If atheists are such enlightened intellectual worshippers of the scientific method...

If atheists are such enlightened intellectual worshippers of the scientific method, why do they refuse to vaccinate their kids?

>5th time today

They dont...

honestly, i don't get it. it's fucking disgusting and dangerous.

christian scientists and certain native spirituality groups are as bad.

mainline religions get it right.

Name the atheist you are referring to

false dilema

KYS you little bible thumping faggot

If god is real, why won't he grow new limbs on Christian amputees?

god's not magic

no? how did he create us and our world?

cuz he needed bigger shit and his faith, so he made this world


how? incomprehensible and barely matters - i'm talking about the 'why'. no enduring religion believes their deity just heals particular believers. that's a dungeons-and-dragons level of understanding of these things.

Czeched the dubz


so no answer. got it :)

If god exists why does Commiefornia and Isis exist?

if you're looking for a literal answer, you won't find one. once you move beyond the idea of god being magic, you'll get it.

In fact, better yet, why do other religions exist? If your god is so butt hurt about people not worshiping him that they sent you to preach to us, why doesn't he just smite the non-believers right now?

it's almost like what major religions say about god's mercy is... true?

Mercy? If he was merciful he would of shut you up by now.


merry christmas chan troll

Merry Christmas.

nope, dope. try again

This themed troll bait almost disappeared.
But you faggots keep responding.

Anytime this shit is posted, you must exercise self-control and ignore it completely.

With no replies, faggot OP and others will stop posting.

It really is up to you to kill it.

Says the guy talking about someone who literally killed 99.9% of the worlds life because he wasn't pleased with how shit went down. The guy who destroyed an entire city (including innocent children) for either inhospitality/degenerate sex depending on interpretation. The guy who used to be actively engaged in reaching his creations, speaking to them, doing miracles, who just disappeared for the last 2000+ years. The guy who made man flawed, to be sinners, then punish them for the way he made them. Yeah, I get how you'd see him as merciful.