Horrible movies that Sup Forumsmblr tricked you into watching
You start OP
Will he always be known as "the director of Drive"?
The Babadook. Why? Fucking autistic little boy "actor" who's barely up to school play standard let alone feature length film standard. If you can actually put up with that boy's acting then you might have a good time.
Sup Forums didn't trick you into watching that shit
you got tricked by one of the worst shill attacks we've ever had here
the first one was for Babadook, the second one shortly after was for It Follows. Those two events made me realize people were not just memeing about shills. After those two attacks I realized they are sickeningly real.
>this movie is posted all the time
>decide to watch it
>it's absolute garbage
>come to say it's bad
That doesn't make a movie any less shit.
I got tricked BAD. I should have known but I didn't listen and actually watched 40 minutes of this POS.
I was conned into watching this piece of crap.
I remember seeing that image ALL THE TIME, indeed.
Yeah I got hit with the "It Follows" one. I thought perhaps somehow my standards had just got too high, because the reviews for that movie are great everywhere. It just seemed cheap...
I still want ot watch It Follows. Is it really bad?
Not bad (to me), but not great either.
Also not the guy you're replying to, so whatever.
Not really, just seemed quite budget to me. It reminded me of a budget slasher flick in the way it felt, but without the slasher.
>Feminist: the movie
>Max is hardly even a part of the main story
>2 hour desert chase movie with hardly any plot
>Max had no fighting scenes nor was there any moments that "wow'ed" me apart from seeing some cars blow up
>the death of the main villain was the most lackluster thing I have seen lately
This is a movie made for edgy 12 year olds who like sex jokes
>Sup Forumsmblr
You can't even pronounce this shit
Sup Forums never said this movie was good, nor has anyone ever recommended this
uhhh, I haven't even seen it but I remember everyone on Sup Forums saying that exact same thing about it
I'm incredibly confident that those were legitimate shills who were pimping that movie.
>Max is hardly even a part of the main story
hour desert chase movie with hardly any plot
>>Max had no fighting scenes nor was there any moments that "wow'ed" me apart from seeing some cars blow up
>>the death of the main villain was the most lackluster thing I have seen lately
You know you just described Mad Max 2, you know that?
maybe, but I just really liked it is be surprised if they bothered shilling it, MM was popular before it even came out
>Insulting Only God Forgives
Get off my fucking board normie, had it not been for the laws of this land I would've already slaughtered you
Literally drink bleach
It was filmed with an iPhone tho
Easily this garbage.
Beyond dated, predictable as fuck & nowhere near as exciting as Episode 2
>Groupthink ftw
>Episode 2
>Max is hardly even a part of the main story
>2 hour desert chase movie with hardly any plot
>Max had no fighting scenes nor was there any moments that "wow'ed" me apart from seeing some cars blow up
Are you 12?
>Feminist: the movie
Meme criticism, the only thing even remotely close to "feminism" in this movie is that it has a female main character, who gets her ass handed to her by Max
All of the other women either get slaughtered or are basically useless
>Max is hardly even a part of the main story
Mad Max 2
>2 hour desert chase movie with hardly any plot
Mad Max 2
>Max had no fighting scenes nor was there any moments that "wow'ed" me apart from seeing some cars blow up
Actually wrong, but Mad Max 2
>the death of the main villain was the most lackluster thing I have seen lately
Yes because the death of every villain needs to be super epic with a bunch of explosions everywhere