This is a shot from a superhero movie.
Yes, you didn't read wrong
This is a shot from a superhero movie.
Yes, you didn't read wrong
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Was it done by a first year highschool film class student?
hey what's up lazy_metagross
wow nice
this is an album with some of the best shots from the film:
>people still deny theres an invasion of caperedditors
100 years from now the scholars are gonna study it and put it along side Raphael's paintings
So? There's nothing special about that shot. You plebs are so easily impressed.
This shot is actually a homage to one of Zack Snyder's earlier works.
That's how I can tell the BvS fanboys are actually ironic, because if they were serious they would be able to name it.
But they won't be able to.
>nothing special
>not getting the reference
Memes aside BvS is a good looking film
>scenes Marveldrones will never understand
it's the Pieta pleb
and we still continue to found things from this film
>film starts with a funeral
>ends with a funeral
truly we're not worthy ;_;
The Seventh Seal pleb
Marvelcucks might get on the same level
In 100 years
guys i'm crying right now ;_;
>this retard doesn't even know what it actually is referencing
nobody is denying the movie is beautifully shooted.
by nowadays shit hollywood standards is pretty much a masterpiece.
genius :;)
>beautifully shooted.
If you're a complete and utter pleb that thinks videogame aesthetica are beautiful sure
too dark.
typical snyder. i can barely see anything
Did you just save that, Sup Forums?
Plebs aren't ready for Snyderkino
This is a shot from a superhero movie.
Yes, you didn't read wrong
source on this, looks interesting?
Leave Sup Forums and never come back
Good cinematography =/= good movie.
Why the fuck is Wonderwoman's armor so dark?
This is a shot from a superhero movie.
Yes, you didn't read wrong
Post more stills.
thanks, but seriously what is it
op never even suggested that
The Seventh Seal you fucking idiot, if you seriosly don't know Bergman you should leave
Why is this movie so bad?
It's really bad.
The Seventh Seal
you should probably watch it
so this is the power of CGI
but for a serious question here did anybody else notice some bad cgi with the suit during the fight?
They're all here
thank you user, i intend to
go fuck yourself user
Oh heavens we've got a real patrician here boys!!
how is that criterion collection going you entry level pleb?
You're a sheep who bought into the critics lies
>no shot of Supes punching Doomsday into space with a nuke chasing them
These "entry level" films are a thousand times better than whatever crap you're watching.
The above isn't an opinion, it is a fact. Do not reply to this post because you cannot refute it.
Pretty good so far senpai, waiting for them to add BvS to their collection so i can ejoy it even more.
Snyder is a grown man that has the mind of a 13 year old. He thinks being edgy and using allegories that doesn't even make sense in any kind of context is "deep". Of course you underage faggots would jump on the bandwagon since you also are retarded.
The movie itself is disjointed. When you watch a scene, then the next scene after it you realize that most of the scenes in the movie are fillers. It's edited like a cheap soap opera. The scenes don't go anywhere. They don't conclude.
Characters are stupid, unrealistic and badly acted other than few exceptions.
Again, allegories don't make any sense. For example, Lois made considerable amount of mistakes not to be considered as a "Virgin" and "pure". She isn't Superman's mother either. So that Lamentation of Christ reference in the movie goes straight into the trash. Another allegory in the movie is that Wonder Woman being depicted as Mary Magdalene which was a prostitute back in the day. Considering the movie tried depict heroes as best of the people in the last act, this one also falls short. Because that would imply Diana has returned back to prostitution. Prostitutes are sinners. Heroes are not. Humans are. In the beginning of the movie, the way Bruce rises from the pit means he's above the people. Another Christ reference. But at the end of the movie, he is depicted as Saint John the Apostle, also the youngest of Christ's disciples. Before becoming a disciple of Christ, he was disciple of John the Baptist. Jesus was also a disciple of John the Baptist. In DCEU, both characters are opposites. They never took the same path other than the last act. So this one also goes straight into the trash. Superman being depicted as Jesus is wrong in so many levels. He is responsible for the death of 5000 people. He has conflicted opinions about what's right, what's not. He IS a sinner. He can DO wrong. The movie has an urge to differentiate man from a hero, but they are same in the context.
The film was a mess but I still loved it.
Mostly because Batfleck was so absolutely fucking awesome. To finally have a Bats that looked and moved like the Comic, Animated Series, Video game, etc was rad as hell.
Best live action Batman since Keaton's in my opinion.
An oddly enough, I actually liked Gal in the part. She still wouldn't be my personal choice to play WW, but she did alright.
I don't really have an opinion on Superman ad I've never been a big fan.
Lex was...interesting.
It saddens me that Snyder, like many previous geniuses, will only be recognized as a master of his craft posthumously.
mostly the script
>Lex was....shit
I dare say people who spam Bella Thorne have more refined taste than the cretins in this thread. Bergman as the be all end all of cinema? Sounds about right for nu/tv/, there is a reason why everybody laughs at this board. Posters just like you are that reason.
Why don't you go off and pretend you have taste because you like Tarkovsky or Kubrick so those of us who actually like cinema can have a good fucking laugh at your adorable attempts.
What was that track they play at the start of the credits? Can't seem to find it on the soundtrack. I actually really dig it.
Is that the Reaper on the far left? No, I don't mean literally.
Things are getting faster. It took years for people to recognize The Phantom Menace as a bad movie but it only took months for people to do the same to TFA. I give it a couple years, max, before people realize how great BvS is.
Congratulations, this is the most disgusting post I have seen in a while.
You readily dismiss the master works of Kubrick, Bergman, Tarkvosky and the like for more obscure works under the guise of them not being refined or esoteric enough for you, like you have the balls to think that some films were made and worked on for years all for providing the pretense of taste for some lonely dull child with an inferiority complex.
>I'm such a moviebuff! I love the seventh seal, Kubrick, tarkovsky, bergman, 2001 is my fave! i have taste right guys???
Why don't you try learning about cinema before trying to play with the big boys. If you were to state such ridiculous things in front of me and my fellow cinephile members the place would erupt with laughter.
Irony is the lowest form of wit.
posting my webms
I thought showing Luthor enter an environment where everyone else is wearing cleansuits did a nice job of simultaneously conveying his carte blanche access and utter disdain and utter lack of respect for all things Superman-related.
Does that make it a good shot? Still looks like shit
The Bat-suit? I didn't. Got any examples?
This post makes clear that this guy is attempting to bait the other user.
What is unclear is wether he started the bait attempt from his first reply or he only went to the bait route when he realised he was losing the discussion because his opinion is truly fucking disgusting, really bait-tier.
Well, i don't know, i'll pick the letter because the way you write is pathetic.
That's a great shot right there.
Snyder doesn't think "Huh, these characters have some glaring similarities with Biblical figures. I should incorporate some Biblical imagery to drive this observation home to the audience."
He thinks "Hey, I'm an arteest! I'll include famous paintings and shieet to seem like I got the smarts!"
No Patrick, low key lighting and gritty filters dont make images more 'artistic'
>that horrible CGI
wow so le deep guys xD
Is anyone going to argue this is not one of the best shot blockbusters in recent memory?
The shot composition alone is astounding in its artistic clarity while still not feeling like it's showing off.
Is this a ruse? Am I being duped? This film is mediocre at best.
go back to one of the many dead threads you keep making mocking this film
>Hey, I'm an arteest
Nah I think he knows hes a talentless hack mate
Actually it is deep. I bet you didn't even catch that that scene was satirical in nature, and that's only the first layer of meaning.
watchmen. comedian's funeral.
seventh seal isn't from snyder.
>expecting Snyder to be original
He stole this shot and put it into 300. He doesn't have an original bone in his body.
agreed user