Celebrities that will die some day
Celebrities that will die some day
All of them.
all of them
Also why do people get sad when celebrities die? It's not like they're one of your family or friends. You didn't know them.
Literally everyone will die you retard
BBC overdose in march 2017. Screencap this.
because they entertain you
Not me faggot. I'm the second coming, so you can go suck a lemon, you fucking cumstain.
america is like a big family where everybody loves
You can't OD on something that is good for you, silly.
This, especially if they're retired. Who gives a fuck
However if a celebrity is currently making something I like then I'll get annoyed. E.g. if Jeremy Clarkson were to drop dead right now I'd be annoyed because there'd be no more Grand Tour (assuming it turns out good)
You can die from drinking too much water idiot.
I wouldn't know, I only drink cum. It's better for your throat. And filled with proteins.
You're not a celebrity though, your point is moot.
We're gonna make it senpai.
Jesus Christ never died.
as well as
John 11:25
>“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,
He said literally everyone.
Thank you my child, glad you read my book.
literally the entire point of God entering a flesh body is that so he could die
ressurrection was simply something that occurred after the legal debt was paid
Proof that autists are literally retarded both socially and on the internet.
Reminder that most celebrities will probably die
you say that now...
Well, one day... probably way AFTER most of us.
>picture unrelated
Is she a vampire, Sup Forums?
Youll niggas postin in a troll thread
I give her 1 year
Im so sorry user