fresh edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm surprised that this thread lasted an hour
get fucked.
>I can't fight you right now
>Do you perhaps also do intimate drawings? Like cute intimacy that can also be lewd?
I do pretty much anything as long it's not degenerate, lowest I went was this tentacles doodle I think
Now what?
they're ok, by degenerate I'm talking about headless bowsers and kobolds in diapers
This thread is deader than the last one
You're my new favorite and I love you
New threads are always dead at first because newfag anons can't follow a linked post or use catalog or search filter...
go away.
Good Morning Thread :3
Good Morning HDR~2
okkusen dot tumblr dot com
I always forget to update it though
Im not HDR >~<
Im Cly
I need to see HDRs art, do I really look like him?
>not HDR
Look at the filename of your image.
"""" art """""
Seriously is that why Im called HDR?
Fresh, uh?
How fresh?
Yeah kinda.
Also because most of the drawfags have their name as the filename for their images.
Well that's not very nice. I tried my best to draw that image without lifting my pencil off the paper
Git Gud, Ap
Well I always post from a phone.
Idk its pretty funny nickname to me now I think I may keep it.
Are you up for requests?
so? that kinda makes it worse - i dont mean to insult you, i just rile people up so they get gud.
loli rape
got some time on my hand before the family crashes, so
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do need to git gud honestly
Look at this ugly fuck. Im feeling sprry for bringing him into this world.
Then I would like to request the following.
>Her coming out of a christmas present. Wearing a santa hat, having grey hair, a pair of glasses and little bells as nipple piercings.
Thank you very much.
Jesus I wasn't expecting tk wake up to this request.
Ummm. Ill do lewd but not that, please lord not that.
Ignore the loli rape guy, that wasn't me asking.
He usually kinda shitposts that to everyone.
You see that request is doable.
And I like your persistance you just keep posting.
the design could be somewhat interesting - but you need to work on lines, forms, proportion, perspective, E V E R Y T H I N G
loli rape
Oh thank god, I just woke up Im not interested in any child rape in the morning.
What would be the correct term?
fresher then my ass~
ah, my old fat friend!
No one got any requests.for this poor soul... ?
loli rape
ah, my old fat friend!
No one got any requests for this poor soul......?
loli rape
Fröhliche Weihnachten Voland.
Könntest du vielleicht eine epische Schneeballschlacht zwischen dir und ehg zeichnen?
A man made out of wood fighting commies with a baseball bat
thread is dead
it is Christmas eve fam
I know. I just wanted to make a statement.
Help me please
Hi lump guy
Since thread is kill
Any requests?
seriously, you sometimes bring me so much joy! have a nice christmas eve with your family and loved ones >:)
Frohe Weihnachten mein Lieber!
Jo warum denn nicht.
Sorry doing the request of the kraut above. but for curiosity's sake why always beating commies?
Put some butter on that shit! Works wonders :)
Ich wollte mich nochmal wegen neulich entschuldigen. Du hattest recht, ich hätte es einfach mit Humor nehmen sollen.
I live next to a commie
I wouldn't mind if he was a nazi
But he always rant about caplists pigs
And shit like that.
You know I've been trying to learn German, but these draw threads had caused me to kind of deverge from that.
I just got the rough sketch finished and am putting in the lone art and detail BTW do you want a tail on her?
Because they left in out in the pic.
Cheg dem :DDDD
He's guuder than you though, you are just polishing turds, and you know it.
>do you want a tail on her?
I mean she is a bear, so I highly doubt that you would see her little tail.
especially in the angle she is standing in the pic.
word of advice: dont do something so specific and detailed if you dont get paid for it. especially not if someone repeatedly tries to get his shit done for free by people.
ich hab zwar keine ahnung was du meinst, aber wie wäre es damit, wenn du dich mal etwas entspannst? wir sind hier alles unbekannte anonyme und sowas sollte dir eig. (und vor allem) auf lange sicht total schnurz sein :)
Learn it, believe me it is the most beautiful language to insult people with :)
>implying this guy being the only one that repeatedly tries to get his shit done for free by people
Alright here ya go fweind.
Dunno why but I put more effort into this than usual.
Thank you man.
It looks beautiful.
Happy holidays my friend.
Requesting her getting gangbanged
Well drawing for me is a hobby (I hope to make money off of someday maybe)
But as a career Im going into the USAF as a cryptolinguist. Langugages and having a talent and skills learning and speaking languages are a bit higher up than drawing, even though I fucking love drawing.
But I don't think I have the talent to do commisions...YET.
I can see Im getting better, and I know that I am my own worst critique, and how I will always look at my art as if it isn't the best, and that how good art is is subjective.
But it's more of a personal matter and these threads help me.
Thx :3
If you want we can talk a bit.
Nah Im fine, I mean when I say personal it's more where I am creativly.
Im not insecure, Im just very opinionated, especially to some things I do.
BTW to anyone on this thread that is still alive, I can do some more requests.
I am not voland. I was the requester.
loli rape
Do you take requests involving smegma?
Oh, heh I cant brain. I woke up 30 mins ago. Also anonymity.
Please stop.
So how are you today?
Well, because I have a family that still loves me, I should be doing some christmasy stuff today.
But because I need to survive economicly I will be going to work for 4 hours.
I know how you feel.
But earning money to survive is sadly an essential part of life.
We need to liberate to proletariate
I am not a communist. I just stated that it is a part of our life that we have to deal with.
Lol me neither. But it does suck.
Yeah it does.
Especially if you are stuck with a job you hate.
> implying i imply that.
it doesnt. you do you - request what you want how often you want, it was more advice in general for anyone trying to becoming an artist and making money on the side. customers are so self entitled when it comes to art, it's unbelievable.
keep the hobby, and good luck to you
welp im off, family came early.
?? what happened to her fifth finger
Well I work as a bus boy. The only reedemable thing is I don't have one negative opinion with my mamagers or any of my coworkers.
I don't draw characters with 5 fingers. I loke drawing in more cartoony styles.
Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any one pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs: imgur.com
Rukia refs: imgur.com