Shows literally only you on this planet watched
Shows literally only you on this planet watched
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I remember that show as a kid, but I recall no characters or plot-lines.
I saw it a couple times. It was like Boondocks meets Bernie Mac and totally not funny
Merv griffins crosswords.
George shrinks
I liked that scene when he's in the shower and the pipe reverses the flow or something and we see his shadow silhouette behind the shower curtain getting covered in waste, and then he says something like "ahhh, i've become my father"
was pretty kino
fuck you i watched every episode that aired
I watched this show.
Why did I though, it was terrible.
Nightmare on elm street: the series
It's a small wonder
Mr belvedere
South central (old show on fox)
Swans crossing
The littles
Brisco county jr
Parker Lewis can't lose
Kassai and Luk...
I remember it being almost like Aladdin or someshit. I haven't heard anyone ever mention it since, nor have I seen it referenced anywhere. No idea what this show was even about asides from generic questing and some weird anthropomorphic rabbit sidekick.
Twin Peaks
99% of people who claim to have actually watched it havent
because its actually not THAT good
fucking hell, man that's a blast from the past
This too
Confirmed for weenie.
pitt and kantrop
muh childhood
I remember when that show came on it meant it was time to play outside
It was just poor black stereotypes the show
Who didn't watch this talk show
We would be living laaaarge!
> Juicy your're already living large enough
>Nightmare on elm street: the series
That show sucked tremendous ass.
jesus christ i remeber buying this shitty racing game of this for playstation. also had the sountrack to this on a really tiny cd that i got from mcdonalds
Thats the show with the same art as Watch My Chops. Or Corneil and Bernie or whatever its called
That's just Jon he does it
I can remember some kids show from years ago called "regoligo" or "recoligo" or some shit like that. I can only vaguely remember it.
I don't think it was in English and it wasn't a cartoon.
Google brings up nothing, probably because I'm misspelling the name.
If anyone knows what I'm talking about please post what the show was actually called.
GOAT cartoon
>hey guys, find this kids show I don't know the name of and can't tell you anything about
It was pretty good. The characters where really likeable and the plot was pretty interesting.
for you
The girls in this one, damn!
Such a comf show
Flint the Time Detective.
fuck i forgot all about this show
rip ;_;
No one outside of Scotland knows about this God-Tier comedy.
Loved that toon when it was on. Great intro too.
I remember the game was like duck GTA
It had that prodigy song for the into.
And i remember staying up to like 1am to watch spawn on cartoon network
im so sorry
>stop motion
werent they working on a reboot for this? what happened to that?
I remember my brother got a Butt Ugly Martian toy in his cereal. He jammed it up his ass and said "I guess they really are butt ugly now."
This is one of my favorite shows ever.
What a shame that the movie was total shit.
The movie doesn't exist in my mind
>shows that lasted only 1 or 2 seasons: the thread
I've literally never talked about this show with anyone without first having to explain it exists.
Oh shit, I remember that, no one else seems to though. I even had a GBA game of it but I was embarrassed to tell my friends what I was playing because it had the word "butt" in the title.
What about this ?
Faggot, me and my white mom watched that all the time
I was a really spergy kid and at one point I said to my recovering alcoholic father "time for your favourite show: AA!" and I was talking about pic related, because I fucking loved Angela Anaconda. Still baffled how it ended up in front of the digimon movie.
The into was by ragtime revolutionaries
Now some of the other music in the showed was made by Dweezil Zappa
I remember it being funny.
I loved the robots but god did I hate those fucking kids
It was big in Sweden, didn't know english version existed.
I wanna fuck Molly.
I haven't met a single person who knows this show
I saw it in France... It was kind of hardcore compared to other kid shows.
for the longest time i thought the blue haired one was a girl
Sort of shit you watch drunk at 4am, great laugh
It was a British/Swedish co-production.
It is?
She isn't?
This was GOAT. Wikipedia page is a single sentence on production.
God bless those happy, clappy, Jappy chappies.
this show was pretty decent famamalalalamadingdong
See, I want to be an actor, but with my luck, I'd be considered lucky to be cast in a show like this, at best.
literally only me
Isn't that orange shirt character voiced by Jon Benjamin? I think I saw a clip of the show on YouTube.
Everyone on Sup Forums and reddit knows this show, but none of my friends know it.
I remember exactly one thing about this show. One thing.
The main character (I think the one in pic related) made a very topical at-the-time reference to El Nino.
The joke was, he called it "El Negro".
Beat this. Fucking Pugwall's summer. Aussie 90s musical drama.
This show was great. I used to see it randomly when I'd flip through the movie channels. Don't remember what channel it was, never knew what times it came on, I'd just find it every so often
Everybody who watched Nickelodeon in the 1990s watched this show. What next, you're the only one that watched Rocko's Modern Life?
This show was one of my first faps growing up, dat beauty pageant episode
Everyone watched Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast, ya' dip.