ITT: We poorly describe games and other Anons have to guess them. I'll start with a Favourite of mine:
>Crippling depression
>You have to fight ugly assholes
>Including a sassy bitch and a doctor
ITT: We poorly describe games and other Anons have to guess them. I'll start with a Favourite of mine:
>chop trees
>build military compound
>eat every living thing in sight
>infiltrate Resident Evil
>use alien tech to shoot a plane down
>ur son is fucked up
The forest?
>be tarzan
>on the beach chillin
>swinging from one bitch to another
>fucked more hoes than charlie sheen
>probably caught stds aswell
>see 10\10 hoe lying on the beach
>dick hard as diamonds
>decide to swing on her
>about to land on her with razor sharp dick
>ripped guard appears out of nowhere , stands in front of her
>fuuuuuuuu.jpg as i land on him
>beats the living shit out of me
Your turn
>Be commander of spaceship
>Be chased by enemy fleet
>Different ships for different races
Sounds like FTL
It is in fact FTL
Hey hey hey
>couldn't sell the game
>knew this
>here's bundle!
Hint: not the first bundle you'll think of
>quiet guy
>super badass tho
>zombie aliens