Can we have a Horror kino thread?

Can we have a Horror kino thread?

What are some good Horror kino to watch?

This film had wonderful aesthetic.

in need of some lesser-known 70s recommendations like pic related.

Kino? Disney does horror: The Watcher in the Woods


Story is a mess because a main actor died during filming, but Lords of Salem is absolutely kino

It has subtitles, so you know it's highbrow

Try Psychic Killer and The Sinful Dwarf

Great pic, user
Have you seen Ride With The Devil from that era? Not sure how obscure, but it's road movie with psychological horror and a sweet final reveal
More recently, tho not strictly horror, I'd rec pic related

>The Sinful Dwarf
Looks insane

I'll check it out

Not horror though
Great film.

Is jacobs ladder classed as horror?

Watcher in the Woods is total kino, good recommendation

this too

yeah, good stuff

I'd say it's in that kind of psychological/atmospheric thriller / horror zone.

I'll recommend:

>Don't Look Now
>Picnic at Hanging Rock (has horrorish elements, worth it for the disturbing atmosphere at parts)
>Carnival of Souls

Man, "From Beyond" always gets overlooked compared to "Reanimator," and yet I find it to be a much better film. It's much less campy than the other and definitely creepier.


Have you seen Castle Freak, dude?
If not, think you'd dig it; a little more character based but just as visceral

Don't let the generic title mislead you, this is quality
>muh Sergio Stivaletti

I've always wondered what creature they saw in the very beginning of "From Beyond" before the one scientist was absorbed to become the main antagonist, and on top of that, I wish they had hinted or shown what the outside of the house had looked like.




I also prefer it. Felt more Lovecraftian.

Came to post this.

The Changeling with George C Scott.

The seance scene with slow motion cameras is true kino

Sisters (1973)


Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetry Men
Phenomena aka Creeprs

all of them god tier Italian horror kino movies

Holy shit that's a fantastic cover/poster.

I watched this with my Dad

From Beyond is absolutely kino. Fucking incredible.
