Anyone else see her tits twerking when she was holding the gun near the end?
Independence Day 2
I didn't even see the movie.
This movie is shit on so many levels. Not even Jeff Goldblum could've saved it.
Yes, also did you see the tits on the teen? goddamn
Alien Queen was GOAT, you haven't seen it
This. Joey King stole the whole movie in those last 15 or 20 minutes.
16 years old...
I basically went to see this movie for her and goldbloom
I'm actually watching this movie in theatres right now 1 hour into the movie and Jesus Christ it's the worst fucking movie I've seen all year so far
Why do her eyes look like they aren't fully open?
I was the first one to point this out.
>That boob twitch though
I was that guy.
She's funny looking though.
I guess you skipped warcraft and gods of egypt then.
True but all the makeup and lighting in her imdb profile picture make her look like an 11/10.
For what purpose was the all subplot of the school bus and the kidz?
I dont understand.
The school bus was their ride to get away from the alien queen and the kids were almost completely pointless save for the scene where they give Julius a ride for like 5 minutes.
But it just totally unnecesary.
>Implying Warcraft was bad
I literally just finished watching this for the first time. I knew she looked familiar.
Holy fuck, there are people on this board who actually went and saw this in the theater?
They used the bus to get away from the queen. It was necessary for that, but you're mostly right. It's just the start of bad things about this movie.
We had no way of knowing it was going to be that bad.
That's the next Lohan. Calling it now.
My best friend and I went rather drunk and high, there may have been cocaine too. I payed a whopping 23 dollars for an IMAX 3D AXV ticket.
It was probably the most "fun" movie experience I've ever had. The seat moves along with all the stuff on the screen, and the movie was really designed to be seen IMAX 3D.
my gf dared me to go see it with her
yes. it made me pecker half stiff
I gotta say I wasn't totally into her throughout most of the movie but that boob twitch turned me on a little bit. She looked really hot at the end of the movie.
Is it weird that her voice was what I found sexiest about her? She's very pretty, but that voice made my knees weak.
you really need to get out more, kid
I saw the first one in theaters too you disrespectful child
Sexy voices are very real. Sigouney Weaver is a good example. Remember that episode of futurama where they gave the planet express ship a voice?
this was the best movie of the year.
10/10 fuck everything else.
You mean to tell me her eyes didn't distract you?
There were some good shots of her eyes toward the end as well.
Her eyes never look like they are fully open, that is what i'm referring to.
isnt she 17 now?
This movie was fun t b h
Laughed in theaters are
The Jewish guy was so on the nose and unnecessary it was great.
>that manlet wanting some china pussy
Also the battle scenes were great and the queen kicked ass, was good to see some of the old actors return.
Basically fun. Not great or anything but I loved watching it.
nobody fucking goes lohan anymore because doing drugs is cool and nobody gives a shit what anybody does in their own home
just lower the fucking bar to what "lohan" was and you retards will say they are lohan
fucking ariel winter was just in a fucking bathtub with bubbles and retards called it lohan
I thought they looked alright.
I don't know what you're trying to communicate to me but I've gathered that you're angry.
you're a fucking memeing retard
Ok so memes and ad hominem are involved. What else?
Post more Joey King
you just KNOW
No, YOU just KNOW
You JUST: know?
You, uh, just know
thats cute
Distracting how ugly she is. I feel sorry for Judd Hirschs eyes
I was. Holy shit they could've destroyed earth so easily. THen Deus Ex Machina.
Mr. Goldblum I am refugee ball.
It was entertaining if you turned your mind off for a bit. Wouldn't purchase tickets though.
What really got me was the explanation for what each race is. The Spheres are like the Ancients from stargate sg1. They she'd their physical bodies and ascended to a different plane of existence. The Aliens are similar to the Wraith (who almost wiped out the Ancients in their home galaxy I believe) from stargate Atlantis. They survive by subjugation or destroying planets that they have no use for. All in all it was fun but from a director who supposedly hates what TV has done to his creation, he flat out rips off a thing he hates.
It was.
Can we make a petition to stop Roland Emmerich from making any more movies?
I would agree but for the last third of the film my dick was rock hard because of the titty monster in the making and the qt in her singlet too.
She's got a fat ass. God damn.
I didn't see shit.
OH. JK. When she shot the mini Hemsworth.
I saw the HDRip and holy shit the movie is awful, even the 20 year old ID4 is better.
>drilling the earth to extract the core or some shit
>be like 5 minutes away from it
>oh the queen died nevermind let's pack it up and leave
It was so fucking stupid mfw
you just know
Wait, was the alien queen hot?
is that kid a midget? why does it never age.
Less than 1 minute actually.
>Molten core for fuel
>Literally metals
>a shitty tiny piece of shit planet in the entire universe is a good source for metal
Fucking stupid, not once did I feel a sence of urgency, stress or anything really.
And the fucking one liners, quips or whatever you wanna call them.
>It was supposed to be a sweater
Ffs, you're dying you piece of shit. Have the decency of dying in utter horror atleast.
Fuck this movie, it had loads of potential but failed itself massively. Especially since the CGI, Queen and a lot of the visuals were great.
>Cry about le sjws ruining action films
>Get a no brainer action film
>Cry about muh realism muh plots muh film studies degree
Fuck off.