Admit that Deadpool was the best super hero move of 2016, and probably ever

Admit that Deadpool was the best super hero move of 2016, and probably ever.

The only way his movie could have been better is if the nutless fucks at Fox didn't cut the budget and we could have seen the shoot out they had planned that would have blown that one from the Matrix out of the water.


Thats not Batman.v.Superman.Dawn.of.Justice.2016.Ultimate.Edition.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-RARBG

I saw it last night and hated it. Awful jokes and a plot as bad as the equally shitty movies the writers seem to think it's better than.


Nothing even comes close. It's just a more sophisticated form of cinema of every film making level.

>this famalama

I think it is the best of the year, but it's not even the best of the decade, let alone ever.

its pretty bad

Maybe the first 20 mins or so is alright
but the jokes are awful. Deadpool is annoying.

Collosus and NegaSonic were okay I guess.

I can't imagine the type human that would be old enough to see an R rated movie and also enjoy this crap.

No. If we rate capeshit this year:
30.Batman V Superman
50.Civil War
105265948484. Deadpool and X-Men.

>1. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Jutice Ultimate Cut
>30.Batman V Superman
>50.Civil War
>105265948484. Deadpool and X-Men.

Fuck off OP and take this faggy cringe movie with you.

I thought this was awesome when I saw it, but now that I get here and everybody's trashing it, I don't like it anymore. It's a bad movie.

Civil War was better. Deadpool was pretty good, though.

What did he mean by this?

Garbage. Absolute garbage.

Also proof that people everywhere are stupid. I'm sitting in the theater after the credits are rolling and the people around me (including the fat chick behind me who was kicking my seat the whole time) are talking about how Deadpool was so hilarious and startlingly raunchy. "We didn't know a super hero movie could do that!"

Are you fucking kidding me? First off, did you ever see Super? Also, that whole thing was put together so if the studio wanted to make it PG-13 they'd only have to make a few small edits - i.e. CGI blood, quick shots of nudity with no main actors in them, and f-bombs that are all said off screen or by characters without mouths. It wasn't funny. Nor was a deconstruction of anything.

All we have was a not-so-wise-cracking jackass who wants to fix his face and blatantly points out the flaws of his own movie and expects us to laugh at how shitty it was. The humor is as intelligent as youtube poop I would have watched in middle school.

If you think this movie is good then you're on the wrong board(go to Sup Forums)


I agree but /Sup Forums is full of contrarian hispter fuckfaces

pasta, opinion invalid.


Oh, i get it now...the DP hate is really a 2 layer memepost, meaning you do like and are just trying to be funny.

gotta agree with this. I know the film isn't aimed at me, (I'm 35) but neither are most of the comic book films and I still enjoy them. This was pianfully unfunny. There is nothing funny about watching a 40 year old act like a 14 year old making poop, dick, and sex jokes whilst attempting to be 1990s postmodern. I cringed the whole way through and I feel sorry for teens that flock to see this movie as some kind of modern masterpiece. It's not.

Fucking hell nothing is ever good enough for you picky twats is it?
A film has to be literal perfection or else it's utter shit. Do you just sit at home watching the Godfather all day or something?

The actual story was sub-MCU quality but some (about a third) of the jokes were funny.

I found it unfunny and while mildly enjoyable, ultimately lackluster.

Superhero movies I'd rate higher:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Iron Man 3
The Wolverine (2013)
Batman: The Movie (1966)
Big Hero 6
The Dark Knight

This movie is so forgettable. Civil War is an amazing epic compared to this trash which has sex jokes written for 12 year old boys.

>The only way his movie could have been better is if the nutless fucks at Fox didn't cut the budget and we could have seen the shoot out they had planned
KEK what shoot did they plan? Deadpool being fucked by his prostitute whore while shooting bad guys as jizz flies in their faces?

I gotta add X-Men: First Class to that


would have been better than any """"film"""" you ever made

> Best capeshit of 2016

> Best capeshit ever
that would be Batman Begins

Civil War is literally a children's movie though, like all Marvel shit

Batman and Superman are both raging faggots.

The only thing more flaming is Spiderman gargling Aquaman's aqua.