My dear sweet Sup Forums, tell me a story. Tell me about how you found this board and your first experiences with it

My dear sweet Sup Forums, tell me a story. Tell me about how you found this board and your first experiences with it.

Pic unrelated

an asshole told me to never go here.
spent next week in a sort of mortified daze.
cant say i slept or ate much.
fucking reverse psychology.

became a brony along time ago. kept hearing about how bronies originated from Sup Forums. decided to lurk.
it's been two years since i've come to the pony mecca.

*and yes i left that fucked up fandom. still enjoy the s/fur boards tho

kek just realized there's a pone thread in Sup Forums atm. ha

dumb bitch that was hot that i worked with showed it to me, it was a constant source of lulz and freedumz.. it felt like the last freedom of speech zone on earth.. where all things met and everyone was a faggot.. but not really.. srs tho lots of fags out there

I used to play guitar a lot in 2006-2007, Sup Forums raided the forums and I started coming here instead.

ug username?

it's been too long, I can't remember

I've came to the conclusion, that you are either in one of three categories : Autistic edgelord, Autistic sadboy, or Autistic run of the mill burn out. With a few sprinkles on top. We all have one thing in common, that I've come to realize, which is a fucked up sense of intake takes the demons away. Or so we thought..

>be me some years ago
>hear about Sup Forums
>go smell what the rock was cookin

And the rest is history

Normie retards spouting "muh secret club don't talk about it" bullshit in middle school

Back in 04 when i was 13, i found this board by typing "random, board, things to do" on google. (I know, i still cant spell for shit) and i came on and saw some cheese pizza. The first post was the cheese, and i got scared, shut down the computer then forgot about Sup Forums. In 08 i came back cause i was trying to show my friend "this fucked up site i knew of" and thus i remained

Also, worst thing i saw that day was shoveldog, so he left angry he didnt see cheese

Back in my day Sup Forums wasn't even an established image board. It was merely a bulletin board.

There was a show about hackers, so I thought if I come here I would also learn to become a hacker.

Turned out that I became much more.

Christopher asked me to help with stress testing of the site back in the day. Havent left since :-)

my friend many years ago would browse Sup Forums, he was really into computers and showed me it one day on his PC. I thought it was mostly porn at first thats why i went on. i was active for a while and slowly stopped going on once i started to get pussy and drink beer. every once in a while i find myself back here

Almost 8 years ago now. I learned from of a magical place called "Sup Forums" from a few school friends. One day my curiosity got the better of me when Anonymous stepped into the spotlight.

I went to Sup Forums first.

There is really no word for your first day on Sup Forums. The baw threads weren't as sad, because you weren't as broken as you are now. The ylyl threads were still funny because of your shitty humor. The porn was great and plentiful. The gore threads were sickening.

Matter of fact, I still remember my first two images from this website.
One was a woman riding a bicycle with a dildo. The camera was close to her butt.
The next was the gif of those spics getting a chainsaw to the neck.

And now I regret ever being here. It's made me a nervous wreck. A literal paranoid walking stereotype. I sit in my mothers basement with hate in my heart. A lonely neckbeard with a fedora.

Fuck you, Sup Forums.

by much more you mean "I like traps now" ?

Through kik users, the memes they posted

I kept seeing the '/b' on lots of memes back in 07 or 08 and didn't know what it was. So I asked my friends what "slash b slash" was and they replied,"oh that's Sup Forums. It's pure cancer. Don't go there man." Of course I was going to anyway. Clicked on the 'Sup Forums' and found this and here I am several years later.
A lot of people say "oh Sup Forums was never good" but to be completely honest, there was a time where it was a pretty fun board to post on and look at cool interesting threads instead of this fucking garbage repeat of the same shit over and over. Might as well call it /p/ for predictable since you can always predict with 100% accuracy what garbage is being reposted.

> By much more I mean the power to say ... If you don't stop with your obsession over traps you will always be very sad and will suffer to have a meaningful relationship.

Some asshole in the IRC channel I used to hang out in kept posting links to images here. Fuck you Floyd, I hope you're dead now.

I used to browse 9gag a lot for my memes, a mate at school told me he saw some meme i showed him weeks ago here

I came to /b just exploring, some guy cutting his dick came up so i left /b, although recently i've decided just to ignore weird shit on here

Usually i'm just lurking a lot of boards,

I was 14 in like 07 or 08 and this geek girl I was friends with told me about "slash b". I think at this point I was starting to browse encyclopedia dramatica and some other shit. I would just open the Sup Forums page and typically close it without clicking anything once I got to the bottom. I was convinced I would get a virus or the van if I clicked anything.

After a few weeks I started exploring some of the shit threads and memes. I remeber it used to be much more creative and humorous, then in like 2011 it started going to shit, then memes became a cultural phenomenon.

Now I feel shitty because Ive been browsing this website for almost 10 years