Ask a heroin addict anything. I'm bored for the next hour, entertain me

Ask a heroin addict anything. I'm bored for the next hour, entertain me.

inb4: degenerate, junkie,waste of space....

PROTIP: I've heard all that shit before, you are literally wasting your fucking time, you dumb fucks.

when are you going to get treatment

How does it feel to do drugs

i had oxycodon on perscription after a severe accident., my leg was crushed and everscince im like dude i really want to try heroin.

fuck this shit

how enorumous is the doifference between shooting and snorting?

You're a degenerate junkie and a waste of space. There's a reason you've heard that all before, it's because it's true you utter disgrace of a human being.

>OP OD'd

why dont you play tetris?

Sorry guys I had to walk away for a minute, I will start answering

Um, heroin a little bit stronger than oxy, especially when IV'd. But I seriously don't reccomend it. It is a life of hell, stick with your oxy's. I wish would have

allahu akbar fellow afghani opium farmer