We can do it backwards while you watch foot fetish anime porn

>We can do it backwards while you watch foot fetish anime porn

What did she mean by this? Really makes you think.


Is this show good? That trailer put me off completely.

I liked the 1st season, I've only just now realized I forgot to watch the 2nd one though.

Meme's aside, it's one of the best shows on TV imo.

Also that post number. So close.

Alright, I'll put in it my backlog. Please don't disappoint me user

sauce? image search gives nothing

>Meme's aside

What show is it?


How's her feet? Are they suckable?

>Your the worst
Thats the name of the show not you user

You're the Worst


Post pictures of her NAKED feet.


Pretty good foot game from the looks of it

Is this an actual quote?


What's your webbum from?

Aya Cash also hates GOT and read all the books.

Truly top tier waifu

I'd kiss that feet.

Yeah, s01e07 about 10 minutes in

It's from the show, it's at a hardcore haunted house place.

do you think she enjoys stepping on younger boys

She's not Demi Moore, so I don't know.

i want her to be my baby sitter and she tells me to massage her tired soles while she relaxes and watches tv and i take off her socks to reveal her beautiful feet and i gasp and she grins and says "oh you like them you dirty boy?" and then she pushes me down and steps onto me and steps all over me with her beautiful soles while taunting me

s-stop it


edgar seems like a sound guy so far

hope he sticks around

I thought that it was pretty clever. Can see it gaining a cult following in the future like Party Down

I think it's probably one of those shows that's destined not to get the recognition it deserves until it's over. I've been on edge at the end of each season cause I didn't know if it was gonna get renewed for another season or not. I was so happy when I found out we were getting a season 3.



It's fucking wonderful. The trailer was shit and not really a good representation of the show's actual content

Yeah I'm enjoying it so far

When did Bailey Jay get into acting?

i caught the first season while i was with my ex. we broke up and i started watching the second season and it just didn't do it for me anymore. i think some pavlovian association thing went on with that show and my ex. she went out the door and so did my interest in the show. maybe i'll watch the next season and see if my interest in it rekindles, but i just wasn't laughing at the jokes in the second season. at all. like none. did it dip in quality or is it the pavlov thing? what do you guys say?

FX/FXX is going to keep it going for a while. The President of the network of the said so. With The League finishing, IASIP ending and Louie being a toss up depending how much longer Louis CK wants to keep going they're looking for new content to keep going on their networks.

The network doesn't care much about ratings as much as they do content. They're going the HBO route. I mean The Americans would've been cancelled a long time ago in any other network.

too bad the bridge was cancelled tho ;__;
muh autismcopfu

I remember you from the last thread.


I thought the second season was great so my guess would be the Pavlovian thing. I thought LCD Soundsystem was the best episode of any TV show in 2015.