How do we get rid of them?

How do we get rid of them?

Why do the mods delete these threads but leave up threads made by Sup Forumsedditors talking about video games and entry level anime?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why do the mods delete these threads

You're making new users feel unwelcome.


Sup Forums isn't welcome here

Because it's off-topic and I hope you get a public ban for posting this shit again you fucking faggot

The same reason why the game of thrones threads are the most heavily mod/janitor protected threads on this site

>vidya isn't off-topic
Kill yourself Sup Forumsermin

Oh fuck off with the straw man argument you little piece of shit. Both are off-topic you ball-licking cuck.

Stop reposting this shit, nobody cares

Hello Sup Forumseddit!

Mods we want, nay we need you to give us a (User was banned for this post). Teach this attention seeking faggot a lesson.
Why does Sup Forums get so upset when you tell them to leave?

Most people post on more than 1 board you dumb fuck

Only people who hate v, come from reddit, what ur seeing is fallout from animu u truplebs

But that doesn't answer my question

Nobody is saying you cant browse more than 1 board. They're saying to stop bringing Sup Forums onto Sup Forums.

KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
KEEP /r9k/ IN /r9k/
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums

It's about being a good poster and not shitting everywhere you go you daft twat.

This. Much like tobacco companies who supposedly make products for adults only the mods need to hook the under 18 crowd to ensure their product continues to thrive.

Why do they remind you of your own virginity. I welcome anyone from /v, espc since there is a large overlap in fanbase. You are alone in your pahetic little war.

Get cancer and die.

>straw man argument

Fuck off with your high school level debating.

You need to be 18 to post here.

Who /posts on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums/ here?


Hello user. It might surprise you, but I like many here post on many different thread. I do not suffer from an autistic fixation to post solely on one thread out of dozens like a sad fucking animal

Then shouldn't we keep shitposting like this thread in /b?

Fucking golden since Sup Forums meems leak into every fucking board.


Your newfag is showing

Thats your own garbage crossies bringing them back.

We have put out memes for fucking years and its not until you tourists heard about baneposting things like that started happening

Sup Forums is a better board than Sup Forums

literally just passing out (you) s

This, Sup Forums is much more on topic than Sup Forums and is actually able to discuss most of it's genre nowadays without Sup Forums shit

No, it's autistic Sup Forums paedos that are unable to restrain themselves to their spew their epik meems into other boards just to spread the "culture".

>You need to be 18 to post here

The idiosyncrasies in your logic astound me. You attempt to discredit my argument by without actually trying to refute my point then somehow your feeble brain tells you that your debating skills are superior to mine. You disgust me faggot.

No user. Real newfags complain about crossposting not realizing this is Sup Forums a site dedicated to cartoons of underage looking japanese girls and that 99% of this board is shitposting.

Get cancer and die faggot.

You do realize you are trying to rationalize your angry rant about a sub dedicated to virgin losers posting on another sub also dedicated to virgin losers.

Do you actually genuinely, literally suffer from autism user? Do you? Does your mother know of this?

Hello newfag

I've been on this board since 2008

The only thing other boards up until 2014 knew about this board was it was full of pedos and hipsters

The only thing that "got out" was the avatar shit

>Sup Forums is more on topic than Sup Forums
Then why do people talk about video games here instead of there?

Probably because it involves video games movie adapatations. user. There is a + button to the left you can use minimize threads you dont like you know. No reason to be an angry kisless virgin about it

>just ignore the problem! it'll go away!

>People talking about movies you don't like

That narcissism

>what is the ____ of TV?
You can't possibly be this dense. That's the equivalent of the annoying kid who would stick their fingers in people's faces and repeat that they're not touching them.

What do you want us to talk about faggot?





Or any of the other terms that turned this sub into cancer?

They're not talking about movies though

They're talking about video games, using fantasy "adaptations" as an excuse to talk about their childish hobby

Sup Forums killed Sup Forums starting in late 2011/early 2012
Sup Forums started the fire with Bane in late 2013
Sup Forums brought their normalfaggotry over here, especially their shit memes, like Doge, etc, and lately "senpai, desu, baka" facebook normie crap
Sup Forums brought over Big Brother because "Sup Forums MODS WERE MEAN :(" and this was outright admitted years ago. Also Game of Thrones and other plebby crap as well, and muh Blacked, kek, "favorite actress" (read:porn stars) became more frequent as well. Nothing of quality came of those threads; everyone was just indulging themselves with their own opinion, you'd get more sauce/info out of a shitty /gif/ thread.

2014 was the nail in the coffin for Sup Forums as a whole, due to the Fappening bringing in all types of normies or idiots.
Sup Forumsedditor shit started appearing in 2014; MUH SJW! MUH WHAT IS THE ___ OF TV/MOVIES?! MY VIDEOGAME MOVIES! MY MISPOSTING! Also you're seeing more and more capeshit; Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums are mostly related by their demographic and prone to be attracted to underage as well.
Moderators for Sup Forums have been shit since 2012, with the great tripfag purge of 2013 pretty much banning or making them all leave due to harassment, even on different boards.

Since __2013__, statistics:
This board is pure spam, & in those 5 pages consist of 3 pages with image.jpg
APPLE USERS WITH THEIR SHITTY iPHONES EVADING BANS, POSTING GHETTO NIGGER SHIT, OR OTHERWISE POSTING DRIBBLE. Also, the fact they own an Apple phone is embrassing. Moot really fucked up by implementing a mobile version of Sup Forums.

It's Pandora's Box; you can't go back, you cant put it back.
All of this can be proven by simple searches on the 4plebs archives.

They're discussing movie adaptions of videogames. There is no problem. They have more right to be here than your sad ranting ass.

Vidya only threads get deleted anyway.

Die already.

>They're discussing movie adaptions of videogames
no they aren't

they're talking about video games

Sup Forums is fine by me.

You can stay, Sup Forums.

t. Your bro: Sup Forums

People talking about Cartoons, Japanese cartoons, superhero movies and other shit.

Bitch if it isnt getting you laid or making money its childish either way. Who the fuck you calling childish you 12 yo basement dwelling virgin faggot

>People talking about Cartoons, Japanese cartoons, superhero movies and other shit.
You realize all these threads are made by Sup Forums right?


Then post an example faggot.

Your little brother is being a cunt, slap him will ya?

Kick out reddit and you'll effectively be kicking out Sup Forums.

Take your pick

Hello, reddit!

They're talking about casting choices, not the actualy gameplay. That is not very vidya is it?

In fact the same happens with comics and anime. This is perfectly fine. Your autism is consuming you.

Just fuck off back to Sup Forums already

>When will cinema catch up and provide an experience as raw and kino as Dark Souls?
>What is the Dark Souls of movies?
>Is this vidya kino ?
>Metal Gear vidyakino when?
Real quality threads.

>Real quality threads.

As opposed to the rest of Sup Forums? Mong

Just fuck off to /b

Its as shit as all the other kino, based, just and bane threads. Admit it this entire board is cancer and this thread is only making it even more cancer

Sup Forums shit > cuck porn

any day of the god damn week

>there are a lot of shitty threads on the board so it's OK if I make shitty threads as well

Good logic

>I will only moan about 1 kind of shitty thread and pretend that getting rid of that boogeyman will solve everything

How are you able to differentiate who is cross-posting from which board? It goes both ways.

>It's not us it's you!
Every board says this.

No one said it was ok, everyone is pissed youre ruining this board even more. Vidya movie threads are great, you are the cancer that rots even Sup Forums

>it's on topic
and there's not a single interesting thread on Sup Forums right now (except for the off topic ones)

>Vidya movie threads are great

Fuck off Sup Forums

They are, you're just the lone angry virgin starting your little one girl war