You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't look like this guy

you have 10 seconds to explain why you don't look like this guy

I have a full time job

My roids are still in the mail

i like my body water levels above "barely alive"

I just started regaining my motivation two days ago.

I'm not a gay homo

food is amazing and so is beer

shit muscle insertions bad structure and a
face with tendency to bloat on a comically oversized head

I'm not a homosexual

Is this achievable natty?

But I do

your mom is achievable natty

I'd go gay for you

Work school and 60 beers a week could explain it pretty well.

i have a 9 inch bbc

because I eat when im depressed so I always eat

Don't have the time.

For a body like that, you have to dedicate the majority of your free time to it. That's not something you can obtain through an hour in the gym every day.

I have a different set of parents to him, and therefore a unique genetic makeup.

I'm not gay

You can be anything you want

The Taliban took my legs user

I have a decent haircut

I'm sorry to hear that


I like hamburgers.

Because I like to eat.

And because he's on roids/his a fuckton of time on his hands?

It's alright Sup ForumsRo I still memba what it was like.

I got the bastard that did it shortly after I ratcheted on some tourniquets and dumped my nubs full of quick clot

Are you happy again now?

I live vicariously through the will of kek made manifest.

I'd leave this basement, if I could just get up the stairs.

Because I want cock


>that face and hair
confirmed gayboy

I think my physical limitations have opened ,e more fully to Kek's mysteries; I see his plan unfolding in the 4th dimension; its glorious.

Will this involve psychedelics

My goal in life is to have a decent house, job and optionally a girlfriend, not becoming a faggot magnet.

>that comment
confirmed jellyfag


If true then I am sorry and I hope you are getting all the medical assistance you need.

that the best you can come up with?

It definitely is
Not saying he's natty, but it's possible

don't dance on stage for men

i like girls, i guess i was born this way

I like being strong. If I drop my BF I'll lose strength since I don't use hormones.
That's what a deficit diet makes us through.

well, that's what you get for invading other countries faggot

I'm 46. It's not possible.
INB4 'But Scooby'. He's been doing it all his life and he doesn't look as cut as this gent.

On the other hand - I do earn a very good salary and have a fantastic Japanese wife.

fake teeth
jaw surgery
im too tall
I have better natural face structure from german irish genetics
dont have shopped pics with gnarley lighting
i know all excuses

user... That's almost nine beers a day. How do you work and study with that much alcohol in your system? You need some help.

Alright he's lying

Practice makes it easy


But your liver is slowly being destroyed. A family member of mine died because of alcoholism. All she did was drink. She was on welfare and spent all her money on beer, they cut off gas, heat, water, electricity to her house. She used adult diapers and just threw them in a corner and when the cops found her dead all of them almost puked. They had to tear down her house because it was literally unlivable or repairable. You want to be like my fat alcoholic auntie?

Is that what you think a man is supposed to look like.

b...because I am not him....

No. Not even close.