How does AMC do it?
How does AMC do it?
do what? renew shit shows?
make a 10 episode series with no plot until ep6?
what, butcher an existing series?
jesus fuck that last episode
I'm only watching this through torrents so i can see how much of a trainwreck it is
Fuck everyone involved in making this show
What are you guys complaining about. They were going after the walking dead audience and they this is way better than the walking dead. What would you rather have?
because less shit than shit is not good anyway.
tell me exactly why you don't like it
because it takes liberties as an adaption rather than being a direct adaption?
It's not like there aren't problems with the show, but the people who put there little comics on pedestals and pretend like they are high art and complain when the adaptions aren't 1:1 seriously deserve to get jettisoned into the sun.
someone got a gif or pic of that vagina face dude?
they only had 2 good shows
mad men and breaking bad
this is there 3rd, and walking plebs are deluded to think otherwise
Halt and Catch Fire > Breaking Bad
can someone post a Preacher WEBM to convince me to watch it
I actually like this show but the comic is a lot funnier.
haven't seen it but I doubt it
as overrated as breaking bad is, it's still a good show
>Thought about watching it.
>Pull it up on demand
>It's mislabeled as Seasons 1 Ep 1
>Really Season 2 Ep 1
>Shows a bunch of spoilers and cringe corny cgi ghosts.
>Episode Directed by Dude Weed Bud Light Party LMAO
Thank you Verizon for saving me from hours of disappointment in 2:30.
You guys are fags. This show is awesome.
Any webm would be a lie about the overall quality. Most episodes only have 2 or 3 scenes that make it worth watching.
But if someone ones to make a webm, do it for the clone fight scene this episode or the shotgun ending last week.
is the show as good as The Flash?
there aren't any little parts that stand on their own AND wouldn't spoil the experience.
It's not kino, but it has good world building and mythology, and has some pretty good characters and shit escalates at a pretty high rate.
Most shows are at least as good as The Flash, if not better.
There is no Season 2 Ep 1 and there are no cgi ghosts or anything that could be mistaken as such, so I'm not sure what you downloaded.
why is jesse suddenly a completely unlikable asshole? he's cowardly and selfish and doing the cliche "gods work" thing and is absolutely nothing like how he was in the comics
Don't get your hopes up.
It's an AMC show meaning it'll be good for 2 or 3 seasons then take a nose dive in quality, only to be dragged out to a shitty ending.
most shows are shit
nah, is a 10 episode show where the plot is sluggish for the first 5 episodes, dumb changes wich kill chara development (Cassidy´s glasses) or butchered characters like tulip wich become unbearable now. The plot start to make sense after episode 6... now what we have? 4 episodes and the promise of have a coherent finale season?
>they only had 2 good shows
>mad men and breaking bad
>this is there 3rd
there's literally no need to put a spin or an interpretation on Preacher, the story is very easy a--->b type shit, self contained arcs that would easily transition to the screen
the characters have all had their story arcs butchered before they could even begin; for fucks sake, in the context of Preacher's actual story we are officially in the prelude with a whole lot of fluff thrown in
the fact is this show would be average if it was an original ip, but no, it's an established, critically acclaimed series that has been given the "dude lmao" fat kike rogen treatment and is an adaptation in names and a select few plot points alone.
this doesn't even stand in the shadow of Preacher as it was originally written.
I know what you mean, and i totally agree about he's being was way more likable in the comics. But at the same i can't help but love what they're doing in the show.
It kinda bothered me how fast Jesse decided he would go after god in the comics. In the show this development is being a lot more believable( to me ) since we're actually seeing him go through many phases about his powers( At first he was using them at his own benefit. Now he's trying to save the city.... ).
He will probably become comic Jesse at the end of the season.
because of the absolutely horrible way of them portraying Genesis as just some sadistic force
Jesse's dad being a preacher is the first in a long list of "holy shit how could you fail this badly"
well we'd have to get 1 good season first and that looks impossible
People keep making threads on this so I decided to watch it. I read the comic ages ago and liked it a lot.
So I'm watching the first episode and it's not bad and then I get half way through and FUCKING TULIP IS BLACK.
Why? WHY? Why does Sup Forums always have to be right about this shit. Blonde Caucasian character blackwashed again. B/W reframing of originally W/W central romance in a series again. Forced racemixing and miscegenation again. Fuck everything. I never wanted to believe any of the conspiracy bullshit about this, but it happens over and over and over again in every form of media. Blacks are 10% of the US population yet hollywood puts them massively overrrepresented roles and especially in romances with white characters again and again. White people are not having any kids as it is, we don't need the 'mate with non-whites' meme drilled into every kids head before they even hit puberty. Christ. Yeah I'm mad.
t someone who has never seen a vagina
Half Ethiopian half mick turned out pretty decently imo. To say you're not attracted to women of all races because you're some stormfront fag is to deny your urges. If you can't admit you'd easily get it up for Halle berry, Salma Hayek in her prime, or Olivia munn is to say you can't appreciate women in general. Im white and married to a jap before you ask
Better Cuck Chuck though
Tell me she's more interesting in the books, because I just flat out don't like her. Only character I dislike/don't care about.
>To say you're not attracted to women of all races because you're some stormfront fag is to deny your urges
I never said this.
>Im white and married to a jap before you ask
I love Asian women and I almost married one myself.
How many roles to you see in Hollywood where they take an long established white blonde character and recast him or her as an Asian? How many White/White established romantic pairs do you see them recast one as an Asian? Asians are 6% of USA and the fastest growing racial demographic in the USA, yet this NEVER happens. The only A/W pairing I can think of in recent memory was pacific rim. It almost never happens and when it does almost no one complains about it, including the 'racists' that people seem to think are everywhere here.
It's always white characters recast as black. It's always a W/W romantic pair having one recast as a black. It happens over and over and over again in tv and film. I wish I could go back to not noticing it, but once you start to realize its there you see it everywhere and it feels forced and annoying as fuck because its obviously part of an agenda.
We don't have a global shortage of black people. There are a billion in Africa and population there is exploding, the average sub-Saharan black has a 5.5 birthrate. The UN projects them to have 2.5 billion in Africa by 2050. Every single white nation in Europe is below replacement rates, some far below. We don't need a continual forced message in every form of media urging white people to mate with black people. We need white people to mate with white people to make some fucking white children so that our numbers don't keep dropping off a cliff. I'm not mad you married an Asian. I'm not mad at what anyone does with their own life. But we don't need constant unrelenting memetic pressure from Hollywood telling white people to mate with blacks. It's obviously an agenda at this point. Statistically it has to be.
She's awesome in the source material. And she makes a really good pro-gun argument at one point as well because they stop rapes, dunno if they put this in the tv show.
>getting mad the show isn't exactly like the comic
It's a comic, retards. I like Preacher and all and read the entire series but it's not exactly amazingly written, it's entertaining but it's not deep or clever in any sense. Even Ennis doesn't care if it's not like the comic.
you all bitch too much
I have about as much respect for better call saul as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.
It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.
>people area happy when an adaptation based on something is very similar to its source material
>people are ecstatic when an adaptation based on something is superior to its source material
>people are angry when an adaptation based on something is inferior to its source material
Please learn how to human.
I've never read the comics, but I'd start with how slow it is so far. I'm about 4 episodes in with about 1 and a half episodes of content. And that content, aside from a few funny moments, impressive fights, and choice actors, is so poor. Just so, so poor. Mediocre camera work and editing to show off drama club actors stiltedly presenting their one-note cliche rendition of a stereotype. And the music! Jesus, the phrase "ham-handed" doesn't do it justice. Every time you're supposed to be feeling tension or suspense or fear they start up the same damn piece, and it's not good to begin with, it sounds like they just got it for free from one of those sites student films use. I would genuinely be more entertained if they just had the sherif appear on screen and name the emotion you should feel, because all I feel with this music is irritation.
*sheriff. Whoops.
>herr starr has gotten a grand total of 4 seconds air time
>the grail is after tulip
>tulip is important for some reason
>tulip and jessie are long time friends from when they were kids
>theres a carlos and he screwed them over
>jessie didnt just leave, which means no grandma arc
>jessies dad owned anything, let alone a ton of land and a church
>jessie knows odin
>odins here almost 50 issues early
>odin is somehow becoming a main player and not a meat fucking nothing
>jessie knows arseface
>jessie is the cause of arsefaces total anger
>arseface went to hell
>tulip is also macgyver
>we're skipping the new orleans arc that shows how fucking bad cassidy can get
>6 episodes in and we're still not past the first comic issue
I dont mind when shit deviates to make it work for tv, but god damn. Theres so many things shattered by this shit that most of it will now have to be ignored or rewritten. There comes a point where its no longer an 'adaptaion' and just a rewrite fanfic.
About the only thing done right so far was saint's story.
I agree about the black thing. The african numbers are only exploding because white countries feel bad for them and give them food. Let that stop and they'll die off.
to give you a reference point, in the first issue, jessie blows up the entire town and kills everyone. by the 3rd issue, the sheriff is dead and arseface swears vengeance for his fallen father
That sounds much better, I might read this thing.
>Let that stop and they'll die off.
That's not what will happen though. As has been shown over the last 18 months what will happen in a situation like that is they will go north and try and force their way into Europe. Only it will make what is happening now look like a three pebbles compared to an avalanche.
>in the first issue, jessie blows up the entire town and kills everyone
What the hell are you talking about? The force around Genesis destroyed his church while he was in the middle of the sermon. Jesse didn't kill anyone, much less the entire town.
so you can get a huge grasp on just how different EVERYTHING is
>jessie only became a preacher because his grandma (who talks to god and she has his backing) was a fucking psycho, killed jessies dad infront of him when he was like 6, beat the shit out of him almost daily, would lock him in a water proof coffin, let it sink to the bottom of a river with a single tube leading to the surface for air for weeks at a time and kidnapped him away from tulip before blowing her face off
>tulip is nothing and a nobody. Shes jessies GF turned hired killer for a low level mobster running out of a strip joint.
>cassidy has ruined tons of lives. tons of them. to the ground. Not by doing anything bad to them like murdering their family or torturing them, but by beating women, stealing their money, forcing them not to go to work, getting them hooked on hardcore drugs from the getgo so they would be forced to buy more and he could steal them, draining bank accounts and leaving them for dead, etc. And none of this really clicks to him. Its just him 'trying to get by'. He has no grand strategy, just live till tomorrow.
>arseface never knew jessie. The sheriff was from another town and jessie told him to fuck himself, and he was forced to rip off his own dick and shove it up his ass. He killed himself after. after meeting jessie, arseface become the next god of music (elvis and nsync huge)
>herr starr is the real villain (besides god) of the overall arc and he just wants to have jessie do things with him at the end of the world so it could be better.
>odin doesnt show up till 65% of the comic run, and hes just a rich meat fucker. Nothing more.
the entire town is dead, it was mentioned like 6 times in thew following issues. but you are right, 'he' didnt do it, becoming possessed did
Not to mention that Sheriff Root is a cruel racist bastard in the comics. Tbh they probably should have just cut Arseface from the adaptation altogether.
You should probably an hero user.
it's good for joe gilgun, the rest is so-so
hipster pls go
Preacher is pretty good desu. I just watched the first 6 episodes.
The funny thing is I've actually read the comics but didn't realize they were related until episode 5. They're *really* different.
>White people are not having any kids as it is
So it's no longer just that whites are having less kids than other demographics. Now whites aren't even reproducing at all! This narrative keeps getting crazier as it goes along. I'm on the edge of my seat, user.
Also, I don't think the comics would work well at all as a direct adaptation. It would be confusing. Wouldn't translate at all.
>hating based reverend king of stormwind, first of his name, slayer of orks, murderree of 'your son is dead, wanna fuck some green pussy?'
The town isn't fucking dead. I just reread the first comic. It was the congregation only.
Jesse is fucking awful for half of the comics. What are you talking about.
>vagina face
>not arseface
>How to speak San Franciscan.
Any race, any race at all, has to have two kids per couple to keep the same numbers they are at globally. You understand that right? 2 ---> 2. Population stays static. There's 5 million people in a country, everyone has two kids. All those kids marry and have two kids. 50 years later there is still 5 million people in that country, (would actually be a little less for obvious reasons) approximately.
There is not a single white nation anywhere in Europe that is anywhere close to this. Spain for example is at 1.2 fertility rate. Do you know what that means? That means by 2050 the population of Spain is going to drop by 25%. Around 10 million people, so that means there will be 10 million less Spanish people, on earth, than there are now.
That's negative population growth, and that's what that post was talking about.
Wait where was Herr Starr in the show? Or any talk of the Grail?
Grail was mentioned in the park bench scene.
Herr Starr wasn't mentioned but I think he was the guy in the movie theater maybe.