The whole "Cuck King" is an act meant to confound people and hide the fact that he's really a misogynist sexual...

The whole "Cuck King" is an act meant to confound people and hide the fact that he's really a misogynist sexual predator.

wtf i hate louix now

Good, fuck that cuck. I really don't give a shit for what she stands for but as long as it fuck Cuck King, I'm fine.

Literally everyone who get famous is a rapist huh

are women ever at fault?

he's a disgusting degenerate jew, don't be surprised

Incredible, the entire cuck meme used to disguise white-led subjugation of black people and women.


can we take a moment to appreciate just how ugly the chink writer of the article is

Well, that's the last straw for me. Guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.

i'd eat her shit

>I will do anything in my power to fuck his life up. I promise you that.”
Congrats to the newly weds, then.

Roseanne is awesome, she gave Norm his first job. For that and these pictures alone she is infallible, even if she is a weird feminist nutjob.

I can smell your left over fetuses form here, piss skin.

you're a sexist for even asking that

t. gender studies major

>yfw Louis was only pretending to be a cuck so no one would take rape claims against him seriously

dam, that pic is pretty based.

wtf i like louix now

Interesting theory.

I remember that he shut down his twitter back in November of 2014. A month later, Sup Forums was bombarded with threads calling Louis CK and cuck that promoted racemixing. This continued for several months until it just stuck.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Louis is such a cuck that even when he rapes women, all he can stand to do is jack-off by himself while they watch from across the room.

how the fuck could you even lock the door in a hotel room in a way that it couldn't be opened from the inside?

it's literally not possible, 100% of hotels use magnet cards and not keys for more than 10 years now

>100% of hotels

This is completely untrue.

100% of the hotels louis or any other of those rich people would go into or literally any hotel that isn't a complete shithole

so there you have louis ck furiously masturbating and ''raping'' a woman while she is in his hotel room and what's stopping her to open the door and leave?

Him blocking the door. I'm not trying to argue for these whores but still your point is pretty dumb.

He stood in front of the door, blocking it, so they couldn't leave until after he came.

Look at this face. Does this look like a man who would do such things?

He looks like he breaks knee-caps for the Irish mob.

So yes, he is capable of rape.

I used to fucking hate Roseanne with a passion, but she's pretty based these days for an old fat hag. She supports Trumps and BTFO's cucks, what's not to love?

he looks like H P Lovecraft

How did he managed to come there if the door was blocked and he was already there.
Was he coming or going?

He talked about how his first sexual experience was a girl asking him to jerk off in front of her when he was a kid on his show. It must have become a fetish for him. Kind of like how my fetish is having sex with the women from the maid service I hire because I was molested by one of my parents lie in housekeepers for a year when I was younger.

Looks like the poster boy for a rapist.

He looks like Rorschach

She also despised Lena "sister fister" Dunham because she molested her sister.

This is the last thing they see



>Louis C.K., locking the door and masturbating in front of women comics and writers

Only when they had sex with Bill Cosby.


no he doesn't you fucking autist