Why is Orson Welles so based? Even though he created the best film of all time, he managed to stay humble, likable...

Why is Orson Welles so based? Even though he created the best film of all time, he managed to stay humble, likable, funny, and even blunt and sarcastic against pretentiousness. Can you name any artist with a better personality than him?

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i like orson welles too

i wont say he's superior but i think werner herzog has a great personality too, and he's made some of my favorite all time movies

Welles was pretty damned based.

I'd like to nominate Nicholson as fellow great personality.

Kubrick seems really cool based on Cameron's story:

>"It was my 40th birthday present to myself. I was on vacation in Europe, and I called him up and said, ‘I’m coming over,’ and went to his house in England. My wife at the time was freaked out that I wasn’t going to be back home for my birthday. But I said, ‘I’m going to meet Stanley Kubrick. There’s no present, no surprise party, no nothing you could give me that would supersede that.’ So I went to see this reclusive guy knocking around this big house and he just totally wanted to know how True Lies was made. He had a print of it on his KEM down in his basement, and made me sit there and tell him how I had done all the effects shots. So I spent the whole time talking about my movie with Stanley Kubrick, which was not where I thought the day was going to go. But I want to be like Stanley, I want to be that guy. When I’m 80, I want to still be the guy trying to figure it all out."

I don't know, Shelley Duvall had pretty terrifying anecdotes about working with Kubrick, sounds like working with the man was absolute hell.

Bogdanovich is close. If you're interested in welles or his history or just like to hear anecdotes; there are plenty of Bogdanovich interviews that shed light on who Orson really was.

My favorite story was when Orson was a houseguest with Cybill Shepard and he left a lit cigar in his bathrobe. He started a small fire. To apologize he bought some expensive art book and wrote a snooty joke with a crude drawing. That's Orson.

aaAHHHAAaaaa the french

Well of course, he was in director mode, getting the shot he wanted no matter how he had too.

Almost every good director is a dick during production

One of the more interesting things I've seen about welles is that he was pretty close with Hemingway, and the story about them meeting for the first time.
Also him talking about cold reading is pretty interesting as well


the Kubrick that I like to read about the most was very interested in photography and designing how effects could be achieved in camera.
He designed most of the effects in 2001 so I'm not surprised he'd be interested in how any Cameron movie was made.


Did Orson Welles and Marlon Brando ever do a film together?
They seem like they'd get along great.




>tfw ex-gf was a pr director/producer for Nike

Pic related is literally the only face a sane person should have when forced to deal these '''''people'''''' when they're on the job




what did he mean by this?

>Makes one well known film that is boring beyond belief and considered the best ever for whatever stupid reason
>Goes on to do commercials

Why is he an icon again?