Love is natural and real

>Love is natural and real
>But not for you, my love
>Not tonight my love

Just jerk off and go to sleep already.

its ok user

Im here sitting alone at home after plans to go out fell through. Instead im here sitting alone thinking of the girl im trying to forget, wondering why she is the way she is.

fuck this god damnit, its not fucking fair.

If you're so funny
Then why are you on your own tonight ?

And if you're so clever
Then why are you on your own tonight ?

If you're so very entertaining
Then why are you on your own tonight ?

At least you have friends and have plans.

I just spent 7 hours sitting in a top-floor corner of one of my Uni's study buildings downloading porn before finally fapping in a lecture hall an hour ago.

That was my Friday night.

Fucking ouch dude. But you know they have cameras and motion detectors right?

Having friends isn't enough.

I fucking hate that I have so few that when I cant go out, theres so few other options. I envy people with seemingly dozens upon dozens of friends, who always have plans, who always have something to do.

I fucking hate feeling like im stuck in between some insane normie and autist zone. Too normie to be an autist, but too autistic to be a normie.

being a half-autist is better than being a full autist senpai

I've been doing this for a while. I've found a blind spot and if I sit still I don't trigger the sensors so the lights stay off and people assume the place is empty.

>having friends isn't enough
Still better than what myself and a lot of others here have.

Whatever dude.
I've comme to a point where I found myself jerking off to pics of my ex and her husband, imagining myself in a 3way with me in her and him in my ass.

I start to wonder

I feel as though the universe has made it its job to constantly give me a taste of the full normie life, only for it to pull it away from me. Its starting to feel like there is no point to this shit.

You have several people in your life who care for you and appreciate your company, but because they can't dedicate all of their time towards you to compensate for your insecurity/inability to entertain yourself/whatever, you feel the universe is conspiring to make you suffer?

And here I thought I was narcissistic.

that sounds a lot like something i have with a girl i kno

i think it's more of a statement of how things feel out of his control. that guy is obviously insecure and doesn't need to be judged for it

Liking someone but not being with them is better than not liking anyone imo

>how things feel out of his control
Same can be said for 80% of the population.

>that guy is obviously insecure and doesn't need to be judged for it
Oh fuck off. Calling him narcissistic is hardly a judgement after that melodramatic shit he just typed.

Most people don't get what they want, and the few that do quickly grow bored with complacency and begin to want something else.

Existence is shit. Suffering is infinite. This is ubiquitous. It is not unique to him or anyone fucking else.

Like feeling sad is better than feeling nothing at all.

what if you liked them for a very long time

having what i want could be so simple

If it were really that simple and you really wanted it, you'd have it by now.

Just because it's simple for other people doesn't mean it's simple for you.

so like story of my life? i told my friend of several years that i liked her but she said no. we're still friends but idk i can't help but feel an emptiness still. whatever maybe i don't need love anyway. i'm tired of moping around. just fuck everything.


i don't know what to trust or believe, it's not a simple situation for me at all

>Liking someone but not being with them is better than not liking anyone imo
Fuck that. I know I'm too mentally unstable to date so I subvert any feelings of attraction the second I start to get them. Cute girls in my uni classes used to be a distraction. Now they don't bother me because I feel nothing around them.


developing feelings for a female friend after getting to know her definitely isn't uncommon

unfortunately im sorry user, but the reality is you need to set expectations right away.

If shes known you for several years and you never made a move, she must have thought you didn't see her that way, and in fact she is probably hurt too in her own way, I promise you, even if she doesn't show it

Never choose to be a friend if you have feelings for a girl. Set the expectation. I did with a girl recently, and turns out she felt the same about me (there are other issue unrelated, but thats a whole other can of worms). If I had chosen to keep quiet and not say anything, it would eventually just hurt us both even more.

look how insecure you're being. you don't fucking know the starved majority of the world but you think you deserve the pretension of someone who does. you have personal projection problems, not him

What are you talking about?

>look how insecure you're being.
What? Where? What are you talking about?

>you don't fucking know the starved majority of the world but you think you deserve the pretension of someone who does.
What? How is this relevant? What are you talking about?

>you have personal projection problems, not him
What? When did I even say he had personal projection problems? What are you talking about?

Nah dawg. I miss being the faggot who wanted someone to love. Much better than being the faggot who almost had love. The fact I'm always on my own with my thoughts doesn't help neither.

I really need to hurry up and make some fucking friends.

>the universe
>having anything to do with you or your feelings

mate, nobody is special. we're not here for a reason and there's nothing looking out you, nor is there any force guiding you or anybody else

Have you listened to Jeff Buckley's version of this song? This was my second favorite song of TQID but now Buckley's sounds correct imo

so fucking amazing

>It's so easy to laugh It's so easy to hate
>It takes guts to be gentle and kind