>Where were you when DCucks got BTFO..... again?
BvS ULTIMATE EDITION confirmed just as shitty or worse than the theatrical cut
why are blacks such based movie critics?
I said this in another thread but I'll expand on it here.
Ultimate cut made this film bearable.
>Jesse Eisenberg's performance is still garbage and Lex's plan is still garbage. I played a game in which I had Lex from Smallville deliver his lines and it felt so much better.
>Superman's writing is still shit. He could have saved his mother in 5 minutes.
If they wanted to do a DKR movie they should have just done one and made it an Elseworlds title. It was so stupid to make this the primer for the DCCU.
>Doesn't excuse the other shit major plot holes too numerous to mention in my phone.
> Finally blowing their load by killing Superman after knowing Batman for 5 minutes. Pic related.
What the fuck ever happened to Co-Host 3000?
Family problems. He will be back when he sorts it out.
>it's bad because they did something that's "not allowed" for arbitrary reasons
i think they should have included the scene of him looking for her and not being able to find her
it was the dark knight returns but reversed
It's bad because what they did was dumb. It didn't elevate the material it just made it worse in an attempt to be edgy garbage.
It's a poorly written, terrible flick.
Agreed on all point, also great vid OP. Spill crew always laying down the facts.
there goes that meaningless word again
i think it's alright, from top to bottom
I bet this guy liked civil war
It's a much better film so he should.
this is what I'll show people who ask what is bait?
It's not fair.
Based spill. How is the new site?
Pretty great actually, they have done solid job transitioning.
If you liked Korey and Martin, then it's just fine. The old crew outside of those two are a lot better than the current group, but Korey and Martin still deliver.
Literal who has shit taste =/= btfo?
That's not an argument, pleb.
I was wondering if anyone from Sup Forums was following Korey after Spill shut down.
first of all, all capeshit is horrible. the Nolan films are bearable though.
but using RT scores for your argument, just lol
Says who, that nigger? DonĀ“t make me laugh.
>Where were you when DCucks got BTFO..... again?
Right here op, laughing at mad DCucks.
Very astute of you?
Like no shit it wasnt an argument, it was a statement dumbass.
He's right
The site is pretty good when they're just reviewing shows and movies. The only problem is when Korey gets into a political rant, Danielle being an airhead, and Black Nerd shows up once awhile.
>Bruce pretends to be working
>screen just shows torn superman cape
Busted you autistic cuck.
You do realize RT meme scores are essentially reverse markers of quality, don't you?
Armond loved it.
thanks for proving my point champ :)
Stop crying DCuck
Good taste. The UE doesn't really change anything if you don't already like the direction they're going.