Masterpiece or fedoracore?
Masterpiece or fedoracore?
its too slice of life to be fedoracore
I never heard a fucking thing about the story or performances, it was only about how long it took to make
I heard they based another movie off of the actor they forced into this role
what was it called?
Neither, it's a pretty good unique film
Kill yourself you meming fuck
it took 12 years to make [spoilerand it's complete fucking shit][/spoiler]
If it wasn't for that whole gimmick and 'muh linklater' then this movie would be recognized for the pretentious garbage it is.
15 years a slave
one of the best films of 2014
It's not a gimmick. It genuinely effects how the movie is perceived by the audience. It literally affects the basic core of the movie and is not just a flashy add-on
it's just a slice of life movie, nothing pretentious about it at all.
>says it's people meme
>doesnt say anything defending the content of the film and why it's good
Did anyone else hear the rumor that they were making a sequel?
What are the criteria for fedoracore?
Yes, except it's garbage.
This isn't one of your anime series that's tolerable, this is a real movie.
Want a good slice of life film, try what maisie knew
popularity and good reviews.
Boyhood is great if you're not a pleb.
>"Fedora-core" refers to films that are popular among adolescent teens to young males who perceive themselves to be on the fringes of society. The films that are usually mentioned, such as Fight Club, The Boondock Saints, or The Dark Knight, appeal to that sensibility, although the films vary in content, quality, and popularity among all groups. What unites them however, is a common theme of alienation and chaotic/glorified/ violence. Simply put, you could say that they are united by their nihilism (think the main character from notes from the underground). Characters like the Joker, Tyler Durden, Donnie Darko, Patrick Bateman and even Travis Bickle are relatable or ideal characters in the minds of these people.
Examples: Drive, Kick-Ass, Dark Knight, Taxi Driver
>The second type is pseudo-intellectual and pretentious bullshit that pretends it's much more complicated than it actually is. These movies are designed to be actually really fucking simple, but still just complicated enough (or have a complicated enough twist) to make plebs feel clever when they watch it.
Examples: There Will Be Blood, Fight Club, Idiocracy, Cabin In The Wood, Matrix
>The third type is high-budget modern schlock. Stuff that's 'cool', 'awesome' or 'manly' on the most superficial and juvenile level. Shit that falls under the same category as "SHARKS WITH LAZERS!" or "MUSTACHED JETPACK FIGHTS!". These movies tend to be gory or comedic or bloated, or all three.
Examples: Guardians of the Galaxy, Big Trouble in Little China, 300, Pacific Rim
what a bunch of horseshit.
I never understood why it was pushed so hard that it took 12 years to make or why it's something to make such a big deal about. There are other shows and movies that implemented this concept in far better ways. There is that documentary that has been following those kids for their entire lives. The Harry Potter movies did it too, allowing for new challenges, perspectives, and attitudes to naturally come through as they grew up. I felt that in Boyhood this wasn't the case and as a result of pushing the envelope so hard toward a realism that emerged from temporality, it felt even less honesty and more constructed. The illusion, which there was none meant to be held yet one has to wonder what is the point of the 12 year filming, was twisted to make you think and feel a certain way that the film never lived up to.
the only good thing about the movie was seeing the step-sister get thicker.
Top 10 of 2014?
Definitely within the top 2014 of 2014
people keep saying how impressed they are that
>it took 12 years to make!!
most movies are filmed over a couple months. now imagine how much less work it takes when you spread the shooting over more than a decade.
and Linklater wasn't even focused on making a masterpiece for more than a decade: while he was waiting for that dumb kid to grow up he made eight other movies. it's like a really long-running side-project where the stakes are so low you can afford to ignore it. big fucking deal.
you got it - there is no story, and the main character isn't a protagonist - things just happen around him, and he doesn't have the power to do anything about them because HE'S A FUCKING CHILD!
Patricia Arquette was one of the few good things about that movie, and Ethan Hawke wasn't bad. but centering a 3-hour movie on a kid whose personality isn't developed yet is a terrible mistake, unless you make that the story (Spirit of the Beehive)
I'm starting to wonder if the pleasure of "watching a child grow up right before your eyes!" is only accessible to viewers who are already parents. I think kids watching this movie would just get bored out of their skulls.
The kid is boring as fuck and looks like a crackhead by the end of the film.
The movie literally won an Oscar for Supporting Actress because Patricia Arquette was great in this. But you're just memeing, so why did I even bother responding?
It's a nice slice of life movie about growing up.
nigga you spend too much time in front of your computer, that guy is a normal dude who eventually smokes a joint
most young people smoke weed, you turbonerd
This. It particularly resonated with me because, though I was about 6-7 years older than the kid in the movie, I was doing all the same things he did growing up (Halo, Harry Potter, etc...) and even in the same general area in Texas where he grew up.
It resembled by "boyhood" (get it?!) almost to a T.
neither masterpiece nor fedoracore
if you like other richard linklater films, you'll enjoy this. he's a consistently good director. it's too bad this movie got memed to hell. linklater films aren't meant to be hollywood hyped.
Patricia Arquettes breakdown at the end is one of the finest pieces of acting in the past 30 years.
Come on, it took 12 years to make!