What happened to this beautiful show
What happened to this beautiful show
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Seasons 6-13 was it's prime
they grew up, hired ivy league writers, became billionaires, depressed.
life is lonely at the top
Matt and Trey stopped caring
They made The Book of Mormon and now want to further themselves but are trapped, so they're winding it down. Season 19 was an improvement over seasons 18 and 17, the next one should begin to wrap things up
South Park is one of the only shows on TV that gets better every season.
It stayed fresh and is better than ever. Sorry it hasn't been 19 seasons of fat jokes and 'Cartmans mom is a tranny' humor
Instead of writing funny plots about a group of kids featuring appropriate pop culture references they started writing preachy episodes about whatever was trending on twitter and the kids turned into adults in children's bodies
Remember back in the late 90s or so when they depicted Muhammad in an episode as someone who can control fire, and nobody gave a fuck?
Serious question here. How the fuck was this ever allowed to be aired IN AMERICA?
Are you fucking retarded?? Their last season was their best and one of the best seasons of any show ever made.
Nah it's gotten worse, season 19 was an improvement though
Hahaha, try 4-10. 11-13 has some good episodes but is shit for the most part. Everything else is unwatchable.
Are you being serious or just meming?
It digivolved
I'm not really that much a fan of the earlier seasons
9/11 ep
hey let's bitch about conspiracy theorists blaming jews
You're son wouldn't happen to be an alligator would he?
I actually should have wrote 3-10. Good comedy early on, current events hidden in other plots and not just in your face like today.
Plebs detected. It was 2-5 and the movie.
More like 4-13 but yeah I agree
They chickened out big time, it started alright but lost the point we all wanted them to make after they literally killed reality. The Ad bullshit at then end was a copout.
>any season after 10
America has a better track record when it comes to not censoring shit than any other country. Don't get my wrong, we're not perfect but certainly better than the alternative. 90% of the South Park video game was censored in Europe.
This just made me think, what if the reason they started using continuous plots is so they can kill the characters off
Fuck off even s14 was great we had
> scrotty mcbooger balls
> facebook 0 friends episode
> coon
> creme freishe
> fried chicked ring episode
Good shit nigga
Are YOU being serious?
Matt Stone is jewish, idiot.
>pop culture centered episodes
Wtf was pop about ANY of those episodes did u even watch them m8
It was shit, how can you even say this? I don't think they were even close to the mark with PC principal... PC libcucks aren't college jocks, they are the opposite.
Some of the eppys were okay, but I couldn't even watch some of them and even some of the watchable ones were just average.
How do any of the episodes in that season hold a candle to early season South Park?
I didn't like 19 either, but I'm pretty sure the fact that libtards are literal bullies flew right over your head
>PC libcucks aren't college jocks, they are the opposite.
That's why it's funny, they mocked SJW as the one thing they hate - Greek life.
The entire season was a concentrated joke of current affairs lampooning taken to it's ultimate end. It was amazing.
No way. They jumped on the anti-SJW bandwagon way too late to have anything fresh or interesting to say about it.
How can they "jump on the bandwagon" late when their entire career since the mid 90's has been mocking pompous media puritans?
The joke is that liberals have become the jock bullies they likely hated in college and high school.
It's not bad it's just different. It's not as good as it once was, but it isn't unbearable.
I'm talking about the current wave, with the trigger warnings and the like.
>next season will be all about trump
>D-don't make fun of my husbando you c-cucks!
I really hope not. Although I thought last season was perfect, they should really change it up and go all fantasy or South Park universe only stories.
>no Hillary jokes whatsoever except maybe that she has a big ass like they did in that Snuke episode
its funny that people say this since matt and trey literally ran out of jokes by season 7 and just started browsing headlines for stories for the next 15 years. your taste is shit.
But this entire last season was mocking that mindset. How did they 'jump on the bandwagon'?
Season 18 was unbearable. It's not just the current events or continuity that's effecting south park. It's just not funny anymore. South park used to have such a great comedy flow, it had subtlety. Now everything is just a blunt reference. It's also obvious Trey add some current shit just to bond with his wife's son.
>But this entire last season was mocking that mindset.
No shit.
>How did they 'jump on the bandwagon'?
Because the current wave of SJW shit (and the term itself) had been going on for years before they ever addressed it. An anti-SJW movement rose up and said most of the shit Trey and Matt echoed when they finally decided to reference it in the show.
What about the game guys!? :)
The game is awqsome !
It was never beautiful. Canadaphobia is not a fucking joke.
Last season was kind of like 10 Cloverfield Lane... it was all right until the end, then it went to shit
>they should really change it up and go all fantasy or South Park universe only stories
I agree. Real world current affairs episodes can be good, but ultimately the SP universe episodes are the best.
season 8 was the best season.
Past season 10 the thing they were satirising became a lot more blatant in the plot I think, and it was less funny.
Latest season was pretty good.
Just like every single other cartoon show, you can only push the envelope so much until eventually it becomes repetitive. Cartoons in the late 90's early 2000's were hand drawn and different from now because they were laid back and developed comedy intelligently. Now cartoons nearly completely focus on getting a political message across to appease a constantly political society. Matt and Trey stopped caring about their show and let it be run by network executives and writers with no creativity or spontaneity. Space Ghost is a superb example of what a show should be, and ended at the right time. Family Guy was liked because it was edgy, and so was the Simpsons, Aqua Team Hunger Force, South Park, Robot Chicken, American Dad, and an entire endless amount of shows that just became shit. US networks largely doesn't give a shit about quality television, and that's apparent from the fact shows like The Mindy Project and The Big Bang Theory still are running. Want good TV? Try the UK, Japan, or HBO/Showtime. They still have decent shows that are entertaining.
Thing is the creators don't know where the line between reality and fiction is, just like a good chunk of TV
They realize it's easier to become the Pop Culture show instead of writing actual scripts and jokes.
>They'll stop making jokes about Hillary
It became just their job rather than something they really tried at.
>What happened to this beautiful show
The world did.
South Park has always been a show that mocks and lampoons relevant events. That hasn't changed. What has changed in the past 19 years is our culture.South Park is a reflection of what is/was currently happening in the world, and as such it becomes shit or good depending on the state of the world. Unfortunately, nigger culture, social media, and lets players/game streamers have inherited the attention of this generation.
You didn't notice this because shit wasn't that bad from 1997-2006.
>Try the UK
I'm a bonghead myself but... like fuck.
Episode of the first seasons
>The Cheff is getting married with a succubus and the kids try to stop it
Pop culture references in the first seasons
>Steve Irwin is one of the people in Satan's party
Episode of the recent seasons
>x celebrity is doing y popular thing with z new technology and everyone goes apeshit
Pop culture is the entire episode.
The show changed.
why wouldnt it? its an 8 year old rubbing a dogs dick they do that shit all the time. theres nothing sexual about it
Way to pull a bunch of shit out of your ass
are you stupid?
Tell us more about your childhood user
no it wasnt. pudgy angry white boys loved the last season because it was "Getting back" at sjw. except south park has always done that, just less directly. also the season hardly had any jokes.
What cartoon shows in the UK are good? I'm in the UK and all of the shows I watch are American.
Ya, don't
character and town based humor will always be superior to pop culture and political humor. That shits ages terribly. thats why the game was the first funny season of south park in a fucking decade at least
This. It started out promising, but went downhill very fast because they didn't have the balls to go through with it.
Prove me wrong, assholes.
Face it, new episodes depend waay too much on recent events ande celebrities and shit when the older episodes dealt with turtles with 7 asses and evil dopelgangers.
It stopped being about boys having fun while weird shit happened in town and became about social commentary on current events with poop jokes.
>literally wanting a show to keep making jokes about animals with multiple asses
I keep forgetting it's summer, thanks for reminding me
This tbvh.
It used to be an enertaining show about with original plots, with current pop culture refrences inbedded. Now its just "thing that happened this week that we can make fun of".
Nothing when you think about what happened to the Simpsons, family guy, and pretty much and popular comedy show that has been on air for more than 10 years.
It's surprising south park hasn't gone to complete shit yet.
The Border Patrol raid during the Elián González affair is referenced in "Quintuplets 2000", which aired within the same week the event occurred.
Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000 was a parody of Oz which was popular.
The Scientology episode was made at a controversial period of time for the church when it was popular
Super Best Friends was made during the height of David Blaines popularity
That is part of the joke. It is funnier and more original than "Woow! Check out this cool new hip tendring topic on twitter!"
Holy shit, some of you fucking little kids are such fucking faggots with your nostalgia goggles. I know this show dominated your fucking childhood but get some fucking perspective retards
That's right, those were referenced, not making the actual affair the centerpiece while looking at the camera.
>I whined about SJWs on Sup Forums before South Park dedicated an entire season to it so I haaaaate it
It's rated M and shown late at night.
When they re-air it in the middle of the day the cut a lot of stuff out.
Yea I thought the same thing when I was 13. Thank god Matt and Trey grew up.
what if i told you it's still good but we're too old and cynical to enjoy it, same thing goes for video games.
I don't care how you felt last week, current events satire as on the nose as the more modern satire isn't smart either.
>why doesn't my favorite childhood show stay the exact same quality after 20 years
Things change over time user.
What? I just thought it was boring because it had nothing new to say. But keep sucking the cocks of two cartoonists who don't care that you exist.
Whatever you say, kid. Go and enjoy the new episode of The Simpsons. Sorry, I mean South Park. Both shows are pretty much the same nowadays.
Quintuplets was just one huge Elian Gonzalez joke
Scientology episode was literally all about scientology
They relied on 1-trick pop culture references even more in the past.
>Mom look, I finally posted it
Ah so you preferred the intellectual days of 'Cartman gets an anal probe' and 'lol they killed kenny'
You know, when they had something interesting to say.
it became 100% social commentary instead of just splashing it in here and there
But they botched out in the end with the whole "it was an ad" bullshit
The Fractured Butthole will revive them and make them good again.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth? Do you suffer from some kind of mental illness?
You keep talking out your ass, sorry for making fun of you.
The only people who don't like modern south park are the ones who don't 'get it' or people who are butthurt about 'muh politics'. I think you don't get it. Go back to laughing at the monkey with 7 asses, back when they had something to say.
The Quintuplets didn't revolved around Elian Gonzalez, although it was based on it. That's the problem of new South Park.
Yeah it's pretty clear they just want to make musicals now.
Whatever, aspie. It's pretty sad that a crude cartoon is this important to your self-image. Good luck in life.