Sup Forums, i love all of you. whether i want to fap or feel, you guys are always here for me. also im really drunk...

Sup Forums, i love all of you. whether i want to fap or feel, you guys are always here for me. also im really drunk. basically anything thred, just keep drunk me entertained.


fuckyou bitfhc ass niffa

stop trying to impress u bitch ass nigga if u are drunk is bc u are a waste of life u clown ass nigga


I love you too man. Im also drunk. And Sup Forums is always here for me aswell. Makes me laugh makes me diamonds and every now and the disgusts me. I consider all of you Sup Forumsrothers.

whatd u drink brodie?

Atm coronas. That drink mexican peasants love

>u clown ass nigga

im drinking aristocrat vodka. $15 per half gallon, really cheap and doesnt give me a hangover so

I live in new zealand man

how is it over there this time of year? I live in south carolina, and this time of year is awalway fucking warm

Man its prime summer right now. Its hot as fuck and its inly getting worst. Christmas is in 5 hours and i cant fucking wait

Christmas for me is in about a day and a half, but im still excited. me and a few friends are going to colorado on christmas day, and we're gonna get stoned as hell.

BRO ME TO !!! do you have anything that we can talk on. Like kik or fb

whats your kik?

mykel77 or

I'm about to join you op. Just took a shot but want to do something fun. Any cool drinking games anyone would recommend? Like take a shot every time I get a boner or something

I love you too user

please enjoy this picture of a kitten

Add me and join my kik party me and my new friend will have. My name is somewhere above

I don't have a kik though , I'll see if i make one.

im going to shoot some yellow liquid out of my dick hole if you catch my drift

Same here man. Why is ours yellow

huurrrrrrr durrrrrr OO A PIECE OF CANDY