You agree with him?
You agree with him?
So either some obscure shit about Ethiopia, Nubia, or the Mali Empire
Or some pseudohistorical shit about Ancient Egyptians being black
So many things you have to do for these people. Can we just make movies? Or is that too oppressive?
You could make a decent movie about Haile Selassie tbqh
meme magic is real
Theoretically, yes. Practically, no. Yes, me and Nick's ancestors were higher loyalty in the upper Saharan region so he's right, but practically no one likes seeing POCs in prominent roles.
What good young black talent is there atm? Michael B Jordan and Lupita Nyong'o?
Black Panther is gong to be shilled so fucking hard by every SJW trying to signal their progressiveness regardless of actual quality.
king's of what?
>inb4 moors
how about you write a script for one then instead of relying on some whites or jews to do it for you. it is your "culture" after all.
this will never fail to make me laugh
Pseudohistory implies a measure of truth or a hypothetical situation. The black Egyptian thing is just garbage created by morons.
>expecting shit tier presenters like Nick Cannon to put any effort into anything
I really don't get Nick Cannon. That isn't a racist thing. Like why all of a sudden is he important in the industry. Does hosting a popular tv show really give you that much cred.
Jaden Smith
Residual fame from his old job as Mariah Carey's husband
>but practically no one likes seeing POCs in prominent roles.
Niggers are in prominent roles all the fucking time
>Left is a region with plenty of resources and manpower available to build a city
>Right is a group of people in a land much more scarce in resources compared with the other one
I want Sup Forums to go back
Or what?
I legitimately enjoyed the Karate Kid remake
True, but I'm leaning towards a Rastafarian biopic
Except the Nubians did rule Egypt for a bit so there is a shred of truth to the fact
You can't be serious my nigga
I want you to go back
That kid from me earl and the dying girl is good
The term King is a white societies thing, isnt it?
Anyway..They were "kings" of Nigeria, ethiopia and sudan and congo and shit
I'd pay to watch a well worked movie about the main tribes going at each others throats.
Problem is, they didn't have castles or an organized army, or any tech worth a mention... also no liable written history to base the movie on, so it would be 99% fiction
>Right is a group of people in a land much more scarce in resources compared with the other one
I guess Europeans were completely retarded when they went on that Scramble for Africa then
>Western Roman Empire
Fuck Nick Cannon
Amadeus with how it REALLY happened.
I agree. A film about Mansa Musa would be amazing. Nigga owned more gold than he knew what to do with.
Subsequently, in true nigga fashion, he spent it all on one trip to Mecca and fucked up the economy with too much spending.
Ironic. Should be done in a comedic fashion but let the writers scramble it out into something "tolerant" and "epic."
>t. Jared diamond
>any part of Africa
>scare in resources
I want tumblr to go back
First the one about Bismarck
>show us as kings and queens to
but they werent
Has there been a biopic of Frederick Douglas?
Slave films are probably more interesting in, because they normally either end on a depressing note or with freedom. But with a film where the black actor is already a king, where the fuck does that go? Wheres the conflict?
We kunzs and qunnzs
>Except the Nubians did rule Egypt for a bit so there is a shred of truth to the fact
Yeah, and caused its downfall. Sure, let's make a movie about that.
>lacking in resources
It always cracks me up when amerifats are this oblivious to basic knowledge. You fat fucks really need to fix your education system.
That would be cultural appropriation though.
>scarce resources
fucking idiot
one of the most resource abundant continents, they just didnt know how to exploit them, but then again a good many african tribes had never seen a wheel or farming techniques before evil whites and arabs showed up.
I personally like the "Beethoven was black" myth.
So more like this?
>Right is a group of people in a land much more scarce in resources compared with the other one
So basically what you're saying is that colonization actually DIDN'T "steal the resources of Africa" and cause it to become a shithole. So there's a real reason why Africa is a place where nobody wants to live and it has nothing to with evil whitey stealing all their gibs. Thanks.
The Ethiopian ones and their mud castles?
why do these peasants always ask to be given royalty, instead of just earning/taking it?
>Right is a group of people in a land much more scarce in resources compared with the other one
>scarce in resources
10/10, i can't believe people are falling for this
can black people not do shakespeare because everyone in that period was white? fucking stupid racists.
Why do blacks think white people have to do EVERYTHING for them?
yes, show them as kings of those awesome civilizations that never advanced beyond the mud hut, and who constantly sold each other into slavery for thousands of years before the europeans got there.
They already made a Film portraying them as Kings
it was called Zulu
Deep down they know how worthless they are.
Let's not kid ourselves.
They'll just make a movie about the Roman Empire an claim that one of the kings/dictators was a nigger during the most glorious span of Rome
That would be hysterical because you can show the world how fucking stupid Rastafarianism is
Did they do blackface for Othello? Serious question
wat da wite man dont want u 2 no is that these statues wuz black but then they painted them wite in the 1800s
I would ban all niggers from television and film until we figure out whats going on.
well the nubians did copy the egyptians and make their own shitty pyramids at meroe
Well, BBC got that one out where the queen of England is black, I don't see why Idris Elba can't play Caesar.
After all, they were kings, queens and apparently emperors.
Holy shit yurocucks are fucking retarded, it's hilarious how stupid you people are. Do they not teach basic history in yuroslamistan?
>the most glorious span
You mean all of it?
I love Idris Elba, but that would send me into an irreversible fit of rage
ayoo dis niggas name was africanus he was one a us
but whitey keep us down
Why do you care you fat neckbeard shitstain brown idiot?
nick cannons hilarious...
> Empire
>most glorious span of Rome
>says to Hollywood
>Show us
How about he front the cash for such a production himself.
If he cares so much about the issue maybe he'll even star in it for free and waive his paycheck.
Considering the overwhelming solidarity on the part of black people why doesn't he simply get together with all his rap buddies and Spike Lees and whatnot and finance their own project about "kings and queens" that will no doubt turn a massive profit.
I mean they all care about the community so much so why not just work for free on it altogether and so on...
lol good job deleting this horrible post
not to mention that most african nations are corrupt as fuck so a king/queen movie set there would have to have the facts fudged immensely
Why do you all feel the need to hash out how much you hate black people 20 times a day? None of this is even slightly related to films or television
Your minds have been taken over by blackness
Maybe, just maybe Africa wouldn't be so bad today if our ancestors hadn't robbed them of everything they had and stole their technology and studies. England and France are the worst offenders. I for one feel apologising is simply not enough and that full reparations should be paid to these poor generations hindered by decades of European meddling.
Anyone else agree lads?
Dont like it dont read it (^;
guess germans wuz emperors then and mongolians wuz chinese, and hell guess romans wuz egyptians too
This is the only place the can feel superior, protected behind a computer screen. Meanwhile in the real world...
in the real world some dumb slut fucks for money? yeah, that's been going on since forever...
even if it wasnt cuck I couldnt watch this, their dicks are like poop
They already did. It was very eye opening.
Oh, we're here to stay. Sup Forums Sup Forums is interesting Sup Forums.
>Africa is a country
I wouldn't be surprised if you were both the same poster. fuck off no one gives a shit
Besides Nick Cannon already got fucked up by eminem
Oh wow, if that really happened I have to respect Hiroyuki more.
Dishing out dough just to give people a place to be jackasses for his own entertainment. That's awesome.
I had my doubts initially, but Mook is the hero that this place deserves AND needs, right now.
Biopic about Mansa Musa or the Epic of Sundiata could be nice