Its like early Pixies/Weezer as played by a 1950s-60s rocknroll band with Phil Spector as producer

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Hey that was actually good. Have a dl link?

stop shilling this 20 year old album nigga

many such high-concept comparisons! sad!

Its actually 22 years old. And I won't because its great and it has no reviews by any music mag or site (other than allmusic which gave it a 9 BTW ) because it was only released on vinyl and wasn't released on cd/mp3 until 2002 on the guitarist's own label.

nigga didn't listen to it! VERY SAD!

rivers cuomo used to get handjobs from jap masseuses while listening to the cassette copy he made of this album on his walkman, before his live sets.

can he be even based? damn

That's bullshit but I'll believe it.

>“I became frustrated with the groupie situation,” Rivers explained. “It just feels unethical to be with fans. I feel like I’m a psychologist and they’re my clients. When we’re on tour, I try to find a massage parlor wherever we go. It’s become a ritual – wandering around the seedy district at three in the morning, searching for some action. I prefer the full body massage with a ‘happy ending’. It can start to feel kind of empty after a while, but you can meet some really cool people. A lot of times it’s the older ladies I really like – they have this nice maternal vibe. The reason I started with the prostitutes was solely to work on my negotiating skills. Once I mastered negotiating with a naked woman asking me for money, dealing with Interscope was a piece of cake.”

I totally lost interest when those painfully 90s vocals came in.

Rocket From The Crypt bassist interview from 1997

>X:My two favorite bands are the Swinging Neckbreakers and Weezer.

P: I love Weezer. Hardly anyone claims to be down - everyone is ashamed of liking them.

X: I love them. We played with them a bunch of times in Europe last year and we played a club date with them in Spain. They were the coolest guys, they gave me a copy of Pinkerton before it came out, and I listen to it every day. I just saw them in SD, they're supercool guys. They keep asking us to go on tour with them, we'd totally do it, but it's always the wrong time. And...I think their album is flopping too. It's definitely not doing as well as the first record did. It's too bad, because it's a really good record.

P: I love it too. They had strange press too, with weird groupie and sex stuff implied.

X: The press! Yeah, it was really bad for them.

There isnt anything 90s about those vocals. I can't think of anyone that has a voice like that.

This is a really good album by a really good band

Listen to Group Sounds also

Groups Sounds is so good. Circa Now! is goat too.

Damn how much pussy was River's gettin back then?

Bad music press then, isn't like bad music press now - with all the sjws that run it.

When the music press back then called you out for sex on the road, that shit must've been real weird.

there's no doubt in my mind that the dude has had sexual contact with at least 50 Japanese women

I can't either but it sounds totally 90s to me too

What I wanna know is how much pussy Black Francis got back in the day.

Rivers isn't exactly handsome but he's got that innocent thing going on,and so it would give his groupies a sense of power over him because he's a shy wimp, and that can be sexy in a weird way.

Black Francis was an ugly tubbo, who was autistic and also a kind of asshole. I wonder how is aftershow nights went.

Speaking about groupies.

I heard Issac Brock used to do coke with strippers and escorts (and fuck them). No lie.

this is a groupie fuckstories thread now, continue.


are you done memeing this yet?

Pretty sure I have it downloaded somewhere well before you discovered the band!

doubt it brah.

Sorry, you're right. It was Rocket from the Tombs! Sad!

story on that rftt/rftc. the leader of rftc was a huge fan of rftt. he named the band rftc because it was a high school band that would only play shows at friend's houses, so he changed one word because he knew no one at his high school would know that band, because he was the only autistic old record collector. once they became popular locally, they were stuck with the name.

frump bump

oh, man. WHAT A TALE!!!!

I've seen this album shilled like 5 times in the past 3 days. It sounds fucking nothing like Weezer or The Pixies.

On a rope. On a rope. Got me hanging on a rope.

Poison Eye, Blood Robots, Shucks, Hot Wired, if The Bird Could Fly. All sound like 50s Rock N Roll version of pixies and weezer. Are u a fag that decides what an album is after listening to the first track?

>allmusic gave it a 9
>their rating scale only goes up to 5

kys yourself

>What is 4.5/5?

some ppl amirite?

fuck yourself autist scum


this record is really good btw. if the bird could fly is awesome.

wow!! crazy!!!!!!