What animal did he turn the 'heartless woman' into?
What animal did he turn the 'heartless woman' into?
did the people who were turned into animals still have their human intellect?
Probably not considering his brother went out so easy. Also no recognition from the donkey in the opening scene.
It's obviously left ambiguous. They say she's was turned into "the one animal no one wants to be turned into". So pretty much they just wanted you to imagine what the worst case scenario is for you and then imagine that.
Thanks genius for that deep analysis...
Meme answers only please.
Main guy was such a dick. This autist only had two friends and he ruined the marriage of one, and literally murdered the other.
>nearsighted man
>becomes lobster (animal with great eyesight)
>heartless woman
>becomes camel (animal with large heart)
it's like pottery
he doesn't become a lobster though
a turk
she turned into a Sup Forums poster
any blind girls looking for a boyfriend. I happen to know sign language if that help
oh you
Well I don't think we have anything in common...
who was the donkey? was that the heartless woman killing it?
why did no one like the qt horse girl?
yeah i wondered about half way through if that was a character from the film. Guess we'll just have to wait to see it again.
>who was the donkey?
We only meet the donkey, not the human version so who knows
>was that the heartless woman killing it?
No. It's a vignette that does not involve the main story.
She chose having nice hair as her special characteristic, and thought no one had hair as nice as hers. She talks to David about it, when he suggests that he has nice hair too.
She's basically the personification of people who miss out on love because they hold themselves to too high a standard, and as you can see she takes that to her animal as well: one with nice hair, but unlikely to find another.
Leader of loners is best girl
But user, that's not qt tsundere maidfu
Loner killed your maidfu
ofdnfv;oibg ib nfc j vdmpfald
She got turned into a dog, like true poetry
>not nice hair qt
would succ dem tittays
She's 3basic5me famalam
She looks a bit too young
I thought they both looked too young to be dancing with Colin Farrell, but they look like they could be in college.
>implying you wouldn't let biscuit woman into your room late at night
She's like the snuggie choice. Top comfy but not worried about looks
Did he stab out his eyes at the end?
Of course. He was a 'shortsighted' man ;^)
How hard is it to hide masturbation I do it from my mom all the time!
He turned her into a dragon.
>now THIS is cinema!
Did anyone else think that he didn't end up blinding himself at the end?
The maid who gave out assjobs would know.
It's up to your interpretation as the old saying goes, but I think it's more likely he did, just because I think that's what is hinted at by that fade to black near the end.
Furthermore, I think him going through with it fits with the whole narrative theme of the film as it symbolizes him moving past his ex-wife. The characteristic he and his wife shared was their shortsightedness, and this is what he looks for in all other women. By blinding himself, he is proving that he is willing to change himself for someone he loves (and in a real way unlike the limping man), rather than just looking for someone that fits the exact same mold as him, but that's just how I interpreted it.
You mean wyvern
No I mean dragon.
*transdragonkin is the preferred term thank you
this is the perfect movie for r9k
everyone in the world has autism