Why is BvS still talked about while Civil War has been forgotten?
Why is BvS still talked about while Civil War has been forgotten?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Thematic Depth
>3 Hour film
>Still finding hidden meaning
>Many themes to deconstruct and analyze
>Civil War
>Forgettable """"plot""""
same reason we still talk about the Prequels when JewJew's Star Wars has been forgotten.
Why is Civil War bashed when T2 is praised to high heaven?
Both are just three expensive set pieces filled with bad cg held together by bad kid acting and cringy quips.
civil war is pretty awful desu
Because Dkeks come to every Marvel related thread just in time to ruin it. The discussion was moved to Sup Forums and from time to time they discuss the motivations of the characters.
And so is T2. In fifteen years it'll be held in just as high a regard from kids that it left a mark on.
>marvel related threads
>implying Mcucks don't constantly try to start marvel threads only to see them die with 10 posts in 2 hours.
Has Civil War leaked in HD yet?
>Why is BvS still talked
Because DCucks stiƱl bring it to defender it while Marvelfags dont.
Because the dvd came out
In september I'm sure we'll see civil war shit again
Well user, great tragedies burn themselves into the public conscious.
We also still talk about 9/11.
this is correct.
>implying Mcucks don't constantly try to start marvel threads only to see them die with 10 posts in 2 hours.
>implying Dkeks doesn't start threads bringing up Civil War in order to mock it and ironically showing that they remember the movie perfectly.
That "First Avenger" thread (33 posts) got derailed within the third post thanks to Dkeks that started bringing up Snyder and how Marvel is shit.
Because Batman v Superman it's the best movie that came out the last half of year... and no one here is able to debate me in this one. Fucking plebs that need some taste
Because DCucks are still in denial
The only true answer
i really like Sup Forums is warming up to BvS and Snyder in general. It generates so much butthurt.
What a pleb
By this standard, My Little Pony is the greatest television show of all time.
>That "First Avenger" thread (33 posts) got derailed within the third post thanks to Dkeks that started bringing up Snyder and how Marvel is shit.
Somehow most DC threads are able to survive derail attempts just fine despite the tireless efforts of the Disney and Marvel Shills, the Evanposter and other assorted shitposters.
Maybe you Marvel drones just need to own up to the idea that your flicks are forgettable and disposable trash with nothing to say.
You retards can't shut up about it.
BvS was a huge shitshow and an embarrassing release. Civil War was just another Burger churned out by the machine.
A lot of DCfags are bronies
>Maybe you Marvel drones just need to own up to the idea that your flicks are forgettable and disposable trash with nothing to say.
For all its quips, I don't remember a single line from Civil War.
BvS is a meme and Sup Forums is full of illiterate artists who want to feel different. Championing a hack director like Snyder hits all the right buttons. Both flicks are trash.
Because it's your typical "see it once and throw it in the trash" movie. There's absolutely nothing there to warrant a second viewing or discussion afterwards. The fucking cashier at my theatre was even shilling it, saying how he's seen it 5 times and how amazing it is.
>Mom! Look! I posted it again!!
It's a shame Nolan wasn't a producer on BvS. You could see his influence in MOS.
I was going to prove you wrong but the only thing that came to mind was "there's only one God ma'am and I'm sure he doesn't dress like that"
Civil War was praised whilst getting past 1 billion in the first 2 weeks. Only main gripe was no real "deaths" at the end.
BvS is brought up to be constantly shit on and or with meme threads of people pretending they liked it.
because civil war was dogshit
I genuinely wouldn't be surprised by this. Both properties come from something marketed primarily to children. Both fanbases seem to have some misappropriated sense of superiority. Both must make constant threads to try and rationalize their fandom and convert others.
The reason there aren't any Civil War threads is because there is no need for them. The movie was seen, some liked it, some didn't. Nobody needs to defend themselves or rationalize whether they liked it or not. There are no hurt egos to mend.
Pretty much this. I watched CW and it was more friendly, but damn. BvS it's just way more interesting
Anybody have the picture of 4 dc movies with the labels: "flick", "movie", "film", "kino"? Pic unrelated
Because it's fucking terrible, so autists on here talk about it nonstop to be contrarian/troll
>just fine despite the tireless efforts of the Disney and Marvel Shills
>just fine despie the criticism of normal people that i catalogue as Marvel shills, because no one can't say a thing against my capemovies, lalalalala.
it takes longer to polish a turd.
because it's still tasty bait
fuck it,
Same reason people still talk about the Holocaust. Disasters are more interesting than mediocrity.
these are correct.
Why are either talked about when both were shit?
shitt smells last longer
Bc DCfags like you with a chip on their shoulders are constantly making threads about how you can't get over the fact your fanboy obsession isn't equally loved by the masses.
Because the Ultimate cut came out recently.
because it's a meme
what is stark saying?
Because BvS was a flawed mess that was visually interesting and had lots of unique shit in it for a cape movie, while Civil War was indistinguishable from every other Marvel movie.
Because people like to complain about things they hate far longer than people like to revel in things they love.
Because you keep spamming this same thread everyday. If I spammed civil war threads 24/7 then it would be posted more. But i'm not as autistic as DCucks are so I don't do that.
Aside from Hawkeye making light of things during the airport fight and Spider-Man being, well, Spider-Man, what quips? You've got to be some sort of humorless drone if you think Civil War was exactly overflowing with one-liners. Joss Whedon the Russo Brothers are not.
>Joss Whedon
Fuck you age of shit was filled to the brim. Joss can't write 2 pages lacking quips without getting twitchy.
Because BvS is a memorable movie.
It's also divisive, so discussion and debate comes naturally.
Because a train wreck is a more interesting talking point than something everyone agrees is good.
It wasn't overrun with jokes, imo they did jokes better than the drama so I'd say there was little emotional weight than what they were going for.
still a better flick than BvS
Are you fucking serious with defending Joss Whedon when it comes to quips.
In WS and CW, everything that's played straight is. Jokes are like 20% of those movies, where as in age of Ultron everything is a quip attempt. Ultron is never serious. No one is affected by what's happening on screen.
it's memorable because it's shit
Explain. Fuck Nolan.
are you a fucking idiot? learn to read.
BvS was hated by the critics. While Civil War was loved by all. Sup Forums is full of hipsters. It's the same reason why it suddenly loved the StarWars prequels, but never mention them till TFA.
BvS is not still talked about, it was just released on dvd etc. and is talked about because of that
Recent BvS talk seems to be correlated to blue-ray release so i guess Civil War is not out on blue-ray yet :D:.
>talks about how civil war isn't a quip machine but still has humor sprinkled throughout
>mentions joss Whedon in the same sentence
>implying AoU wasn't flooded with quips and meme attempts
I agree with you about CW and the Russos, but joss went so overboard he took the plank with him.
Prima Donna; aka what he is to the Marvel franchise.
the entire airport fight was nothing but quips. the ending was nothing but quips. there were tons of quips with falcon to cap after they get bucky.
Because Marvel flicks are just turn your brain off family movies with quips.
Nothing to discuss because they don't require in depth discussion
>the airport fight is nothing but quips
Which is fine since it's one scene in the movie, and granted they were actually well done
>the ending was nothing but quips
What are you referring to? Cause I've got no memory of quips at all. Only thing I can think of is Tony putting Ross on hold, and that was only funny cause of Ross's reaction
Pretty much this. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Marvel flicks, but they're like fast food entertainment. They have virtually no repeat viewing value for me, and what themes they do occasionally tackle, they treat with such superficiality that it comes across as glib and insincere.
>let me prove how deep this movie is using a niggers opinion
It was business as usual for Marvel. Another Great film. BVS cucks just can't let it go that the film they've been waiting for sucks.
They did bring it upon themselves. They spammed the capekino meme for months.
even though capekino was already accomplished through Incredibles and Hellboy 2
Nice argument
>implying spider man is white
Shut up faggot
takes a surefire winner like Batman and Superman in the same movie and shits the bed in front of the whole class
>Civil War
just another really good Marvel movie
probably because BvS was seen as a blunder until the director's cut came out
it puts the spotlight once again on how retarded execs are
Because Civil War made over $1.1b and BvS severely underperformed, leading many to shitpost this board to justify and rationalize why BvS didn't do as well or meet expectations.
I should also mention that Civil War is the #1 highest grossing movie of 2016 so far (both domestically and worldwide)
>Another Great film
>it's an user liberally uses the term great episode
>it's a summer Marvel Fags first post episode
civil war underperformed as well though
>seen as a blunder
By legitimate plebs, maybe.
because there is no DVD/Blu-ray rip out for Civil War yet
Shit stinks longer than water.
Because Henry Cavill is a confirmed Sup Forums shitposter. HI HENRY!!
Wrong. There was a BvS every day even before the movie was released. Hell people were posting camrip footage and discussing.
Nothing like this has happened with Civil War. Sorry bud but Marvel has lost
Except there is not one local that praises BvS on this board. Its all tourists
>>#1 Movie of 2016
pick one and only one
keep telling yourself that newcuck