>literally SJW: the cable TV channel
Here's a sampling of their "in-between" commercial programming.
When will this madness end?
>literally SJW: the cable TV channel
Here's a sampling of their "in-between" commercial programming.
When will this madness end?
Their ratings aren't doing so good. So I imagine the pendulum is already swinging back
Why are black people so paranoid?
>this shit is marketed to my age group
Are they delusional, or am I?
you probably post on Sup Forums so you're both as bad as the other, just opposite ends on the spectrum.
Sup Forums hasn't realised that the solution to one groups insanity is not insanity from the opposite end
I can't wait until a Trump America gets rid of this SJW shit once and for all.
I remember seeing this while watching that action bronson show where he smoked a ton of weed and watched ancient aliens. it would be funny if they chose this clip to illustrate the paranoia black people have when it comes to perceived racism. why else would they contrast it with white people saying 'yeah, it's not a big deal'?
King of the road is good.
I used to skate and maybe that has something to do with my enjoyment of it.
I haven't even kept up with skating in years, so I have no idea who the people are, it's still fun to watch though.
For those who don't know King of the Road is a skateboard competition where 3 teams of 6 or so people travel across the country doing scavenger hunt like activities for points over 2 weeks.
The challenges include things like trying to kiss the most strangers or shitting in the van, but most have to so with doing specific skateboard tricks.
DUDE WEED: the channel
also isn't that fat wigger who does the food show like a well known misogynist who has been banned from several campuses for his "sexist" lyrics?
It literally is the answer. When you have only one side as an extreme and everybody else acting normally, society begins to drift to one extreme. The popularity of Sup Forums is a reaction to the insanity of the left.
>haha vote Drumpf xD
I can't wait for Sup Forums to be nuked.
because everything is a conspiracy where white people are causing problems for them. The more they push that narrative, the more free shit and recognition they get.
>The challenges include things like trying to kiss the most strangers or shitting in the van
This is what millennials find entertaining.
No wonder this country is going to shit.
President Trump will make you get a real job someday, user.
All blacks are paranoid psychos?
Seems kinda subversive for a lefty channel
Action bronson is a rapper and won't hesitate to talk about bitches with fat asses
There are also challenges to drink your own piss, piss your pants in public, and butt chug a beer.
But most really are relevant to skateboarding.
Dude let's TRAVEL and eat GAY WEED LMAO: The channel
sub 50k viewers for most of their shows, drastically outperformed by the channel they replaced (H2 aka History 2)
it's on like one cable package on a single network
it is an equal and opposite reaction, that doesn't make it right (lel) or correct.
it's just two sectors of people screaming at each other not willing to change their views on anything.
I'm not even a Sup Forumslack or Trump supporter but that's just painfully unfunny and you should feel ashamed for parroting it.
The fact that you think this is wrong proves racism exists. They're talking about it.
Other than that, can I help you?
You've called them niggers here before. Don't act like they don't have a reason.
>tfw not black or white meme races and will never have a dog in this fight
The fact that you think Sup Forums is any place to realize racial tension proves you're just as delusional.
This is a place to fuck around. No ones realizing shit here on any significant scale.
> all blacks spend 100% of their time browsing 4chins.org
and so it used to be user. no longer is that the case
Racism is normal and natural. I'd like to perform a background check on all the women they asked and compare their police records. I bet anything the Black women look worse on paper on average. Black women are more likely to steal from a store than White women are, not just because they are poor, but because Blacks have less moral sense than Whites.
im a very liberal person and the extremism of the left has caused me to reevaluate my political positions. For there to be two key sectors screaming at each other, the sector that isnt liberal would have to have mainstream representation, which it does not.
Sup Forums has always been and will always be garbage for garbage people. It will never amount to anything on a cultural level.
either youre a false flag or a moron who doesnt understand that youre de-legitimizing your own viewpoints
>black people are told and constantly reinforced they are the victim this much throughout their lives
Jesus Christ, Have any of them worked in a retail position?
KOTR is/has been pretty testosterone based.
It has that good ol' objectification of women, alcohol/substance abuse, and violence.
Racism does exist. That doesnt mean this video isnt fucking retarded
Look at the Black women. They look like apes. They look ridiculous. Their big noses, stupid cartoon hair, and swollen faces.
Of course you're going to be looked at in a store. Because you're a fucking joke to look at and you look like a criminal.
It doesn't matter if you are White, Asian, Latino, etc. Every single race thinks that Black people are people that need to keep kept under watch, and if Blacks don't like that we keep an eye on them instead of pretending they don't cause the most crime in every country they are in, they should fucking go back to Africa and do business with their own kind.
If you're not white, you're black.
Keep in mind that subhuman slavs are not white.
are you really trying to pretend that obama isnt an extremely intelligent person? Stuttering and pausing is common in extremely intelligent people. W cracked one liners all the time but those were incomparably idiotic compared to anything obama has ever said
Blacks commit a disproportionate share of all crimes in the US when compared to other races, especially when considering their population size.
It is statistically reasonable for them to face this terrible injustice of being observed more frequently by the staff in a retail store.
Racism is merely the realist position that some races are inferior to others and that they should be treated differently.
Take 100 random Blacks, and 100 Random Whites. Compare their lives and you can see that Blacks are more crooked, more degenerate, more violent, more lazy, more dependent on welfare and handouts than Whites.
Then do the same with 100 Asians and 100 Latinos.
The Blacks are always the worst of the lot.
Fucking animals, the majority of them.
>what is kafkatrapping?
>im a very liberal person and the extremism of the left has caused me to reevaluate my political positions.
Well you should probably be told now that Socialism doesn't work. Back in 2001 all the Democrats were masturbating furiously to Hugo Chavez.
Today Venezuela is a police state that utilizes gangs to control the population as it starves to death and frequently lies about the situation.
There's a reason Conservative want small government. Government never has to pay the consequences of bad ideas. Thousands of small companies are going to go bankrupt when the minimum wage gets raised and the Democrats will ignore that it even happened.
right, Obama is in incapable of ever getting BTFO
why do black people have such a victim complex?
very astute
you fucking moron, what is your point? i don't care what you have to say about the relevance of the site nor your opinions on the quality of the posts, fuck off and don't reply to me ever again
>le teleprompter nigger
I just did faggit
you sound like an idiot
Liberal Vote Farming.
Tell them they're oppressed no matter what, sell them snake oil (mo money for dem programs) in exchange for their vote.
>gets BTFO
>never talk to me or my wife's son ever again
wew lad
>he thinks he gets a choice. he thinks he isnt automatically labeled as white simply because he isnt nubian
If you told me a decade ago that vice would have a tv channel, I would've thought you were fucking with me
Its amazing how vice went from being great to shit so fast. Gavin leaving was the beginning of the end.
the self-esteem movement + the black power movement.
Whenever you constantly get told that you(or your group) are incredibly great, but it's never reflected in reality, you are going to lash out
because they don't have any personal responsibility or self-awareness. Everything is white people's fault
i dont understand. are you implying that elected officials of high office commonly give public statements off the cuff? Because thats simply not true
>Socialism doesn't work
Yes, and no. Socialism can work, but only if you combine it with the right amount of capitalism and adopt a right-wing social policy where only for example, Ethnic Venezuelans pay taxes to support other Ethnic Venezuelans.
Socialism is tried in America and it never works because the Jews who run America think productive White people should pay for Black people who can't even take care of themselves.
Every country needs some kind of socialism, but when the Left does it, they are so egalitarian about it that the whole system crumbles every single time unless the population is...well...not Black, and not Latino.
i guess this video didnt work so well if obama won and shilldog is leading
ok. explain to me how i sound like an idiot.
>the smartest candidate always wins
really terrible b8. here's a (you)
>blacks steal shit from stores
>surprised when everyone keeps an eye on hoodrat niggers
You're going to have to pick a side during the race war.
Personally as a Hispanic, if whites don't go full KKK I'll stick with them over niggers.
hispanic is white though, in the US at least
You do understand that stalinist communism and american democatic socialism arent the same thing, right? farm and corporate subsidization and protectionism exist in america, and those arent the same as being communist china
why even start typing at that point? By making wild ethnic accusations youre destroying your own argument even if it were backed up by numbers
having opinions is so dumb lol
legally they are, socially whites don't see any hispanics as fellow whites.
Say what you will, VICE is godtier when it comes to reporting on foreign affairs.
Hell, they even filmed an entire series with ISIS: youtube.com
Did you use Venezuelans as just an example or are you actually claiming that they're a quality example of socialism.
Because those motherfuckers are starving to death right now.
the snowden doc that seemed to have been removed was good
So why is Vice so shit now? Haven't really watched their stuff for a while, but they used to have pretty based docos where they went into Third World countries and met drug addicts and shit.
Why do they make "progressive" pandering nonsense now?
The Jews created this "definition" to try and make Hispanics look like they are statistically not doing the amount of crime they are doing.
If you don't believe this, check out this official list of WHITE wanted fugitives.
Man, those WHITE people sure do commit a lot of crime in Texas!
Why would we? They are there to bring down the statistics about how much better we are at everything
No, I am saying that they are an example of the Left fucking up as usual. Latinos cannot do socialism. Neither can Blacks. They aren't productive enough to keep the system afloat.
fucking hilarious
>white male
>affiliated with the "Latin Kings" gang
Do the women at the government buildings who type this up just laugh and laugh and laugh all day?
Doesn't work on a fundamental level.
Human want far supercedes what the society can provide. Under a strict and controlling planned economy scarce resources which have alternative uses cannot be allocated to the wants of the society's desires.
>I want Ice Cream
>No, we're using all that milk to make cheese.
This isn't even mentioning the surcharge paid to the state for their services. Due to being an organization that need not concern itself with red ink, it can pay its' employees what it wants.
Can you name a single government organization that does their job WELL?
Of course, but it still leads to the same conclusion.
California subsidized water for nut farms and they wasted millions of fucking gallons leading to the drought.
Same thing with the Blackouts. Subsidies are a horribly impractical expense of taxpayer money.
>one of them is literally wearing a fedora
I'm sure (((they))) do. Whites are so much better at literally every category that they had to give us a handicap
>Under a strict and controlling planned economy scarce resources which have alternative uses cannot be allocated to the wants of the society's desires.
Um that's why I said it needs a lot of capitalism to work. You can have Socialism for certain things like healthcare but everything else should be free enterprise unless somebody is literally selling poison to kids.
The left though, hates kids, and they hate any kind of capitalism. They think they know everything people should have.
21st Century Socialism
if you're not anglo-saxon or germanic or northern european white you'll be lumped in with the "people of colluh" whether you like it or not
when they refer to PoC they're referring to non whites famalamadingdong
im a total liberal sjw faggot and even i dont understand this shit. I remember applying for university and seeing latin americans classified as "non-european white". What the fuck does that even mean?
>a channel aimed at a hip young demographic
>implying young people watch cable tv
This is probably the biggest issue with the channel. Vice got big giving out their shit for free, first in print format and later on the internet. Their HBO show was pretty good, but creating a whole network that requires a subscription is the complete opposite of the business strategy that worked for them for over 20 years.
>California subsidized water for nut farms and they wasted millions of fucking gallons leading to the drought.
Thats conservatism, you realize that right? Central valley california is a major electorate of millionaire republican farmers who lobby cali congress. thats a completely conservative agenda. Its silly to equate all california democrat legislators as liberal, because they arent.
its actually a completely communist agenda. its just that republicans want socialism when it benefits them
another example of a rational post killing a thread. happens all to often
>seeing latin americans classified as "non-european white". What the fuck does that even mean?
It means the Jews are blurring the line between you and your neighbor to the South so their crime rates won't look so bad on paper.
Sup Forums is always right, user. You need to actually look at what they are saying so you can see it for yourself in the real world.
I can tell from this post that you are a fucking faggot nigger that needs a good gassing jew
>Thats conservatism, you realize that right? Central valley california is a major electorate of millionaire republican farmers who lobby cali congress. thats a completely conservative agenda
So it's conservative when Republican DO SOMETHING no matter what it is now? That's clearly a government-heavy program to subsidize water which is clearly not a conservative thing to do. It's just that Republicans these days are Communist when it benefits them, like then they relax borders and work programs so bring in cheap Mexican labor so big companies can make record profits.
>Whenever you constantly get told that you(or your group) are incredibly great, but it's never reflected in reality, you are going to lash ou
This is also reflected in the arab inferiority complex
Those paranoid blacks should realize that employees of most retailcuck stores are forced to ask that question to every customer within 10 feet.
I guess they don't know cause they don't have jobs.
>Socialism can work, but only if you combine it with the right amount of capitalism and adopt a right-wing social policy where only for example, Ethnic Venezuelans pay taxes to support other Ethnic Venezuelans.
Literally fascism
Not even meming. I think that was your hidden point though. Nice job being subtle
>tfw the world goes full Right again, Sup Forums will be hardcore lefty.
If niggers ever had a job they would know we're required to ask. Also if its a higher end store it could be based on commission which means they ask to help and hope to make a sale at the checkout
>tfw some anons will never feel the pure ecstasy of absolute shitposting
There's white and black Latin Kings famalam, it sounds strange but it happens
why would i ever waste my time trying to explain something to an idiot?