what did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
does anyone actually watch this guy?
mostly normies and plebs
Why isn't Batman allowed to kill bad guys who are trying to kill him?
>shilling for youtubers
The lowest of the low
Because of deluded comic book fans
>he thinks Superman wasn't going to save those families who were standing on the top of the house during the flood scene
>He thinks Man of Steel didn't have a lot of Jesus imagery
>He thinks Lex didn't know that Superman cant see through lead and just got lucky when he made the wheelchair out of lead
What is wrong with this guy?
holy shit, look at that dude on the left
literally JUST
he's a pleb
Because Batman doesn't kill.
If you want to make a movie about a murderer, call it something else. You might as well be asking, "Why does Batman need to dress up like a bat and fight crime?"
Why do you assholes keep posting channel awesome garbage?
Fuck off with this shit
>Because Batman doesn't kill.
Bullshit. I have a comic where Batman throws some poor lad into fucking acid.
SRS pls go
>not muh Batman
>missing the point of Bruce's redemption story entirely
Batman kills in every movie
>Angry Joe, The Marvel Fag: reviews BvS
Holy shit that picture says it all.
Are these people considered serious reviewers?
Comic 'nerds' are cancer.
>>Angry Joe, The Marvel Fag
The guy who has been wearing a Superman logo T-shirt almost since he started?
>WB damage control
what a fucking waste
>Angry Joe
Exactly how plebs react.
His 12-year old audience.
fuck off with this reddit Sup Forums shit
Does that fat neckbeard choose to look like that? Has he no self-awareness
Never heard of any of these guys
Im just stumped at how sad and pathetic these """""men"""""" look
Who /latza/ here?
What was his name again?
I've always felt bad for these 3 guys.
The other Joe seems like the type of guy that has no taste, but instead focuses on things like clothes and cars, he probably listens to the worst music but thinks it's really cool and helps his image.
The fat guy is the exact opposite. He's given up and forsaken his body in light of just filling himself with food and media, his appearance doesn't matter, but tipping his fedora does.
Angry Joe is just centered, and represents them mashed together. He's started off a lot like other Joe and still has some of the same tastes in music and cars, but is staring to transform into the fat guy, forsaking his looks as he feels his "taste" evolce into what he thinks is good.
What a sad bunch
there was nothing to BTFO.
everyone knew BvS is bad already
>this comment section
Because he's mentally ill
>killing in self defense is murder
unbearable plebbery
>dude wait for the general consenues then pretend it's my own opinion so people agree with me lmao
You present these 3 fucks and expect me to take anything you or they say seriously?
Look at that giant fat sloppy shit on the left. It looks like he had to wipe his ass with a rag on a stick. Probably a pedo or at least a hardcore brony.
Middle guy looks like 2cool4u fashion fuck from 2003. Probably will die riding a crotch rocket he's too inexperienced for.
Right looks like a beta faggot little brother who got beat up and clung onto more alpha men for protection. Has definitely never touched a woman.
Holy shit, OP fuck your face for bringing this trash onto this board.
>Not knowing Salty Sanchez
>Salty Sanchez
>implying it's a bad thing to be unfamiliar with someone with such a retarded sounding name
>liking this neet garbage and not chugging bleach
Wasn't this the same guy crying on camera about how unfair YouTube was to him?
And he hates Nintendo for daring to protect their copyright, yeah.
He didn't even acknowledge BOTW. How fucked up is that?
>He thinks Salty Sanchez is real.
I was memeing, it's actually Pissed Pedro.
>A few years ago Angry Jose was praising Snyder
I'm /latza/ here.
Is he literally retarded
>Pissed Pedro
No, it's actually Aggravated Ignacio.
>that neckbeard on the left
jesus, seems like every channel has one these days
Why do their "Gamer Chairz" piss me off so much? I bet that fat chode on the left feels like he's sitting on a broomstick. Fuck he's gross. His shirt literally has stains on it.
Me in he middle.
his movie reviews annoy my mostly for the fact he cant ever mic them properly. a professional level youtuber who earns his living making vids and he cant into lapel mics
he's mexican