Does anyone have advice on how to whiten teeth or proper tooth brushing techniques?

Does anyone have advice on how to whiten teeth or proper tooth brushing techniques?

It makes me really embarrassed to smile or laugh in front of people, I wish they weren't so yellow. I use Sensodyne ProNamel Gentle Whitening toothpaste because my teeth are sometimes sensitive to hot / cold and acidic food and drinks
>pic related, my teeth

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you have worn out the enamel of your teeth and the dentin in your teeth is yellow, so it shines through. you need veneers because enamel doesnt grow back.

Rinse with hydrogen peroxide for 20 seconds, rinse, then brush as normal. rinse, then use listerine whitening for another 30. rinse after/

Enjoy white teeth.

toothpaste mixed with baking soda

>user is a huge faggot giving genuinely good advise

My dentist didn't suggest this to me though, she just mentioned that I have plaque build up because I'm not brushing my teeth close enough to my gums.
Where would I get hydrogen peroxide from? Also would you suggest I use a specific type of toothpaste?

At Home i have toothpaste with baking soda mixed in, is it a good idea to use this? My teeth are sensitive so I'm scared it would hurt when used too frequently

Oral debriding hydrogen peroxide like 3% from any local store.

Oral debriding just means safe to use in mouth.

Dentists use 20%+ during whitening sessions but you need to be careful with that shit and only get it on the teeth. The 3% is fine tho to swish around safely for short amounts of time. you can search on the internet people doing this. Some even dilute the 3% to 1.5% by adding half water to the rinse.

Arm & Hammer is very good for sensitive teeth

inb4 OP kills himself

Use those Crest whitening strips