>the most sublte earth-shattering finale next to Sopranos
So why taint the episode with fucking happy endings for the other characters then?
>the most sublte earth-shattering finale next to Sopranos
So why taint the episode with fucking happy endings for the other characters then?
why does Sup Forums think anyone but normies likes this show?
This show is far too slow and nuanced for normies
more like
literally nothing happens in this show, just whiny faggots complaining and doing dumb shit
Yes but they can still "relate to it" because "hey they all smoke weed, have casual sex, and drink in excess like I do!"
Where is the action and tension found in great shows like Breaking Bad and GoT?
And this is the normie reaction right here
>nothing happens lmao its crap XD
Slow paced 48 minute long dramas on basic cable are not haute couture.
Despite what you and the other plebs have convinced yourself, AMC makes boring programs that make you think you're smart for watching them.
I'm the first poster ITT and I still like Mad Men
I just also crave (You)s
the finale was ok, would have been GOAT without
>peggy and stan randomly decide to declare love for each other
>that coca cola ad at the end
i'd have much preferred an ambiguous ending for don, where he is at peace in california with an uncertain future in advertising
It's a period piece about advertising in the 60s not a fucking Apatow flick
That Coke ad at the end was fucking genius.
The Peggy and Stan shit was dumb though. It was like watching some cheesy romcom.
>>that coca cola ad at the end
>literally the only thing that elevates the episode
Did you even understand the ending?
>i'd have much preferred an ambiguous ending for don, where he is at peace in california with an uncertain future in advertising
No, the actual ending was perfect. At the end of all the personal torment and suffering he goes through, he uses the "inner peace" and hippy bullshit to create his greatest ad. He remains a slick conman.
Yes and every 10 minutes in the show someone else maintains their functional alcoholism. So everyone in the 60's was a potsmoking sex-depraved functional alcoholic?
>the door closes again...and the light goes off
>Don comes back becasue hes a fucking AD man
>makes another homerun advertisment for the biggest company on the planet
Literally one of the greatest ending in tv history. Every lesser show wouldve ended on some shitty monologue of Don, but here...you just casually see what he brought back from California and what he left here forever.
>ywn have Jon Hamm's 10/10 looks
The ad in the context of Draper and the story is the most cynical statement the show couldve made.
Here's the collegiate apprentice's reaction: some time after season 3 the show was increasingly about the writing team's self-insert fantasies about societal transformations beginning in the1960s were driven primarily by the neurotic power fantasies of careerist women (((working))) on the metropolitan costs of the United States.
The show totally shit its panties when it started making phony efforts to associate the strife of the civil rights movement with the personal drama of a Peggy-centered story arc and was Sex In The City: Valium Overdose Edition by the end of that season.
Can't imagine why anybody stuck it out for two more.
I loved the finale, and even though I felt happy for Peggy and Stan, their love revelation felt really forced and "off".
I think the writers knew that people really had a lot of affection invested in these characters, and they wanted to leave most of them on high points. We all know that there really aren't any happy endings. Who knows how Pete handled family life away from the big city (although we want the Campbells to be ok). Who knows if Peggy & Stan's romance lasted. Probably not. Who knows if Don actually learned some long-term methods to find some peace and mental health, but we wanted him to.
It's not that these characters all lived happily ever after, but that [for the most part] we left them all closer to some healthier, longer-lasting form of happiness than they have had before. I think that's really great. All these good things still happening in the looming shadow of Sally, Bobby, and Gene losing their mother within the coming year.
>you just casually see what he brought back from California and what he left here forever.
Care to convey this with thoughts and ideas?
Don is the only alcoholic on the show and his substance abuse problems are hardly glorified. His philandering and drinking is part of his emotional damage.
I don't know why you keep bringing up weed. There are hardly any scenes with it. But yeah, a lot of people smoked weed in the sixties. And drank. Just like today. Try leaving your house once in a while.
This show is the farthest thing from being 'normie'. It's far too slow. Just because it has people drinking and beautiful people having sex doesn't mean it's easily accessible to the average viewer you fucking spastic.
>the greatest pitch of the series doesnt even feature Don
>Don is the only alcoholic on the show
>dude just leave your house you don't "GET" it lol
Thanks for proving my point.
>posted from my NYU dorm room on a pink-shelled macbook while browsing tinder or instagram on my iPhone6s
whoa, thats some truth
>Don is the only alcoholic
Dude, half the male cast is alcoholic in the show
But came from Don ?
>not "and"
yeah. this show has more boozing in it that any show i've ever seen.
By golly, you're prickly.
Don Fucking Draper suddenly finds happiness by....becoming a tree hugging faggot. I think Weiner wanted to buy the world a joke with this ending.
you realize that most all of the men in the show served in either WW2 or Korea?
You dont deserve a response for being this retarded
>just pointing out my turbo-normie devices and the vapid apps I most likely use on a regular basis
>WOW wtf is your problem?
You're just triggert because I'm right, you redditnormie.
This show literally could not get the ratings it did if it didn't rely heavily on DUDE BOOZE LMAO or DUDE WEED LMAO every other scene.
You realize that most alcoholics who served in Afghanistan and/or Iraq justify their alcoholism by saying "muh service"?
Watch some tv shows from the 50
>character comes home
>immediately makes a drink
>person comes over
>immediately make them a drink
Its amazing how casual drinking used to be on tv
>Don Fucking Draper suddenly finds happiness by....becoming a tree hugging faggot.
You missed the point completely
its almost as though... there's something they want to forget?
huh really makes you think
>don milks another epiphany for an ad
how is this a satisfying ending? nothing changed, the cycle of don draper continues. if they'd cut that ad part, we could have believed that he'd find peace doing something else somewhere else
I know plenty of vets who cope with their PTSD in a healthy way without pickling their brains
Uh huh
Yale, dumbass, don't lump me in with those other cucks
ahah those guys are fags. Can't even deal with killing a few muzzies
Can you speak English please?
Most people don't change, user.
There's nothing wrong with a static character. In this case it highlights a great flaw and tragic quality.
Same could be said about the cucks who get blackout drunk because they couldn't handle killing a few muzzies
Not an argument. I win.
what a shitty ending.
sorry im not over 40 to understand it.
then when someone actually did show me that "legendary" coke ad I laughed in their face.
you idiots will worship anything.
dear basedgod everything after don and betty broke up was pure hot garbage.
it felt like i continued to watch only to see who don slept with next.
what a waste of potential.
complete snorefest.
and thats coming from someone who loves Better Call Saul and hates TWD post-season 1
>and thats coming from someone who loves Better Call Saul and hates TWD post-season 1
So a complete moron.
The only thing i felt it was poorly made and rushed was Betty getting cancer.
Seemed really out of nowhere.
>but she smoked a lot
Like everyone else in the show, and they didn't get cancer.
They could've hinted some times earlier, with her coughing, gasping and such.
the whole theme of the series practically is that the world changes, surely that means don can
>i win
Not an argument
>nothing changed
Literally the most accurate explanation of Don's character. He fucks up and then keeps fucking up in the same way because whether he likes it or not fucking up in that way is just who he is. He's a corporate reptile.
It's not meant to be satisfying, it's meant to leave you with a melancholy.
Talking to yourself is a sign of mental illness.
>someone who loves Better Call Saul and hates TWD post-season 1
But everyone thinks that.
>appy endings for the other characters
literally only peggy and stan got happy ones man.
Sure. The world and the new group born into it, but I'm not sure that applies to all individuals.
>Vagina Monologues Major with a concentration in Soap Operas that really make you think
My apologies, betch YASS!
There was like one weed episode
i know that's what they were going for, i just personally don't like that kind of ending. i'd have preferred either "don finally learns a lesson after all of his fuck up and changes" or "don dies". that's just personal preference tho
Nope, there's at least 5 episodes a season that feature someone smoking a weedajuana cigarette. Not to mention Stan always has a weed cigarette in his mouth in almost every scene he appears in for S7
Here's your (You).
I hope you enjoy it. Have a good day, user. :^)
Not an argument. Go smoke your whisky dipped weed cigarettes, you sex-having normalfaggot
Hiroshima should enforce flags on Australian posters site-wide so posts like these can't capture 90% of discussion from the easily baited goys of Sup Forums.
The glorious restoration of board culture on Sup Forums will never be achieved unless we find a solution to the Australian question once and for all.