ITT: Overrated pleb tier garbage
ITT: Overrated pleb tier garbage
I've only watched the first season. Honestly one of the most boring pieces of shit I've ever seen.
That's like your opinion man and you're entitled to have it but it's wrong
I only watched the first episode. Honestly boring as fuck.
>one whole season isn't enough time to tell that the show is shit
It's just not entertaining.
These are all good shows. The wire on the other hand is objectively terrible.
Snyder fans
Most overrated movie ever tbvh
Unrealistic pretentious garbage.
>A good show
The Wire is objectively a good show
So, if you say it's bad you're automatically a pleb
There's nothing you can do about that
I only watched the opening theme. Song was good but nothing happens.
>literally nothing happens: the show
Pick one, and only one.
Found the pleb
It was shit.
Sup Forums lied.
The third guy was being ironic yah dummy
can't bout subjective shit bron jeremy
Outsides about 15 minutes of the fight scenes the rest was unwatchable.
>he doesn't get it
Not enough explosions for you faggots?
is it ok to skip the 2nd season?
the first season had too much legal mumbo jumbo that i didnt understand
No he wasnt
>he thinks a shitty movie is deep
>shit show in which nothing ever happens
>thin """"""""""plot"""""""""
>non-existent character development
Already preordered your ticket for the next Bay movie?
some kewl explosions :D
The Wire is a very well made show, close to reality.
Showing how the police, school or other departments work.
But you cant watch the show, if you are expecting big plot twists or fights every episode.
I stopped this "LOOK AT US ACTING" movie after ten minutes
Mad men is boring
the rest so far in this thread is actually pretty cool and you're a fgt if you don't like that sheet
>you can't watch the show if you're expecting entertainment
Nobody is asking for explosions or fights every episode. It's just a shit show with a boring plot and mediocre acting.
>entertainment = big plot twists or fights
mhh k
Seeing how all pieces of the puzzle come together sounds entertaining to me.
You probably shouldn't even try to get into good TV if your idea of serious, well-paced drama is capeshit and looneytunes
Tbqh lads Homicide was better
literally every show is overrated in some major respect except the wire
>muh domestic issues
>breaking bad
>muh cliffhangers that end up meaningless
>muh ending
breaking bad is the 2nd best show of all time
It's probably one of the only examples of 'social realism' that I ever enjoyed and appreciated.
I still don't think stuff like this is getting at the whole picture in life - not what matters to me - or to a lot of the types of people depicted in such stories even.
delete this
>But you cant watch the show, if you are expecting big plot twists or fights every episode, or any character development, or unique dramatic tension, or variation of cliches, or anything remotely similar to a 3 act structure episode, or captivating dialogue, or anything that lives up to its hype
Yes this is a common symptom of functioning autism
What's with the pleb invasion today Jesus Christ people.
Get off this board holy shit.
>tfw no 80's Ally gf
but in all seriousness you're a faggot for not loving this kino