WTF ever happened to all of the goth sluts? I hardly ever see them any more around here anymore, it makes me sad

WTF ever happened to all of the goth sluts? I hardly ever see them any more around here anymore, it makes me sad.

Younger ones were the best.

I know for some girls its like a phase for a month when they are like 10 years old.

I guess they are just a relic of the 80's and 90's now?

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also no, not talking about the fat uggo ones.

they are just like.... le puke, is the best way i can describe those.

>le puke

Are you fucking serious...

would you fuck that thing? i sure as fuck wouldn't

Pretty much, there was a goth night at a bar around here a couple years ago, but it never really caught on, not many ever came though. I'm not goth but checked it out a few times

I'm not saying I would. That's just fucking cancer to say. And doesn't le mean the in french?


the 80's and 90's goths are still around, if they've been goths for that long, they're goths for life.

they're just a bit faded.

They grew out of it, ended up in the mental health system, a skeleton crew remained and grew into the uggos.
You can still find the mental ones occasionally. Great sex, but often cluster B. They're mostly on fetish sites if they're open to meeting people.
