Trips decide my reaction to my first present tomorrow

Trips decide my reaction to my first present tomorrow

Spontaneous combustion.

Utter dissapointment, with standing up to leave the room, only to sit down and say "You know what? I could use this as a perfect buttplug, thanks."

You fuck it in front of everyone

Total and complete personal riot.

This isn't a XXL dildo you ungrateful shits!

Heil hitler

Thank you everyone for your consideration

Something like this

do absolutely nothing

look, whatever you get, it can't be as bad as what i'm going to get tomorrow.

>be me, today
>"I wonder what i got"
>carefully tears the corner or present
>sees "cheese & chives"
>As i tear more, i see it
>They're crackers

The bitch got me crackers and wrapped them.


i would have preferred someone bought me a nigger but thanks i guess

Fpbp and reroll


Reroll yeA

Just say "my names jeff"


We have a winner.



Maybe it's something that would be hard to wrap by itself so they just put it in a random box they found?



Trips, you fag