What was the meaning of this scene?
What was the meaning of this scene?
to see what condition his condition was in.
Top post.
Lebowsky's Saddam was GOAT.
perfectly cast 2bh.
This movie is so overrated.
There's no meaning at all. It's just some random madness to please teenagers cringes ciné lovers wannabe.
My niggaa
Well, that's just your opinion, man
>movies have to have a meaning
They don't, but this one has a few.
what were the results of his condition checking?
Why does every hater claim it was trying to be a deep movie? It's really beginning to sound like one fucking guy.
for some reason I always thought this movie was from the 70s which is why it was so great.
for a '98 movie this is total shit
probably some letterboxd user who tries to force his opinions on others as often as possible.
Lol. This movie doesn't only have meaning, it doesn't have a good story either. It's pure trash people are eating calling it a masterpiece.
>he didn't get it
Dont feed the trolls
Most of the plot didn't have anything to do with the plot.
That's the joke.
The Dude is a labyrinth neo noir mission through the L.A. underbelly...Or would be in any other film. In this one he's a stoner bumbling around a bunch of retarded social misfits solving absolutely nothing investigating a case that doesn't even exist.
This flick is ground zero for weedcore
>there's something to "get"
Says everyone who like an overrated movie.
I bet you're the kind of guy thinking Tarantino is the best director ever.
back to your letterboxd containment General.
In that case I can understand why it's interesting to some people.
the big lebowski is a commentary on life for those on the fringe of society while still going along during the 90s. the movie is a comedic sequence of events or a comedy. not much else is intended, and if anything else was added it would degrade the quality of the movie.
>There's no meaning at all.
And that's the meaning of the movie, retard.
>movie opens with george bush talking about iraqi aggression against kuwait
>user thought it was from the 70s
your opinion is trash
I wouldn't call it overrated, it's just very rewatchable because every time you come back there's something you missed.
>Are these the Nazis, Walter?
>Nah Donny these men are Nihilists, nothing to be afraid of
You guys are fucking pleb retards.
If you're talking about just the dream sequence itself, it serves as basically a funny recap of the events so far, and the dude's attitude, and somewhat lack of interest towards everything, especially women
>he is dressed as the guy in the porno he watched with Maude "the guy who fixes the cable"
>he was just drugged by Treehorn, the guy who MADE the porno
>he is doing his favorite thing in the world, (bowling) surrounded by beautiful women
>he is approached by Maude, a feminist, dressed as a Valkyrie, and shows her how to bowl, guiding her fingers in the ball's holes
>the bowling ball gets thrown and instead of the ball, the dude gets launched down the lane and past all the beautiful women
>he is then chased away by nihilists carrying giant scissors
Remember that the Dude "never had an ex" and doesn't really care when Maude throws herself at him later. He doesn't really care about women, but doesn't hate them either, he just does his own thing.
Compare this to:
Walter, a cuck who converted to his ex-wife's religion. The Jesus,a pedophile who diddled kids. The Big Lebowski, who has a paralyzed dick and a trophy wife, and Donny is just a weakling I guess and gets told to shut up a lot.
So what is the Dude's attitude toward other women compared to the other men characters in the movie?
These are the questions you should be thinking when you watch this scene. This is how you watch movies.
its funny
thats all that matters
>>he is then chased away by nihilists carrying giant scissors
and dressed in red.
In Maud's place there is a giant painting of a scissor with a red background.
Why does something have to have meaning? Why can't it just be comfy?
Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.
All the retards telling me that it doesn't have to have meaning : that's what OP asked for you all bunch of dickheads cringes.