My dear sweet Sup Forums, tell me a story. Tell me about how you found this board and your first experiences with it

My dear sweet Sup Forums, tell me a story. Tell me about how you found this board and your first experiences with it.

Pic unrelated

an asshole told me to never go here.
spent next week in a sort of mortified daze.
cant say i slept or ate much.
fucking reverse psychology.

became a brony along time ago. kept hearing about how bronies originated from Sup Forums. decided to lurk.
it's been two years since i've come to the pony mecca.

*and yes i left that fucked up fandom. still enjoy the s/fur boards tho

kek just realized there's a pone thread in Sup Forums atm. ha

dumb bitch that was hot that i worked with showed it to me, it was a constant source of lulz and freedumz.. it felt like the last freedom of speech zone on earth.. where all things met and everyone was a faggot.. but not really.. srs tho lots of fags out there

I used to play guitar a lot in 2006-2007, Sup Forums raided the forums and I started coming here instead.

ug username?

it's been too long, I can't remember

I've came to the conclusion, that you are either in one of three categories : Autistic edgelord, Autistic sadboy, or Autistic run of the mill burn out. With a few sprinkles on top. We all have one thing in common, that I've come to realize, which is a fucked up sense of intake takes the demons away. Or so we thought..

>be me some years ago
>hear about Sup Forums
>go smell what the rock was cookin

And the rest is history