mods pls sticky
Mods pls sticky
i agree
also make this the second post
damn ive only seen one of those and it was for a class so otherwise it'd be none
Is top left Paris, Texas? What are the other ones?
This is a sticky for Sup Forums not Sup Forums posters that think they're welcome here(you)
so this is what passes for kino on Sup Forums nowadays
oh how the mighty have fallen
Punch-Drunk Love is the ultimate superman film
They all mean the same shit.
Tree of Life is better than your favorite movie
>kinography example: pacific rim (2013)
The mods want to keep even reasonable amounts of elitism out of this board. Game of Thrones and other plebshit attracts way too much traffic
what a fucking pleb
>l'ascension du chevalier noir
>not posting 2016 edition
You're a yuropoor right?
Thanks, now I know what to avoid to not be bored to death and bludgeoned by pretentiousness
It's true tho
>no one is spamming and threads are 404ing after 30 minutes
just make /film/ instead
aw tis im
>It's a good movie as long as you can't pronounce the director's name
some of those movies are literally documentaries.
Can someone explain Steel Helmet to me? I mean, sure, it was pretty good but I don't understand why it's held in such high regards.
>some wannabe patrician autist spent hours on this
t. newshit
i miss the times when Sup Forums posted somewhat usuful charts
they're all the same shit
I don't want to see any of those movies, and I have seen a lot of movies. Frankly anything pre-1980s is totally different
Awful list, made hilarious by the fact that a Malick movie (Days of Heaven) surpasses every film on it
yeah, they're all the same shit autist
>days of heaven
>better than a brighter summer day
>better than celine and julie
>better than soy cuba
>better than in vanda's room
>better than through the olive trees
>better than as i was moving ahead
yikes embryo
>One Way Boogie Woogie
>days of heaven is the only movie on it i've heard of