Is Family Guy's version of this alternate reality accurate?

Is Family Guy's version of this alternate reality accurate?

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The ruling class would have found other excuses to keep the majority dumb.

retarded shitposter

Yes, Seth McFarlane did extensive research for this gag

>muh atheism is so euphoric

fuck off Seth

The barbarians did more to start the dark ages than the church ever did

How can you repress science if the scientific method hadn't been invented yet?

The moment where Family Guy went full r****t


Already posted m8, see

fuck off, no one likes a copycat

Ah shit, didn't see it was already posted.

It's wrong and dumb


Bah, now I am too late in posting this

>nobody did anything for 1000 years!

Literally retarded

It really is a silly meme, along with the inquisition shit. Medieval cities even had jewish and muslim ghettos, no one cared as long as they kept their numbers low and stayed quiet.

Jewish engineering of the European mind and body didn't start with Marx. It started 2,000 years ago with the mythology of the saviour Jew (Joseph's wife's son of god- it's literally cuckoldry). A communist preacher who commands you to turn the other cheek and praises weakness.
Ever since then, it's going downhill from there.

Christianity was the gateway drug that led to Marxism, degeneracy etc. in the West.
If it wasn't for Christianity, Europe would have already kick started the age of space exploration centuries ago. Genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, you name it, we would have had these areas tremendously explored. There would be no mysticism or religion, but philosophy and science.
>McFarlane thinks that USA was desperate for oil in the 40's.

>Muh Christians are good boys they dindu nuffin need mo tithes fo them programs
*tips offering plate*

>Medieval scientists like Albertus Magnus
wasn't he an alchemist and an oculist who literally called himself a sorcerer?

Alchemy is as close as you'd have gotten to chemistry back then. The occult and what came to be known as science after the scientific method was set had blurry lines between them.

Christians only shat the bed after Martin Luther and arguably during the Renaissance, since everything that deviated from what the Romans did was considered wrong and barbaric, hence why we have "Gothic" art.

>There would be no mysticism or religion, but philosophy and science.
Bub even without christianity we still would have those things, religion and mysticism exist since the dawn of man and even people with different beliefs continue to exist(budhism, shintoism, judaism and even paganism).

Marxism has an atheist ideology to start with.

And the idea that you are implying Jesus was not only a marxist but Jesus itself is a symbolism to cuckold makes me believe either you are trolling or haven't read a lot of the texts based on his life. For example not only the clear idea that Jesus was the son of Joseph and he not only admits it but calling himself the son of man ( a reference to his mortal body and life), and at the same time he preached about all humanity being son of God, not only him.


This is wrong, there is no such thing as the dark ages, it is a enlightenment myth.

Catholics founded the scientific method and most major universities in the world. This all happened between 700-1200 AD.

This book is an excellent resource on the topic.

All these men actually did something Seth M has never done. Made a significant contribution to humanity. The "voice of reason" soapbox dog gets tiring after a while, give it a rest seth

fucking iceniggers and forestniggers fucking shit up.
>Roman period
>forestniggers constant drain in treasury because they prefer their DESIGNATED SHITTING COPSE over civilization
>eventually directly responsible for the sacking of OG Rome
>Medieval Period
>forestniggers constantly shitting up the place with MUH RAIDS MUFUGGA
>Later Medieval Period
>descendants of forestniggers play monarchy while fucking each other creating inbred babbys and regularly killing its population with wars for MUH LAND
>modern period
>forestniggers decides that blonde hair blue eyes are the masterrace; gets rekt by shitskins
>iceniggers getting outbred by actual niggers



Every time

>we still would have those things
Not if Greek philosophy and empiricism had prevailed over Christian mysticism.
>people with different beliefs continue to exist
So? The smarter peoples are the most atheistic. Look at China and Japan. Europeans would have had a head start since they had discovered atomism and atheism in antiquity. A godless European society would have arisen much sooner.
>Marxism has an atheist ideology to start with.
>And the idea that you are implying Jesus was not only a marxist but Jesus itself is a symbolism to cuckold
1. He threw the money changers out of the temple and called them thieves. They were just ordinary businessmen in a laissez-faire economy.
2. He said, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
3. He encouraged people to give everything they could, and promised that god would support everyone in need. Just like socialism.
Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
4. "turn the other cheek"
5. "love thy enemy"
6. "blessed are the peacemakers"
7. "blessed are the meek"
8. "woe unto ye who are rich"
9. "forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors" -- clearly he would favor bailing out poor people with subprime mortgages.
10. "Give us this day our daily bread" -- Demands handouts and encourages others to do so.
11. "Every mountain shall be made low, every valley shall be exalted" --although this is actually from Isaiah's prophecy about the messiah, it looks like a metaphor for proletarian revolution
12. Jesus is soft on crime: anybody who believes in his scapegoat-like sacrifice will be forgiven.
13. Jesus loves the poor, the prostitutes, the lepers and gave them free healthcare.

this was a good read, he's a pretty good writer

>A godless European society would have arisen much sooner.

A godless european society would never have risen because after the fall of the roman empire the only people who could organize the mobs were the ones who told everyone else "if you don't do this, you'll burn in hell for all eternity". The barbarians would have razed every city without priests telling peasants to build stone walls.

The Roman Empire was basically a gigantic free trade area with a single centralized government. You could get goods from Spain to Syria extremely easily, and as such, plantation agriculture and other surplus-seeking economic activity were undertaken frequently. All of that falling apart under the weight of barbarian raids and corruption, being replaced by small states with weak governments and subsistence-focused economies, was what set off the "dark ages".

But because Christianity happened at around the same time, fedora-tippers just decided to focus on that instead.

mcfarlane caters almost exclusively to the minds of 14 year olds, perhaps because his mind has failed to develop beyond that point

should be "Christian" dark ages, since it was the free thinkers of the renaissance who set the world of science 300 years back by dismissing all science of the time

No the catholic church became defacto government and brought us OUT of the dark ages not the other way around.

>fedora-tippers focus on much christianity
>stormfags focus on muh barbarian immigration
>alt-righters focus on muh degenercy

Gibbon literally wrote volumes on all the causes but every internet genius can boil it down to one sentence.

>Priests need to tell us we need to survive in order for us to survive

Basically this.

I still wouldn't be too surprised if we would be slightly ahead but I have little real reason to believe that.

Hundreds of years ago churchs operated as some of the very few places you could actually go for an education, and one of the rare other opportunities for commoners to escape a life of labor.

Dubs confirm Papist master race

>1. He threw the money changers out of the temple and called them thieves. They were just ordinary businessmen in a laissez-faire economy.
The temple of god was being sullied with the Vices of gold.
>2. He said, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
IE your wealth is brief, don't hoard it or hold onto it, give it away.
>3. He encouraged people to give everything they could, and promised that god would support everyone in need. Just like socialism.
>Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
Wealth can corrupt the best
>4. "turn the other cheek"
Anger and revenge only destroy yourself
>5. "love thy enemy"
Same as before
>6. "blessed are the peacemakers"
>7. "blessed are the meek"
>8. "woe unto ye who are rich"
Again more wealth then personally needed is degenerate.
>9. "forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors" -- clearly he would favor bailing out poor people with subprime mortgages.
Debt collectors are the lowest of society
>10. "Give us this day our daily bread" -- Demands handouts and encourages others to do so.
>11. "Every mountain shall be made low, every valley shall be exalted" --although this is actually from Isaiah's prophecy about the messiah, it looks like a metaphor for proletarian revolution
You're projecting what you want to see
>12. Jesus is soft on crime: anybody who believes in his scapegoat-like sacrifice will be forgiven.
Criminals need help, it's why they are criminals
>13. Jesus loves the poor, the prostitutes, the lepers and gave them free healthcare.
He never said that or implied so.

Also this among countless other examples

I never said that, you greentexting mongoloid. It just so happens that you need some more knowledge than what the average peasant had to defend a city and the clergy were the wisest people at the time. You also need to be able to organize everyone to get shit done and the easiest way to do that is through fear, which is much faster and effective when dealing with piss-stained retards like you than calmly explaining things to them. You try building an effective wall around a city without any kind of leadership or engineering knowledge, see how well that goes.

>The temple of god was being sullied with the Vices of gold.
Meaningless babble
>your wealth is brief, don't hoard it or hold onto it, give it away.
Which is what you would expect from a commie preacher
>Anger and revenge only destroy yourself
lol what a cuck
>Again more wealth then personally needed is degenerate
Men earning the sweat of their brow is degenerate? Private property is degenerate? gtfo

>meaningless babble
ad hominem
>commie preacher
>lol what a cuck
ad hominem
and even more projecting

Why are Sup Forums neckbeards triggered all the time by TV?

I always saw it as making fun of athiests and their masturbatory vision of how perfect the world would be if it weren't for religion.

>Doesn't know what ad hominem is
>Pretends he wanted a formal debate after blurting out non-arguments


You're missing the entire point. Why the hell was Christianity needed in order for them to organize?
Did organization not happen before Christianity? Did wars not happen?
What the hell does building a wall have to do with Christianity?
And not to mention the fact that if it wasn't for Christianity, the Empire wouldn't have fallen at least not in the way that it did, with its moral fiber corrupted.

In the absence of god, humanity makes some strange turns.

Seth is truly one of the enlightened ones


>historical revisionism is fine

It is because you are fucking stupid and fall for facebook-tier history memes.

How exactly is 'scientific advancement' quantified? is the Y axis the number of sciences?

In units

Do you know anything about math?

>You're missing the entire point. Why the hell was Christianity needed in order for them to organize?

I just told you why and you ignored it. You don't argue and explain things to a bunch of peasants, you blurt out something easy to understand and make them fear divine punishment if they don't do what you say.

>Did organization not happen before Christianity? Did wars not happen?

Did you follow the conversation? This isn't about Christianity, the first guy was arguing that an atheist society would have done better, which it wouldn't. The people of that time needed some kind of religious leader and it just so happened that Christians were there and that priests had the knowledge to keep the cities intact. If they didn't, Europe would have taken much longer to recover from the fall of the Roman Empire.

>What the hell does building a wall have to do with Christianity?


>And not to mention the fact that if it wasn't for Christianity, the Empire wouldn't have fallen at least not in the way that it did, with its moral fiber corrupted.

Really now? You're blaming the fall of the Roman Empire on Christianity? Do you really believe that was the only problem and that if it weren't for Christ, everything would have been fine?

Of course, the Romans were just on the brink of inventing the combustion engine when Jesus died, and as we know the European dark ages also impeded the scientific advancement of other societies like China and the Muslim world.

units of what?

>muh dark ages

the meme idea was more about the western roman empire collapsing and then 'nothing' (defined by the existence of a major empire) happening in Europe for centuries while small states battled it out and the medieval states formed

it was nonsense of course, but it was not to do with 'muh religion'

Well no probably not but the Church did essentially have a monopoly on knowledge for a while in terms of supply and print media (you could say they still do in a lot of places).

Units of science

I'd say they do the same in the presence of God, because at the end of the day, Humans are just animals looking for reasons to sate their base desires without feeling guilty about it.

I'll take three science, please.

Sorry, they've been outlawed by the pope.

Saved to be reposted twice a day without exception.

i see only one false claim

I never quite understood how rich people who fly around the planet in private planes, drive around in cars with a shitty mpg etc. etc. could have an opinion on oil. Odds are they consume 3x as many oil based products as normal people.

Limousine liberal

aren't you friends always denying the holocaust though?

Pretty much

So I read all of this and I must say those aren't valid arguments at all against atheists.
I have the feeling the people who agree with this probably only read a few lines, realized it argues in favor of their opinion and then blindly support it. If you read this and didn't come to the conclusion those aren't valid points you are either really biased or stupid or both.

>inb4 dips fedora

The writers probably thought they were so progressive when they came up with that, but it's ironically racist/eurocentric to think the Mongols/Arabs/Ottomans around that time gave a shit about Europe & Christians

Smug idiots

This. And they wonder why everyone thinks religious people are retarded.

WTF?!?! I hate christians now

>against atheists
Why do you assume that atheism means that you hate all religions and think they are the worst thing that happened to earth?

It wasn't about Oil, that Oil belongs to ISIS & Iran

The war was about destabilizing the middle east for Israel

you should realize by now that humanity and religion are inseparable
it's no surprise that as Christianity has been disappearing, Islam has been on the rise
the majority of human beings would rather die than live in a world without god

>Just like socialism.
Only God is not corrupt like man, and the rich are not likely to go to heaven because they make their treasure their riches and not God.

Here's your (You)

>Catholics founded the scientific method and most major universities in the world. This all happened between 700-1200 AD.
oh wow so they founded the scientific method which existed in ancient greece since ANQUIQUITY? Oh wow thank you christian church for all your services

>implying there was any sort of order or organization in the middle ages

>"being a non-believer of jesus is so stupid"
>"not believing in something that literally doesn't make sense"
>"i tip my le funny hat to le you"

This is what Sup Forums looks like whenever a thread about religion shows up.

It's all well and good that religion has had it's perks in society, but honestly look at Scandinavia for example. Basically equal opportunities for both sexes (OPPORTUNITIES does not mean they'd go out of their way to force women into the same roles as men like we do these days), had a nice legal system compared to the biblical nonsense they practiced in England with all their biblical bullshit non-reasons to get rid of people some priest didn't like, growing societies, generally peaceful compared to most other places in Europe at the time, and so on and on and on.

Suddenly Christianity comes along and thousands upon thousands of people all of a sudden has to die. Before you even start I know shit was rough on people living in Scandinavian countries as well when you compare it to modern society, but you give me one place on earth that wasn't just a giant mess of random killings and injustice at that time.

The vikings had it all figured out man, and then their greed for more ruined them.

kel (kek + lel)

It's funny because the entire reason we were pulled into WW2 was because of our oil embargo on Japan which caused them to attack us.

Very true, is just a retarded christian cuck whos buttmad hes part of why the worlds such shit.


Shoot your balls off your retarded fedora memeing euphoric bitch.
>literal castrate and threaten dambation on anyone who rejected your gods insane rules
Are you literally retarded?

This is fucking shit, the church only repressed info, not mantained it. Only a literal christsucking retard would believe their propagandous filth.

>literally kill, rape, and destroy anybody that lives near you for all of their shit for no reason other than GIBS BE DAT
are you literally retarded?

Are you literally retarded? You just described the catholic priests and monks in that post, the barbarians were defending their land from the christian filth romans.

Shut up. You know you love when I tip my funny hat.

>dat graph

so what is considered 1 unit of scientific advancement, 1 invention?

Doesn't matter if they had no idea what to use it for. The greeks had developed the steam engine, they just had no idea how to apply it aside from some gimmicks with steam-powered contraptions like singing birds.