Now Ariel has tattoos? And posing naked seductively in bubble bath? DEGENERACY
Now Ariel has tattoos? And posing naked seductively in bubble bath? DEGENERACY
>complains about men staring at her and muh feminism and cuts off her tits
>months later she tries to appeal to men again and poses seductively near nude
I don't get women
Do the Lohan!
Seriously though, boob reduction, tattoos, next up meth and a public freakout
yes i'm sure her having tits that big and fucking some 21 yo douche when she was 14 was the making of a non slut.
I stopped giving a shit about her after she got the reduction.
She's going to hit that point latinas hit where their bodies go to utter shit and she'll be done.
She lost the attention she was used to getting because of her tits and wants it back
Women are pretty simple
>I'm sick of being looked at as a sex object
>no one looks at like that in the mass media but a few anons on a website
>goes to red carpets in tight pushed up dresses with her tits hanging out
>hurr my le back hurts
yeah because you're a fat lazy big, there's chicks with bigger tits than you whose backs are absolutely fine because they're healthy and fit
>gets them cut off
>people shouldn't body shame u shud love ur body
>posting pics of her ass coz her tits are gone
I literally do not understand this silly bitch. How dumb can you actually be kek
SOURCE and MORE please
it's from an upcoming movie, I just saw the pic was trending on facebook. However it appears she put up the pic herself.
This girl is acting like a first class whore. It's like she's rebelling against the identity of her character in modern family. She needs to get a clue if she want's to continue working.
insert Winter is coming joke here :D
Why didn't she just keep the tits in the first place given most of her attention came from men?
Just seems fucking stupid to mutilate yourself especially when you're gaining popularity.
It's really quite simple. This user touched upon it.
>get attention for your body
>your ego convinces you people like you for you and not your body
>cut off boobs
>I can't believe people aren't noticing me anymore
>show off more of your body
>get some attention back
>I know, they like me for me and not my body!
It's a cycle that's bound to repeat.
hopefully she's not taking a bath so she can shave her pussy
the same people who fuck niggers because daddy didn't say i love you enough
Shit, I meant this post. Not
There's a difference between wanting people to harass you in real life and wanting horny guys to go see your new movie so you make money.
Looks like softcore porn. She's done.
Why do women do this?
It's like drawing a pair of glasses and a mustache on the Mona Lisa. Why mess up something that's already perfect?
Only trashy chicks get them anyways
Because women do dumb shit and listen to other women
The back pain thing is real but only if they are out of shape, school kids carry around heavier back packs
Assuming they're real and not for a movie I'm sure they totally have some kind of special meaning
I thought she committed suicide.
I don't mind the odd few in the right places if they truly mean something.
But when bitches get fucking dream catchers on their legs or spiders webs under their tits, fucking get a grip.
seriously, this bitch just needed to do deadlifts pullups and rows. but no, this former titcow chose the easy way out. surgery. god damn filthy cunt.
check out her instagram. she's doing this movie where she wear short-as-fuck shorts and a crop top and posts herself in bikinis and stuff a lot.
im too hungover to bother to get any to post on here, tho
To be honest dude, if you can get your head around this logic you'll be a good step towards understanding exactly what women want (attention, but only if it's legitimised by the illusion of control and independence).
what do you think of her soles?
>all that glass next to the tub
it's like you're trying to accidentally cut yourself and bleed to death
>Only trashy chicks get them anyways
Everybody gets one. I haven't found a woman under 25 who doesn't have a tattoo or want one.
sluttiness runs in the family. can't be helped.
pic related, her sister when she around her age.
Human biological instinct to attract mates user.
Piercings, hair styling and color, tattoos are all ways humans let it be known they're available to make babies.
It's behavior thats been observed in almost every human tribe, usually as a rite of adulthood once you hit puberty or start menstruating.
It's part of the movie she's in. THOSE tattoos aren't real. The tub is also part of the scene.
why the fuck is that spoilers
>he fell for the go crazy meme
amanda bynes was literally crazy and someone just doing drugs isn't MUH CRAZY you retarded amerifat
double homicide
move on to a better titfu
>yeah because you're a fat lazy big, there's chicks with bigger tits than you whose backs are absolutely fine because they're healthy and fit
That's really not true. Having massive tits can fuck your back up not matter how much you stay in shape
dude im acting lmao
Why do they like them so much?
They almost always look like shit unless they're small ones on their ankles.
>complains about men staring at her and muh feminism and cuts off her tits
She literally never said this
It was back pain
because they don't give a fuck what autistic retards on the internet like
they are going to fuck hot chads no matter what
>It was back pain
You actually believe this? Jesus christ dude.