Who would win in a fight? Doom Marine or Master Chief?

Who would win in a fight? Doom Marine or Master Chief?

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Even though in a Total halo kid. Doom Guy would win. Doom Guy is faster and Just better

>Doom Guy is faster

Have you ever played doom you fuck
Doom guy is fast as fucking shit

So is Chief.

Master Cheif.

no, Faggot is slow as shit


Chief can run at around 34 mph

doom guy killed satan

Chief saved the galaxy.

Doom guy. Rip and tear

DoomGuy saved the universe

>implying killing fucking SATAN isn't more impressive than saving a galaxy

I don't remember it playing out like that. Which DOOM did you play? I never saw Satan and him saving the universe.

>implying satan isnt a little bitch

Chief has a cyber waifu so hed win

Both single-handedly defeat massive armies of enemies. However:

Chief's pitted against the woefully and comically inept Covenant.

The Doom Slayer is pitted against the literal armies of Hell.

Is this even debatable? Doom Guy wins, hands down.

I think you're confusing Satan with the Covenant Prophets.

They can't even stand. They have to "fight" with fucking hover-chairs.

They're the 'big bad' of the Halo universe? And Chief STILL can't defeat them?

Vega > Cortana

Are we using the old Doom Marine or the new Doom Marine? Because Master Chief stomps the old version easily, and will win against the new one also.

The new version of Doomguy has a much. much, much better set of armour that his old counterpart, both lore wise and the fact that he has a full suit, no longer exposing his arms which would have been an exploit to use in an actual fight. But as a downside, he's about half as fast as what he was in the original games (fans estimated DG 2016 to run at about 30mph, compared to 60mph in the old games).
For this though, I'm combining both versions of Doomguy.

The new Praetor suit is said to be impervious to most forms of damage. However, when you play through the game, DG still takes damage, and can still be taken down and or suffer considerable damage from the likes of explosive barrels.

DG's strength takes A LOT of assumption, due to the fact he can crush and rip apart lower demons with ease, and still tear apart bigger demons. Either way, I'd also argue he's stronger than the older version, though we don't have a specific number.

DG also maintains 30-60mph with ease, despite his impressive arsenal, which is estimated to be about 1000lbs (i believe, I don't remember the exact number).

And he's raped Hell so many times, which everyone knows.
Master Chief's feats however, are easier to keep track of, mainly due to the Halo books. Not to mention, there's a consistency with them.

I won't go into too much detail, but after the Spartan Augmentation surgery, Spartans could lift three times their body weight (Chief is almost 300lbs), run at 55kmph (34mph - and it is stated they'd get faster as they get older too), had a reaction time of 20 milliseconds, and in Chief's case, easily killed ODSTs at the age of 14 with very little effort. ODSTs make our modern day Marines look like children.

Then there's the Mjolnir armour, which basically multiplies their already enhanced abilities by 5.

Cortana stated that the reason she picked Chief was his luck. fucker was genetically enhanced and given specialized training and still his only worthwhile characteristic is luck. Doom Marine was just another grunt but went and stopped hell dead in its tracks anyway. rip and tear until it is done

YouTube search for death battle master chief and doom

Fuck that baised shit

To do the maths:

Strength: 300lbs x 3 = 900lbs x 5 = 4500lbs (remember Chief can easily flip vehicles that way tons by himself).

Speed: There was an instance during a training exercise where Chief torn his Achilles tendon, and managed to cover half a kilometre in 17 seconds, meaning he had to be running about 65mph.
Again, times that by 5, that gives us over 300mph, which is backed up in the books by Marines claiming to see Spartans run like blurs.

Endurance: Survived three falls from Orbit (Halo CE in the escape pod, Halo 3, and Halo 4), survived an Anti-Tank missile landing next to him, storms of plasma fire, fighting physically stronger opponents, etc.

Reflexes: It'd give him a 4 millisecond reaction speed, and his reflexes are highly focused in the books. After his augmentations, he could dodge point blank fire.

His speed and reflexes also come into consideration, since his CQC speed is almost impossible for the human eye to keep up with.

Also, he's really lucky.

Doomguy is 45 mph top speed

Basically, anything Doomguy can do, Chief can do better. Both are tough enough to withstand each other's arsenal, so it'll have to come down to a close quarters fight, which just bends the fight into MC's favour, because he's just too fast for DG to keep up with, because of his superior speed, fighting ability, and reflexes.


Ok, Doomguy stares down MC.
BFG comes out.
MC dies from terminal diarrhea.


>Both are tough enough to withstand each other's arsenal
Lol, BFG is literally the win button m80

unless doomguy gets the invulnerability pick up.

that would fuck up MC.

How'd I forget this?

I don't think this is a fight we can for sure say ethe ther wins, stats wise at least speed mc can bob and weave between DG's punches BUT should DG get so much as a pinoy fonger to grip anything on MC that part is coming off of MC's body and not coming back, MC is a mosquito who can punch like hummer, DG is a walking refrigerator who is also part can opener and freight train, both counter the other in different ways that equal each other out, i don't think for sure we can say who would win.

Master Chief needs his armor and a dutch wife. Doomguy only needs his bare hands to kick ass.

Saitama would win.

I could literally say the same about the Spartan Laser. Though the BFG is more destructive since it decimates hordes of Demons instantly, the SP has more outward destructive force (if that makes sense), which would more than likely end up cancelling each other out.

You'd also have to bring in all their power-ups. Quad-Damage and Haste for DG, and Overshield, Active Camouflage for Chief.

Again, both DG and MC are fast and touch enough for each other to outlast a Quad-Damage and Overshield, along with Invulnerability and AC.

Doom guy is like a racecar diagonally

>cancelling each other out
Spartan laser is shit tier against infantry, nothing escapes BFG splash

I think y'all Halofags forget the basic and mst important point, wich is that DoomGuy Will LitErallY RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS! RIP AND TEAR!

It decimates infantry, kills everything in a one shot, but it's just impractical because it's an anti-vehicle weapon. It easily shreds through vehicles, and thick steel doors, etc.
It's plenty strong.

>It decimates infantry
Doomguy dodges, pops a bfg round in the general vicinity and MC explodes

You seem to have forgotten that stats I stated above, that MC is faster than DG, and has the vastly superior reflexes.
So no, MC dodges, closes in, and the fight resumes to be a CQC battle. Which again. ends with Chief because of his better speed, better strength, better reflexes and better training.

This is not a fair fight at all for DG.

>MC dodges
wtf, you don't "dodge" bfg splash.
You don't aim for enemies with the bfg, you hit a surface and watch everything that isn't you disintegrate.

You also forget how tough MC himself is, along with his armour and his shields, and that he also took splash damage from an Anti-Tank missile in one of the books, which I also stated above.
Again, he's tough enough to survive the splash damage.

He's still human.
He's nothin' but gibs to the trump card that is the bfg.
It's the superman of anti infantry weapons.

Also, When Doomguy 'dies', he goes to hell, fights his way out and is alive again.
You cannot kill a virtual immortal.

MC is far from human, due to all the augmentations he's had and mentally.

But you're relying so heavily on the BFG, that I should probably say that the new version only has 3 shots in it. What's DG going to do when it runs out? Gauss Cannon? Again, MC is tough enough to take a few hits, and is fast enough to dodge a few because again, I can't state how fast his reflexes are.
Rocket Launcher falls into the same category.
Maybe DG's new assault rifle which fires those little rockets (I don't remember the name), but the speed of things will allow for a few hits. But what it makes up for in speed, it lacks in power, so again, it'll need to make impact on MC for it to do some relevant damage.
Chainsaw? That's not cutting through Mjolnir armour, and won't even be able to cut through Chief because of his 300% reinforced bones.
Plasma Rifle is near useless, since it's nothing Chief hasn't dealt with before.

I'd say the only weapon that's going to help out in close corners is the Super Shotgun. But again, MC's shields will minimise some of that damage, along with his actual armour. Whatever pellets are left that make impact into him he can shrug off, since he's shrugged off direct fire before.

So how is DG going to win and what's stopping MC from sniping him in the head or dealing at him from distance if need be?

Chief fell from space and lived. Doom guy fell off the horse of relevance for 10+ years. The horse of relevance, can't get any worse than that now can it?

Issac would just step in and kill them both

Get out

Doom Guy...Soul sphere






Doom guy manly due to him giving us columbine.



Doomguy would win easily. He frequently fights hordes of enemies of significantly more power than Chief was trained to. The Flood is NOTHING compared to the armies of he'll. Chief couldn't handle a single Hivemind in single combat, but Doomguy could take on a legion of Cyber demons - The likes of which could defeat an entire army by themselves.

Doomguy, with full armor and health, can tank a superheated plasma round from a BFG which is akin to a Halo ring firing at point blank range. He can outrun literally any other video game character and has the strength to tear apart gargantuan enemies without much strain.

This is a complete non-contest. Chief is strong, but fucking NO ONE is Doomguy strong.

I think the more important question is Thanos with the Infinity Gems vs Batman with prep time.

Everything Chief fights is stronger that him, if you've read the Halo books.
Also, the Flood is nothing?... You mean the parasite that can easily wipe out all life in the Galaxy, and when their numbers are high enough, can form together to create a being of super intelligence which is smart enough to outsmart the AI was an ancient civilisation?
The same parasite which was only able to be stopped, by wiping out all life in the galaxy so you could starve it to death?

Also, the BFG is stronger than a Halo ring? Get the fuck. The BFG is nothing against a weapon designed to wipe out all life in the known galaxy.

Not to mention Master Chief is faster as someone stated above in the wall of texts.

I can't tell if I just bought into bait or not.

Master chef bc he's got saltana

>if you've read the Halo books.
Halo books are not canon, He was a video game character first

Check mate

What are you on about? They are canon because they're a huge part of the character and lore.

>Not canon

says who


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