ITT: patrician comedies ONLY







>mfw I tried watching that movie again with my friends and none of us laughed and it was awkward as fuck so we stopped watching it after 5 minutes

>sat stone faced through whole movie while friends laughed nonstop
>scene where Franco steps on the brake thinking she'll go flying past, but she just stops next to him and shoots at them
>i start cracking up, friends are all quiet

which one? if you mena Kung Pow!, your friends MAY be retarded. especially if they only give a movie 5 minutes, despite watching it in a social setting


why was there an invisible swordsman? why was there a singing bush?

Nah the movie just sucks bro.
Professional critics agree with me as well.

>14 on metacritic

How is this movie so fucking terrible and yet years after having seen it I can still quote it verbatim?

Misunderstood arthouse masterpiece

circa 2000 critics, the movie was ahead of its time, no critic has seen it recently and disliked it.
its not "terrible", it just pretends to be terrible as part of the joke. you obviously fell for it.

You sound like a blast

>having this much shit taste

You and your friends confirmed to wannabe hipster faggots. Go watch mlp instead, it's more your kind of shit.

Black Dynamite

Comedy kino



>shot in the head from the front
>rolls over forward over the door

lol. yeah this movie owns.

>"We're going to stop people selling drugs in the community."
>"...Black Dynamite ...I sell drugs in the community!"

Stream that film if you're so great!

my nigga.

I think this movie is really underrated, it is amazing how its animated but its directed like a live action road comedy.

I'm just a birdie too!