Pick one. Only one

Pick one. Only one.

Kill all Muslims and blacks

Like that's even a decision



they control all, even the blacks and muslims
why does every nation on earth hate them so much?

is there an option to kill all white degenerates?

The Jews pay me at least, even if it is meager. Fucking slam that green bitch.

green you conspiracist imbecile

green brah. where the fuck you think you are?


tinfoil detected

0 - 4; green button.
5 - 9; blue button
dubs; hit both.

green, not hard at all. I really don't mind Muslims, but blacks aren't any good


greeeeeeen every time

you guys are going to hate me, but I'm a middle class white male in America, like most of you, and jews are probably my favorite minority. I've met a few shit ones, but most have been great.


Who the fuck would pick blue? Hey you know those people that don't commit any crime and produce all the Nobel Laureates? Yeah fuck them!


rustled yet?

not hating, jew haters are mostly retarded conspiracy nuts or muslims (who are almost all retarded conspiracy nuts)

Jews are bros

it seems op's instructions were too difficult to understand

Nobody in their right mind would pick blue.
Green gets rid of two problems with one button press, green only gets rid of one.
Hitler, rest his soul, pressed the green button before and well it obviously didn't work so we know for a fact the blue button is busted.

*slams button over and over again*

kill jews!

^jew post


oy vey you found me. No, I would love to push both until my fingers bleed but niggers and mudslimes are causing more issues right now.
>Hitler, rest his soul
obviously jewish by the way

So many Jews in this thread.

So then you must be black or muslim right?

muslim detected

Push green then tell Jews they can do whatever they want with Africa as long as they move & stay there







Well obviously I'm going to pick more casualties. There's probably... what? 300 million blacks and muslims put together? there werent a lot of jews even back before the 40's. There's probably only 20 million today?

People today who hate on jews just do it ironically, unless of course you're including Muslims on that. I never really saw the fault in jews.

Kill of niggers and sandy niggers. I have a nigger friend, but I would sacrifice my friend to have all niggers and sandy niggers dead.


It's not even a question.

button for killing degenerates of every skin color/religion?


They'd finally have the Middle East so they wouldn't need Aidsfrica

I disagree kill all filthy Jews, like that's even a decision

No because if you're not white you don't get a fucking say in anything

Ever heard of central banks? What about the Rothschilds or Rockefellers? Or the British along with all other past and present European Royal families?

Muslims and niggers are shits, but I hate the cunt who puts them on my doorstep more than I hate the lump of turd.

Hit that blue

Green all the way.


Easy, use blue to blackmale jew's out of their money, use funds to educate blacks and muslims.

World peace.

Don't commit crime? Israel is genociding an entire people, fuck Jews those cunts need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Pity Hitler didn't finish the job



>tfw I member some Jews are black

let me just think about this for a moment. did a jew just drive his truck into a christmas market in my hometown? wait no, it was a muslim.

are jews or muslims a danger to the western world?

what's stopping me from hitting both at the same time?

Jews are taught that anyone who isn't a Jew is their cattle to be used as they see fit. Fuck jews

Implying ww2 and the holocaust wasn't setup by the Jewish puppet master in order to allow the creation of the state of Israel.

Hitler was just a pawn piece in the overlords game. There's no wiping out the Jews, they don't play the game, they own the board

>muh palestine
Nobody likes you Mohammed

There's about 1.7 billion muslims in the world, about 1.3 billion blacks (some of whom are muslim), yet only 16 million jews.

Both are a fucking danger. The jews control everything we see in the west, at least sand niggers are just a bunch of backwards retards

Haha I agree with you about the holocaust being a set up and that the numbers killed is tiny compared to what they actually teach us.

Haha I'm white as fuck there pal

1-5 kill blacks and muslims
6-10 kill Jews
0 kill both
dubs, trips, quads kill none

fuck off you muslim fuck, Israel is a western country with western values. They aren't throwing gays off of roofs or getting on to city buses with C4 and rusty nails strapped to their chests. Israel isn't genociding Palestine but they should be. Fuck muslims.

if they control everything, why are so many retards hating on them? shouldn't the almighty jews be able to influence everyone to like them?

oh wait, i know, only intelligent people like you see through them, right?

fucking tinfoil hat imbecile

ITT anons try guess each others ethnicity

Blue, easy choice.

Right..... and how are they acting on that teaching? Are they blowing anybody up because of it? Oh no, they are doing some shady behind the scenes shit that is super vague and there is no evidence for.

>defends palestine
What comes next, you trying to convince me that the Irish are white?

Much of their control relies on militarized conflict (or the threat of it) between the west and the middle east, and racial tensions between whites and blacks. Remove blacks and Muslims, and you remove a huge amount of Jewish power.

whereas muslims are taught respect and tolerance towards all nonmuslims

Why can't I pick all christians and muslims?

no contest, green button is a 2 for 1


mongoloid fucks not understanding the jews were persecuted for very good reason LONG before islam appeared in the world

Why would they give a shit if everyone likes them?

They're not the opposition, they're everything. People with different opinions and haters are best for them. You can't make money without war dipshit. Let a bunch of fucktards kill each other and constantly be at each other's throats and profit from both sides. If only we were all as clever as the Jews.

I'm not a quarter as smart as them. As much as I despise them, I've come to terms with the magnitude of control and my own insignificance. I respect them for what they've achieved. Fucking genius

Niggers and muds. Without them, jews have no power.

Neither a jew, muslim or nigger here.

Anyone wanting to kill jews is either edgy, retarded, a muslim or a nigger.

Blacks and muslims cause so many problems, the world would be a better place without them, jews don't really do shit.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind wiping out all the jews, I could press either button and have no regrets.

because that's not an option, you stupid nigger.

nigers AND muslims? Obviously hitting green.

>you can't make money without war

I guess that is why Switzerland is so poor.

this one's hard. i think if all the jews died, all the muslims and niggers would be gone soon anyway...
i guess kill the kikes

Mongoloid fuck not understanding niggers have been wasting space LONG before Judaism appeared in the world

Green button.
Because Hitler already half way pressed the blue button, and the green button will kill 2 demographics, and is also more people.


*mashes blue button*

shutup jew

i like how you admit what a dumb fuck you are


mudslime/nigger detected
off yourself, faggot

You're one dense motherfucker.

Here's a quick and basic breakdown though:

2 sides involved in conflict. Both sides governments need money to spend for obvious reasons. Government borrows from central banks / reserves. These aren't public institutions. They're businesses all owned by the same people. So as long as there's fighting, both sides need money and borrow from the same people. Interest is paid, guess who gets rich.

It's more technical than that but obviously you're either quite young or just not very bright so hopefully that was easy enough for you to follow

i aint no muslim nigger. gtfb.

I never said anything about Jews being inferior though. Good job with your critical thinking skills there

Do I need to list out countries who haven't been involved in any war in at least 70 years and still are managing to have booming economies?

So if they have managed to rule everything all while being an extreme minority would that make them superior?

I'd suggest you find out about how economic prosperity is measured and realise how it has absolutely nothing to do with the type of gain we're talking about.

Hurr durr GDP... We're not discussing countries, we're talking about a small group of 'business' owners

Mongoloid fuck not understanding niggers were self-contained before jews brought their degenerate existences through slave trading

fall over and land on both of them

blacks and Muslims
2 for 1


Uhhhhh, black Africans started the slave trade.... friend. Maybe read a book?

Kikes do all kinds of amazing shit and win all the nobel science prizes and shit. They rule the world yes but at least they are worth something.