Trying too hard: The Movie
Trying too hard: The Movie
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Hilarious unintentional parody of rags-to-riches stories: The Movie
do people actually respect verhoeven? he's like the philip k dick of film. both of them are trashy shlock salesmen but both get their dicks sucked by pretentious liberal arts students.
Trying too hard: The Post
i know it's a controversial thing to post but i'm being serious
The rape scene went a tad too far
kill yourself cunt
the rape scene is awesome, so out-of-left-field that it's funny and shocking at the same time. It's also fun to play Showgirls for people who've never seen it and watch their reaction to that scene
One of my earliest childhood faps. Every year once or twice, I rewatch the lap dance and get off.
Doubling Down on Trying Too Hard: The Post
Trying Too Hard: The Post
fight me irl
I often see people hating on it, yet all i remember is fapping furiously. is it really that bad?
>gets rekt
> repeats 'Trying Too Hard' in hopes that it would derail the other user and that everyone else wouldn't notice how badly you got rekt
Abandoning the thread now will spare you from anymore embarrassment, boyo.
Andrew Carver is the man. I look up to that guy.
It's appalling, but goes all the way round to "so bad it's funny" and then shoots around a few more times until it's almost surreal.
Robocop is a great decontruction of american cinema post Star Wars