmosphere and for being a more dark and serious soap opera.
Personally I think some episodes from season 2 are pretty boring, but the whole thing pays off.
I wasnt sold on the show unil that scene in episode 3 where cooper throws rocks to determine the killer and talks about tibet
Thats when i knew i watching something unique and im glad i decided to continue watching
This so much.
Need to marathon S1 and S2 again to get ready.
ShowTime is going to marathon it as well, wait for the comfy live talkback threads with Sup Forums
too soon
I haven't had any kind of television service since I moved out of my parents place 5 years ago.
Guess I'll just wait for the threads.
That's a big cast
isn't this a fan made poster? remember it from awhile ago
You can see the original series in sharp HD friendo
Sorry but this poster is fake.
Calling miniseries or one season series or anthologies an "event series" is just a new meme marketing term
he's going all out. this is magnum opus time
That poster is fanmade, and 18 episodes is not a confirmed number.
I still can't believe this is actually happening.
>alicia witt
Totally forgot she was in twin peaks
Glad to see her coming back. She is such a qt.
>Matthew Lillard
oh shit I am hyped
odds she is running the double R?
>Sky ferreira
looks about right
That owl's flying upside-down!
because she's cute
for you.
The owls are not what they seem.
>Trent Reznor
What the fuck, why?
What's the deal with the brown font and lime green border?
we Fincher now
Pretty nice poster.
It's fanmade, though.
He made music for Lost Highway
Lynch has included famous musicians as characters in almost every movie he's made.
>this is magnum opus time
Either that, or it'll be a big mess like Inland Empire.
what do you guys look forward the most about the show?
i just want to experience the maximum comfy atmosphere and setting all over again
No idea how they're going to match the original. There's too much expectation now.
Still really excited.
leland palmer
Just started watching the show for the first time
What a literal semen demon, holy shit
>not Ben Horne
are you a pleb?
Most of the show is going to take place out of town. Las Vegas is going to be a major location.
You should be questioning the inclusion of Jim Belushi
him too
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but this is going to be a MAJOR disappointment. One thing I've learned from projects like these (a sequel/continuation after many years) is that it's impossible to capture the flavor of the original (even though they will try desperately to do so).
Lets look at similar projects over the years:
>family guy
first 3 seasons very good. cancelled, comes back years later as complete shit
>beavis & butt-head
funny 90's show that oozed anti-pc sentiments and rebellion. in the 2011 series beavis and butt-head didn't change, but the world around them did and the show didn't work
>Jurassic World
made big money, but it was a bland rehash
>The Force Awakens
made big money, but it was a bland rehash
>Independence Day Resurgence
made shit money, was a bland rehash
>X-Files (2nd movie + new TV series)
again, X-Files is GOAT TV, but the new show just didn't work. the charm of their investigations just doesn't work in 20 years later
We're talking about Lynch here, your analogies are pretty much useless.
Its mostly the fact that broke boundaries and it innovated many things that allowed television to be considered on-par or better than films. Up until then, television as an art form was nowhere near film, Twin Peaks showed that television could be just as good, and from that point on TV was changed forever. Name your favorite series from the last 20 years, it wouldn't have been possible without Twin Peaks.
holy shit,
I thought it was 2017
We'll see. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be.
>comparing Family Guy, Beavis and Butthead, Jurassic World, Star Wars, Independence Day, and the X-Files to literally innovative art
this fucking kid
>frost is in
>naomi watts
>Laura Dern
holy fuck
>Tim Roth
this is going to be the best fucking thing ever made