Time Lord Victorious edition
Gobbled by Lolita:
Time Lord Victorious edition
Gobbled by Lolita:
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— Cats
Don't you think /who/ looks tired?
It is for years
Even before the Great Trip War and the War Tripcunt
I'm sorry I killed /who/ and tried to link /who/ to Adam when he REKT me.
>not Krillitane yourself
You had one job
Cats isn't the problem, it's trips like FNA and cloister.
not forget macra
>mistaking based 9 for puss-puss 10
You know who the real problem is?
Fuck off Prog!
oh please they haven't done anything
its shitposters like you
Obverse is chill indeed, but Morty hasn't mentioned working on Opus Majus in some time. He omitted it from his December "in the pipeline" post and I coulda sworn he mentioned it once but i can't find it on the facebook page so
but Eccleston played the 10th incarnation of the Doctor
Confession time:
I don't care for capaldi as the doctor, i havnt watched anything passed flatline. I think clara is boring and ugly. I samefag to make my opinions carry more weight when i trip. I also complain loudly about another trip but am afraid of a backlash if i do so using my trip. I dont actually mind them but i feel like they run the show when theyre around. I wish matt smith would have stayed an cried like a baby when tennant left and get furious when /who/ shits on him I havent seen much of the classic series except for 5 and thought he was a great doctor. sometimes i steal opinions from gb in regards to other doctors so i appear knowledgeable. I have only been "allowed" on Sup Forums for about 14 months i was under age before then
I'm trying to remember when this was copy pasted from.
hello Cloister
stale meme
I meant to do this a couple days ago but got distracted, anyway this is how I plan on doing it from here on out whenever an issue comes out (probably only posting ask moffats)
www dot filedropper dot com slash dwm501
Just finished Cyberwoman.
Why do you guys hate it so much? Aside from the shitty design of the cyberwoman and the ridiculous pterodactyl scene, it was a pretty solid story.
Especially the half-converted/mutilated Japanese dude and the bit at the end with the cyberwoman transplanting her brain into the pizza girl. Nice to see a darker and bloody cyberman story.
Watching it I just got to a point maybe 2/3 of the way through when Jack and Ianto and everyone were just screaming at each other angrily and I thought "why in god's name am I watching this?"
And the pizza girl at the end felt kind of cartoony, the shark was already jumped at the pterodactyl punch but it was like we went full tilt into some kind of comically gory exploitation thing.
Cats obviously isn't the problem. He left and the shitposters are still there. Him leaving changed nothing.
no cats you just changed trip or go user now. piss off
Why was this post deleted?
>Adam Orford scared off Cats
Jesus Christ, at least there's one thing right about Cat's name - he's a total pussy.
Him and cloister can fuck off seriously. they're both cunts and contribute nothing
Who'd have known that Adam would be the downfall of /who/
He isn't. /who/ has been dying since Husbands of River Song.
I'm surprised we made it this far into 2016.
7/12 months so far.
Not long until new televised content. Past the halfway mark now.
At least we'll have Class to tide us over. Even though it'll bring tons of Fady posting
I'm really excited for what Class will bring to /who/ even if it's just poor memes.
It'll be fun to stream at least like that K9 show
When's the totally canon K9 vs Omega movie coming out?
There's nothing wrong with Fady-posting.
Right, which one of you was it? You know who you are and what I'm talking about. Naughty.
You're right.
Apart from everything about it.
Does it upset you? I think he's a good actor.
his face is too small for his head and his beard looks like the sort of beard a neckbeard would have
seems like fadyposting is triggering you
I think he's pretty fine looking desu. I agree his face is a bit small but that's not much of a problem.
this will be Adam when Capaldi refuses him his 500th autograph tomorrow
I need a rare Adam
I don't stalk Adam sorry x
Cats does though
No problem. Thanks for the rare Gareths though. Got more?
I'm waiting for more to emerge from the void. I hope there is a mankini one. I love Gareth Roberts and his episodes. What a man. What a talent. What a guy.
That's Gareth.
Nice Pics.
I want Gareth in the Cyberwoman suit. One can dream I suppose
I've just been sick, thanks.
But i've also got the strangest boner.
"Silence will fall"
Have we had any new news on the mystery surrounding the missing episodes recently?
profession: Foole
How's the /who/ production of Foreman going?
It's going well. We've got enough volunteers for the principle cast. Still need a female voice (surprise, that). Also, if anyone has experience with sound effects / ambience, it would be appreciated.
Decided to leave off posting the casting call for a few threads just to avoid wearing it out. Will resume soon.
Remember when we discussed consoles rooms last thread? That was neat.
godly interior 2bh
>Doctor Who tarot
Cool. Is there a full set? McCoy would be the Hanged Man obviously
Why is the console such a fatty?
>There will never be an episode where the console literally spins around again
Don't mind me, just being the sexiest console room.
It really cant get better than this
I dunno. The artist was designing what they think the console room would look like if the show existed in the 90's.
>The artist was designing what they think the console room would look like if the show existed in the 90's.
But the show did exist in the 90s, sort of, and it looked like this
True. But it only looked like that because they had a film's budget.
>you will write for doctor who in your lifetime
>/who/ will call your episodes shit
Where can I download Doctor Who without torrenting? Mega.nz doesn't work because for some reason it downloads really really slow, I can't torrent because of my shit ISP and I don't want to pay for Amazon Prime.
nice try bbc
are you talking classic Who or pig shit Who?
pig shit Who
Oh. Sorry. I only know of Classic archives.
There used to be a bunch here. I just tried a few links and it seems like some of them are dead (The first few Hartnell are the ones I tested), but a lot weren't.
Just click on the Doctor from the left side and then pick the season and it will take you to a onedrive folder with all the serials.
Didn't see this when I posted, but either way also has NuWho.
That actually looks super comfy. Would be better than 8's TARDIS even. Except for the hologram. Replace that with weird swirling patterns or something, similar to the original series intro.
Is Fury from the Deep really set in the 60s? So Victoria ended up in modern times? She's probably still alive during all those NuWho Dalek and Cyberman invasions.
Yeah, that's why she was in the 300% canon confirmed-by-the-new-series fanfilm Downtime.
Are those the ones that introduced Kate Stewart? Haven't watched them.
bored bored bored
bored bored bored
bored bored bored
Thanks a lot mate, appreciate it!
Is there an explanation as to how Donna's World could exist? With the Doctor dead in The Runaway Bride, there was no one to stop the Carrionites in The Shakespeare Code, or the Cult of Skaro in 1930 in Daleks in Manhattan. Theoretically the world should have been gone.
Maybe the people of those time periods managed to solve those problems on their own. Maybe the Doctor wasn't necessary after all.
Is it me or does Matt Smith look incredibly different with each passing season? Like, does he seems to look slightly worse looking each season?
It was a bubble universe supported and powered by a symbiotic psychic link with one of the Trickster's creatures.
It was self-sustaining, but still easily popped.
His smile and optimism: gone.
Pizza! P-p-p-pizza!
Yeah, it almost as if a few years of long shoots and lost sleep had occoured.
I want to watch Paul Dano Who, link to those archives?
What happened? Where did his smile and optimism go?
His friends Amy and Rory lived out their lives peacefuly in the 20th century.
Such would drive anyone to drink.
I don't know but I hope it returns.