/b i haven't slept in 40 hours, what is your record

/b i haven't slept in 40 hours, what is your record

110 hours

a bit over 3 days, around 3 and a half.

Thats high record mine is like 80 hours
Started to hallucinate.
No drugs involved

I have the hallucinations set in yet? Have you started hearing things that aren't there? After a human goes a certain period without sleep it's the equivalent of being drunk, eventually you'll black out and not remember what happened due to exhaustion.

I honestly refuse to believe some people who claim they have gone more than 3 days without sleep, anymore then that and you'd probably end up in the hospital or pass out from exhaustion. Shouldn't be physically possible to go that long without sleep, without help of course. For instance if you were under the effects of drugs, or caffeine. Anything that might keep you awake.

about 74
>was doing a super rush turn key network setup
>boss gave me some coke never will try that shit again. got done then it took 14 hours more before i could sleep.

>no drugs 76 hrs
>with drugs 9 days

From my experience 5 days and better is trippy af

About 60 hours after my best friend an heroed. Didn't eat anything either. Funny enough I didn't have any hallucinations like everyone says. Not sure why

I feel stange my vision is doing funny things

Beware of the shadow people. Have you seen them yet?

About 48 hours sober. 90 hours on meth.

36 hours

20 hours

From my experience, shadow people show up after about 40-50 hours when sober. Drugs? It is anyone's guess when those little bastards show up.


You mean hallucinations? They're figments of your imagination because you're basically drunk, or even beyond drunk to the point where your brain is so exhausted that it's causing you to hallucinate.

You'll start to hear and see things that aren't really there, almost like a schizophrenic person.


Ive been drinking beer Coffee and smoked a blunt in the last 40 hours

>he doesn't have enough willpower
My all-time max is 93 sober hours nonstop, almost entirely productive (ie work related projects)
>Auditory hallucinations set in at ~35 and cemented into what I know as schizophrenia at 50
>Visual hallucinations set in at ~40 and were in full swing at 70
>Began having vivid fantasies similar to daydreams with my eyes open at ~68 and could no longer keep up productivity due to not being able to maintain concentration
>started feeling things touching me and crawling in my skin and bones at around 60, by 70 I could feel my veins pumping and organs operating (possibly imagination)
Next time you have to pull an all-nighter, just stay awake past the first 24 hours and see how it goes, it becomes much easier and gives way to almost psychedelic experiences of realization and changes in thought process

I'm at something like 5 days, 110-120 hours? It was just coffee, Adderall, and energy drinks.

Lol bitch 6 days. The nights were spent right here on B

Forcing yourself to stay awake for no reason other than to get a euphoric high isn't really healthy.

>It was just coffee, Adderall, and energy drinks.

All that stuff will keep you awake if you continue to take it in a row, you can actually die from too much caffeine and what not.

I don't know how you guys do it. I've stayed up a full 24 hours a few times, but I don't think I've ever made it to 30.

Coffee was every 3 hours starting at hour 18, energy drinks were periodic, and Adderall was at 7 hour intervals.

Not for no reason
To see how far I could go. At 93 hours I was losing it so I decided enough was enough. I took two 60ml of Zquil and punched out on the floor before I made it to bed