Here's what's wrong with Sup Forums

Here's what's wrong with Sup Forums.

There is a real ugliness and hostility that permeates this place.

Sup Forums posters are definitely the most unhappy, angry, aggressive and psychopathic users on all of Sup Forums

There is a dedicated group of die hard shit posters who seem to have a vendetta against Sup Forums, so they spend every single moment they can shit posting. They're either bitter film school drop outs or they're just garden variety psychopaths

Trolling, and the desire to purposefully antagonize strangers on the Internet, is proven to be a symptom of psychopathic personality disorder. It's always coupled with frequent unhappiness, which explains a lot about what you see here on Sup Forums.

I think the shit posters live under the delusion that if they just keep shit posting people will either stop coming here or Hiro will close the board. Neither thing will ever happen.

>They're either bitter film school drop outs or they're just garden variety psychopaths
No, it's actually much simpler. There's just a percentage of people who are redditors / newfags and think that Sup Forums is a designated shitposting & meme zone

Trolling is still symptomatic of psychopathic behavior.

>There is a real ugliness and hostility that permeates this place.

I fucking wish.

Hostility is GOOD for Sup Forums boards. It's what keeps newfags out and upholds board quality. The problem with Sup Forums is the OPPOSITE. Sup Forums has been too welcoming to new users. When crossposters started posting /r9k/ style frogthreads, Sup Forums didn't tell them to fuck off, so now there's tons of people who treat Sup Forums exactly like they treat /r9k/. A dumping ground for blogposts and memes.

You see people make "what's kino mean" threads and posters indulge them sincerely. There's not "FUCK OFF NEWFAG, LURK MORE"

Sup Forums welcomed memers with open arms and now they took over the place.

Some reddit users made posts on subreddits about how this place and Sup Forums are reddit like and how good they are. Only once they started browsing some managed to stick around and the real SJW ledditors couldn't handle this place therefore it's their personal vendetta to punish us straight white males.

>hostility is GOOD
>muh secret club!

Said the confirmed psychopath

no it's really simple

Sup Forums used to be owned by autistic NEETs who creeped on waifus all day

now it's owned by memers and shitposters and waifufags get BTFO by based mods

I'm not going to argue with someone who didn't seen what Sup Forums looked like in 2009 firsthand why smaller userbases promote higher quality discussion.

You've either seen what new users do to a board or you haven't.

A lot of angry people. True.

Whats wrong with psychopaths?

Psychopaths are superior in everyway, they deserve too own Sup Forums and Sup Forums


The problem with Sup Forums is that the people here WANT to be fanboy plebs. They need to be put in check and criticized to have good real conversations and argument.

So, the anger and hostility has to come from somewhere else. Unfortunately, it comes from fucking Sup Forums who are those psychopaths who always need to be the center of attention in every thread.

Also, Hollywood sucks right now.

>implying baneposters are'nt the true saviors of this board

Do you think Sup Forums is now worse than Sup Forums in terms of shitpost?

Baneposting is dead, man.
>inb4 hothead
>inb4 show me etsboddeh

Sup Forums isn't hostile you fucking retard

The average Sup Forums posters are 12 year old Mexicans or Europeans that don't fit in with the rest of Sup Forums so they come here to spout x-kino and cuckmemes.

So I don't go to Sup Forums often, what is your obsession with black cocks? Because you guys talk about them a lot. Do you just want a black guy to fuck you or what?

I've been here since 06, back when Sup Forums was actually good

>Trolling, and the desire to purposefully antagonize strangers on the Internet, is proven to be a symptom of psychopathic personality disorder. It's always coupled with frequent unhappiness, which explains a lot about what you see here on Sup Forums.

How many psych classes did you take, OP?

I'm a normie who goes to law school. I shitpost on Sup Forums because it's funny and I like the community better than reddit/9gag/funnyjunk/tumblr. Stop reading into it so much.

>posting a meme MS paint comic

Back to Redshit faggot

Psychopaths are just people, like you and me. They need love and attention like every one else.

Psychopath are superior and rule this board.

>mfw people blame reddit or Sup Forums for Sup Forums being so bad
>mfw people actually think crosposters want to come to this shithole
>mfw Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums

>Literally "no, stop enjoying things!" The post.

If psychopaths are superior, why is only 1% of the population one?


>law school

The perfect career for a sociopath